21-23 May 2009 / Exercise BAYONET 2009


21-23 mai 2009
Ser / Time / Activity / Remarks /

Thursday 21 May 2009

1 / 1200-2100 / Registration desk open / Hotel until 1700 then Armoury
2 / 0800-1630 / Setup trade show Displays (as required) / POC LCol (ret’d) Guy Gosselin (CIA)
3 / 1800 / CIA Council Meeting/Nominations Committee / Delta Montreal
4 / 1900
(for 1930) / Meet and Greet / All Participants and their partners
Dress: Jacket and Tie
Loc: Bleury Street Armouries

Friday 22 May 2009

5 / 0700-0900 / Registration Desk Opens - daily / Displays for duration of Exercise will be provided by defence industry and local area participants
7 / 0800-0805 / Admin Brief / Capt Derrick Farnham
8 / 0805-0810 / Host’s Welcome / LCol Thomas Mackay, CO Black Watch, Welcome Address.
9 / 0810-0815 / D Inf’s Welcome / D Inf welcome and introduce the Col Cmdt
10 / 0810-0825 / Colonel Commandant Opening Address / Col Cmdt of Inf , LGen K.R. Foster (Ret’d)
11 / 0825 -0835 / Exercise Objectives / Director Infantry, Col D.A MacLean
12 / 0835-0930 / Dr Peter Gizewski,
The Future Security Environment
13 / 0930-1025 / Frank Hoffman (LTC Retd USMC) on Hybrid Wars. /
1025-1045 / Coffee /
1045-1200 / BGen A. Tremblay COS Land STRAT
Moving the Infantry towards 2021- Problems and Opportunities /
1200-1315 / Lunch /
1315-1415 / LCol David Corbould
Taking Infantry lessons from “The War” and applying them to “A War” /
1400-1420 / Coffee /
1420-1520 / Col Frank Riffou
The Infantry as trainers – a growing task for the future /
1530-1700 / CIA AGM / LCol Troicuk (retd), Pres CIA
1800 onward / Free Evening / Open evening for those personnel not involved in the Bull Sessions. No organized events are scheduled for this evening.
1800 - ?? / COs Bull Session / Facilitator: DD Inf, Location TBC
1800-1900 / Infantry Council / Chair: TBC
Members: All Serving Infantry Generals
All Cols in attendance
Director of Infantry (SO D Inf as Secy)
Location TBC

Saturday 23 May 2009 –

0700-0800 / Breakfast
19 / 0800-0815 / The Day’s Objectives / / Director Infantry, Col D.A MacLean
20 / 0815-0915 / BGen O’Brien DGL Res
Moving the Infantry Reserve towards 2021
21 / 0920-1020 / MGen Semianiw - Chief of Military Personnel
Building the Rifleman of 2021
1020-1040 / Coffee /
22 / 1040-1140 / MGen M Hainse Comd LFDTS
Training the Infantry for 2021
1145-1300 / Lunch /
24 / 1300-1400 / Panel Discussion – Sr Inf Generals
1400-1415 / Coffee / Participants to fill out AGM Critiques
26 / 1415-1515 / CLS address TBC
27 / 1515-1545 / D Inf Corps Summary
28 / 1545-1645 / Update on Ex BAYONET 2010 / Speaker: TBC
Closing Comments /
Col Cmdt of Infantry
CIA Council Meeting / New President CIA
29 / 1900
(for 1930) / Mess Dinner / Participation TBC based on seats available
Dress: Mess Kit or Civilian Equivalent
Loc: Black Watch Offr mess

Sunday 25 May 2008

Varied / Depart as per individual travel arrangements / All
15 Jun 08 / AAR points to SO D Inf / Host Unit / Inf Sch – for correlation and passing to Ex BAYONET 09 Unit POC

*** Dress of the Day (unless otherwise specified): combats or CADPAT for serving military personnel. For non-military or retired guests, business casual (shirt and slacks, less tie).
