Washington D.C. trip Info: November 17th – 20th
**Info can be accessed at our school website –
A specific page for Washington D.C. is up for viewing information and getting forms, etc.
***There is also a South Effingham 8th Grade Washington DC Trip page on Facebook that you can request to join. Info and pictures will be posted here as well.
q The first night of our trip, we will all dress alike – possibly in our Kelly Tours T-Shirt so that we can easily keep up with you.
q Does not have to be school uniform, must meet dress code otherwise and be appropriate.
q Comfortable shoes – there will be a lot of walking
q You may consider Layering your clothes for different temperatures throughout a day. **A weather report will be sent home on Monday before the trip – so that you will know how to pack.
q Bring a warm Jacket for early mornings and evenings
q Comfortable clothes for traveling on bus
q Money for 5 – 6 meals – typically at fast food/food court style restaurants (2 days are normal pricing – fast food on way up and back, 2 days in DC – which is a little pricier food court style)
q Money for souvenirs (we take them to a cheap souvenir shop – Hoodies $20.00, etc.)
q TIP Money for one Driver and one Tour Guide ahead of time - $4.00 - $6.00 for each is an appropriate amount
q Last Day Lunch $$ - just in case your student runs out during the week.
Cameras, Batteries, etc:
q Batteries need to be charged at all times – bring your chargers.
q Batteries of any kind are extremely expensive, so pack extra batteries if you need them for any reason.
Electronics/Cell Phones: Bring your Chargers.
q Talking on cell phones and texting while guided tours are taking place is rude and inappropriate and will not be allowed. Cell phones will be taken until the end of the day IF you choose to disregard this rule.
**Parents, please do not call or text your child throughout the day. Set up a designated call time, maybe before bed, before beginning the day from the hotel, during any downtime, lunchtime, and/or on the way to or from an evening meal.
q Other Electronics may be brought on the trip, but they fall under the same guidelines as the cell phones – they must be used only at appropriate times – not during guided tours.
Behavior: Display only your best behavior at all times.
q Always remember that you are representing South Effingham Middle School, your parents and your chaperones, as well as Kelly Tours.
q Be respectful of others around you and be mindful of your volume around others.
q School discipline still applies – inappropriate behaviors will be dealt with and punishments will be administered immediately and upon return to the school.
Prescription Meds need to be clearly marked with the students NAME, DOSAGE and TIME of ADMINISTRATION on them. – Place them in a Ziploc Baggie with all info written on Baggie. (OR IF IT CAN GO IN A DAILY MED BOX THAT WOULD BE EVEN BETTER one for AM and one for PM)
It is NOT NECESSARY to send other medications like Tylenol, Advil, Aleeve, Pepto Bismol, etc. as we take a first aid kit with all of those kinds of things in there. ONLY REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEDICINE SHOULD BE TURNED IN.
ALL of the items below NEED TO BE TURNED IN TO ME BY Thursday, November the 10th before the end of the school day.
· PAPERWORK (permission form, medication form and insurance info/copy of card)
· TIP $$ (two envelopes – one for driver, one for guide)
· Last day Lunch $$