Social inclusion and mobility and independence in the early years

This guide explores the impact that vision impairment has on social development in the early years as well as looking at ideas to encourage blind and partially sighted young children to socialise and make friends. It includes advice on infant massage, social bonding and social inclusion in the nursery. There isalsoinformation on movement in the early years and ideas to help you with teaching daily living skills for this age group.

This guide is part of our Supporting Early Years Education series. At the end you will find the full series listed, and details of where to find them.


  1. Infant massage for a child with vision impairment
  2. Social inclusion – Social bonding
  3. Social inclusion – Early years
  4. Mobility and independence: Early years
  5. Further guides

1.Infant massage for a child with vision impairment

This section explores the use of infant massage to support the development of children with vision impairment.

It draws on the practice and principles of the International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM), a non-profit making organisation whose mission is to ‘promote nurturing touch and communication through training, education and research so that parents, caregivers and children are loved, valued and respected throughout the world community’.

Its theory, curriculum and focus are unique and have been carefully developed and refined through research and practical experience since first introduced in 1976.


1.1. What is infant massage?

1.2. Why use infant massage?

1.3. Benefits of infant massage

1.4. Benefits of infant massage for a child with a visual impairment

1.5. Points to consider during infant massage

1.6. Contacts

1.7. Further reading

1.1. What is infant massage?

Infant massage is an ancient tradition in many cultures throughout the world, which is being re-discovered in the Western world. Research shows that loving, nurturing contact between caregiver and infant has a positive impact on their development. Infant massage is something that every caregiver can do and it provides benefits to both child and carer.

There are a number of organisations that train instructors in infant massage. These qualified instructors then go on to teach the principles of infant massage to parents themselves.

1.2. Why use infant massage?

A cuddle and close contact is a basic human need and the beginning of learning. Visual information informs and helps us interpret much of our sensory experiences, including touch. Touch and tactile exploration may be more challenging and sometimes more difficult for a child with a vision impairment to interpret. A sighted child will hold out their hand. They will see it, see the movement they have made, see the reaction from the adult, see the adult reach for their hand and finally, using their sight, they will see the hands meet. The result is having a hand to hold and making physical contact. This very simple movement leading to touch is reinforced by visual information and the whole process can often be done using vision as the only tool to make contact with another person.

Due to information being lost through decreased vision, babies who have a vision impairment can benefit from more input through senses such as touch, smell and sound and so infant massage routines may be of particular benefit to these children.

1.3. Benefits of infant massage

The International Association of Infant Massage outlines key benefits of infant massage for both the child and parent/s, or caregiver:


Tactile, nervous system, digestion, circulation, muscle tone, immune system, respiration, communication


Regulates sleep patterns, breathing, reduces stress, produces calming hormones


Colic, sinus, wind, constipation, teething discomfort, poor circulation


Bonding, communication, reading cues, responding to needs

1.4. Benefits of infant massage for a child with a vision impairment

For a child with a vision impairment, infant massage can support tactual sense, body awareness, and the use of hands. Importantly it can help to establish the strong bond of trust between caregiver and child. Many early learning skills require the development of tactual sense. The awareness of our hands and fingers for example, is a vital skill for exploring objects and our environment. The early experience of massage can support a child’s understanding and acceptance of positive touch and be of immense help for other times when you might want to sensitively guide the child's hands for learning and play. Infant massage can enhance your interactions and also support the childs developing sense of kinesthesia (body awareness produced by movement). Massage can also encourage the child’s purposeful movements. For example, transitions from lying to rolling and then to propping up on arms and hands.

During infant massage the following areas might be enhanced:

Awareness of touch

Infant massage is a non-intrusive touch. It can help a child to become less tactile defensive and reduce hypersensitivity to touch. It is a beneficial way for a young infant to learn about their body and its layout and can also support a child’s tolerance of lying in prone position (on tummy). As a child’s back, front, legs and arms are massaged they will experience tactile feedback about the dimensions of their body, developing an understanding of where their body begins and ends.

Awareness of the body through movement

Infant massage aids in the development of muscle tone, co-ordination and suppleness. During a massage session, routines such as pedalling legs or bringing feet together heighten the child's awareness of their body and help them to develop a better understanding of how their body is connected from top to bottom, as well as finding these gentle movements pleasurable.

Identification of body parts

The child’s awareness of their body is developed when body parts are explored in the calm, motivating and relaxing atmosphere that massage offers. It can help to develop awareness of individual body parts, especially if each part of the body is named during massage. For example, which parts of my body are still and which are moving? Where is the pressure on my body from a supporting surface? (the floor, or carer's lap, for example).

Bonding and communication processes

Bonding has been described as a “unique relationship between two people that is specific and endures through time” or “a dance that builds trust and intimacy”. This close and responsive time you spend with a child during massage supports the child’s overall development, self-esteem and well being, and whilst you and the child are involved in this closely shared experience, it offers a springboard for the child’s early interactions. In this way infant massage can be a communication tool, a two way process. It allows you to observe closely and further understand the child’s signals and cues, further developing your skills to interpret these in a non-distractive environment. It allows time to observe movements, reactions and vocalisations, and enhances the sort of communication that is involved in the earliest stage in turn taking conversations. Close visual proximity helps a child to make use of any vision and gives close odour contact. The child’s focused attention on you also increases the opportunity for eye contact or face to face interaction, which can increase the quality and quantity of the child’s vocalisations.

During infant massage the communication is directly related to the experience and so similar to shared visual attention, such as pointing and looking together, which is also a facilitating factor in early communication with young children.

Sleep patterns

Some children with very little or no vision experience disturbed sleep patterns. For example, they can confuse night with day. Routine use of infant massage along with other sleep time routines can promote better sleep patterns.

1.5. Points to consider during infant massage

  • Always make optimum use of the child’s available vision, move in close to encourage face to face contact.
  • Be aware of lighting conditions. Avoid placing the child directly under a strong overhead light which may distract them and will put your facial features into silhouette.
  • During massage describe what you are about to do and comment on what you are doing, keeping language simple.
  • You may find you will need to break down the massage routine into smaller stages and build slowly. Remember this is a time for mutual pleasure. Cue into the child and go with what is comfortable for both of you.
  • Try to start and end the session the same way each time. This will support the child’s understanding of what is about to happen, what is going to happen next, and also develop their understanding of when massage is about to end.
  • Above all, enjoy infant massage!

1.6. Contacts

International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM)


88 Copse Hill



CM19 4PP



Many health visitors run massage classes. Contact your local Child Development Team, Sure Start Children's Centre or Health Care Trust to find out more.

Information originally compiled by Nicky Joseph, Formerly RNIB Early Years Inclusion Officer.

1.7. Further reading

McClure, V (2001) “Infant Massage: A handbook for loving parents”Souvenir Press Ltd, ISBN 028 5636 170

Leboyer, F (1997) Loving Hands-The Traditional Art of Baby Massage” Newmarket Press, ISBN: 155 7043 140

Montagu, A (1986) “Touching-The Human Significance of the Skin” Harper Collins, ISBN 006 0155 353

2.Social inclusion - Social bonding

Here we look at social bonding. We explore the impact that vision impairment has on social development, as well as looking at some ideas to encourage blind and partially sighted young children to learn to socialise and make friends.

This guide is part of our Supporting Early Years Education series. At the end you will find the full series listed, and details of where to find them.


2.1. What impact does vision impairment have on social development?

2.2. Bonding

2.3. Reading the signals

2.4. Raising young children's awareness of the world outside

2.5. Helping young children make friends

2.6. What next?

2.7. Ensuring young children have the opportunity to interact

2.1. What impact does vision impairment have on social development?

Children and young people with vision impairment are at greater risk of developing low self esteem than their sighted peers. Findings from the literature highlight that this may be the result of the added pressure in their lives.

  • Some may experience greater feelings of failure, particularly in relation to sport and exercise.
  • Some may be less accepted by their peer group and have fewer friends which is likely to impact on their self esteem.
  • Some may have difficulty in observing and imitating their peers which can impact on the development of positive self esteem.
  • Some tend to be more dependent on their parents in many areas, which may adversely affect the development of a sense of independence, one of the most important factors in relation to their self esteem and adjustment.

For some, the growing realisation of the restrictions that their vision impairment may impose upon them, usually in comparison to their sighted peers, may be a trigger for a series of negative emotions, and leave them vulnerable to psychological stress, frustration and even depression.

In addition, the perceptions of others may impact on their self esteem. For instance, parents of teenagers with vision impairment can exhibit over-protective or permissive behaviours which can prevent young people from learning what they should and should not do, adversely impacting on their self esteem.

Also, people may have inappropriate expectations about what children and young people with vision impairment can see and do, and thus self esteem may be negatively affected when the child or young person is unable to meet expectations.

Being aware of some of these issues helps to support children and young people with vision impairment in an appropriate way, and this must start from birth.

In the following sections, we draw on the insights of Marilyn Webb, Teacher of Children with a Visual Impairment and Counsellor, around social bonding of children with a sight problem.

2.2. Bonding

One of the ways communication occurs immediately after birth is that the baby can follow her mother's eyes. This eye to eye contact contributes to bonding. In the first few days of a baby's life, he can interact by mimicking the facial expressions of others, such as putting out their tongues. These are just two of the intensely visual aspects of the bonding process which are absent from a blind baby's repertoire of early communication skills. A little later on, when a mother looks at her baby and her baby smiles back, the attachment is strengthened. She interprets the smile that the baby is contented and that she is a good mother. Blind babies smile at the sound or touch of their mother, but this responsive smile usually develops later and can be more fleeting than in sighted babies. Mothers may need to talk about this and express their feelings to others who have had similar personal experiences.

2.3.Reading the signals

Perhaps the main difference between young blind children and their sighted counterparts is seen in the different behavioural response to what interests them. If the child is very young and cannot ask for what she wants, a sighted child may turn, point, move towards the object of interest. Blind children, on the other hand, will probably do the complete opposite. When interested, they may be still. Though they are listening intently and enjoying or trying to make sense of what they are hearing or feeling, this very 'stillness' may often be interpreted by others as a lack of interest.

Consider this example:

'In our playgroup, after a period of settling in, the children sit in a circle with their parents behind them and we sing the Hello song. When the song starts it is quite amazing how all the children are 'still'. While most are too young to join in, they all listen intently and appear to recognise the song. We notice how, with repetition and routine, some are beginning to smile when their name is called, while some of the older ones listen for their name and are able to tap their chests when they hear the words 'Here I am'. The parents then see how the 'stilling' exhibits intense concentration in all the children, rather than boredom or any other negative emotion. They learn to interpret signals like this, which are different from the general behaviour exhibited by sighted children.'

2.4. Raising young children's awareness of the world outside

As a starting point for relating to others, a blind child needs to be aware of his/her own body. There are lots of songs naming body parts, for example, 'Round and Round the Garden'. Playing this on a child's hand, then encouraging them to play it on another child's hand, can be useful. It is vital that a blind child knows the name of the child or adult that he is with. Always say your name and the names of the other children in the group, and of course, always remember to say the child's name when talking to him.

2.5. Helping young children make friends

We cannot expect a very young blind child to initiate contact with others, so we need to devise activities which replicate the developmental stage of 'playing alongside one's peers'. The difference is that we ensure that they can interact through sound and touch. A popular activity is the foot-spa. Two children sit on chairs in close proximity to one another with their feet in the water. As they move their feet, they touch and splash one another. They listen to adults talking and laughing as they (the adults) get wetter. The children not only enjoy the activity, but learn about being with others, which opens up a whole new world. Other activities include:

  • Encourage two children sitting with legs apart, feet touching to roll a sound producing ball to each other.
  • In circle time, ensure that two children sit together with an adult on the opposite side so that the children can interact freely with one another between the adults.
  • Encourage children to partner up for activities, particularly when exploring big apparatus, such as slide, tunnels, climbing frames - be aware that some activities, like see-saws, do not necessarily encourage social interaction because a blind child may not have any awareness that another child is involved in the movement.

2.6. What next?

When a child is familiar with the routine and environment and they are used to playing with other children, parents and teachers are often able to take a step back. It is then useful if the adult focuses attention on the other children in the group. The adult can encourage the more confident blind and partially sighted children, or their sighted siblings, to involve a less confident blind child in play by: