Needs Assessment – Literacy Activities in the Home and in the Community
CLB Level: PH2 to CLB4Essential Skills Focus:
Document Use
Identify materials students read and would like to read
Purpose: Students will
- Identify materials they read and would like to read so that the teacher can create lessons which are meaningful to the student
Needs Assessment – Literacy Activities in the Home and in the Community handout,
Sample of each reading material
Learning Style:
Visual, auditory
Time:60 minutes / Method:
- Explain to the students that you would like to find out what kind of materials they read when they are not in school. The reason for doing this is so that you can teach them how to read the materials that are difficult for them.
- Hand out the Needs Assessment – Literacy Activities in the Home and in the Community handout. Read and explain any words that might be new. For example, literacy or assessment.
- Read the directions and demonstrate with an overhead transparency how to complete the handout.
- Read each type of material and show an example. Ask the students to put a checkmark beside Yes if they can read it by themselves or by no if they cannot. If they cannot read it by themselves but would like to; ask them to put a checkmark beside I would like to.
- Guide the students as they read the questions related to using the public library.
- This handout could then be placed in the students’ portfolio.
Students could complete applications to get a library card. The class could go on a field trip to the library. The students could visit the local library website. Students could look at the library newsletter.
Ask students if they have ever been in a situation where they had difficulty reading something. How did they cope in this situation? Create a round table discussion.
Needs Assessment
Literacy Activities in the Home and in the Community
Read the following list of things that people may read. Please check Yes if you read the materials in English. If you don’t read the materials in English please check No. If you would like to read the materials in English but need help please check I would like to.
Flyers………... ………………………….. Yes…….. No ………. I would like to
Letters.……………...……………..……... Yes…….. No ………. I would like to
Bills………………………………………. Yes …….. No ………. I would like to
Coupons…………………………..……… Yes …….. No ………. I would like to
Labels on food……………………………. Yes …….. No ………. I would like to
Cooking recipes…………………………... Yes …….. No ………. I would like to
Religious materials……………………….. Yes …….. No ………. I would like to
Instructions and papers at work………….. Yes …….. No ………. I would like to
Bus schedules…………………………….. Yes …….. No ………. I would like to
Street signs, bus signs………………….…. Yes …….. No ………. I would like to
Newspapers………………………………. Yes …….. No ………. I would like to
Television listings or TV Guide…………. Yes …….. No ………. I would like to
Magazines…………………………….….. Yes …….. No ………. I would like to
Books………………………………….…. Yes …….. No ………. I would like to
Bank statement…………………………… Yes …….. No ………. I would like to
Letters from child’s school………………. Yes …….. No ………. I would like to
Letters from child’s daycare……………... Yes …….. No ………. I would like to
YMCA schedule…………………………. Yes …….. No ………. I would like to
Public Library
Do you know where the public library is located? Yes No
Do you or does anyone else in your household have a library card? Yes No
Have you visited the library? Yes No
How many times in a month do you visit a public library? ______
Winnipeg School Division Adult EAL Program Essential Skill Focus: Document Use
Author: Heather CurrieCLB level: phase 2 to CLB 4