- Attendance:
Maureen Bainbridge, Mick Beadle, Alan & Kate Fowler, Alan Holmes, Tim Jeanes, Lenny Nunn, John O’Sullivan, Matthew Panchen, George Pearson, Sheila Pinkney, Geoff Sinderson,Maria Todd, Bob Turner and Barry Wilkinson (15)
Apologies had been received from: Eddie Adam, Bill Buckle,Jenny Cameron, Alan Fleetham, David Hall, Donna Harris, Patricia Henderson, Malcolm Hewitson, Geoff Jackson, Ian Monkman, George Morl, Michelle Panchen, Pat & Duncan Robinson, Jane Smith, Caroline Taukulis and Kath Wright (17)
- Minutes of the previousAGM:
Minutes from 2009 AGM issued to all present. AF proposed minutes be accepted as a true record of the meeting; seconded by MT, accepted unanimously.
- Chairman’s Remarks:
The chairman expressed surprise re: low attendance at the meeting. He also had been disappointed at the low attendance on walks throughout past year, average 29 walkers per coach trip, this despite weather being good for most walks, a pleasant change from previous years! He was uncomfortable about significant drop-off in numbers, there being no real explanation for it!He proposed to discuss it further following treasurer’s report.
- Secretary’s Report:
Most of year’s walks had been in favourable weather, although first walk, Cross Fell to Dufton had had to be changed due to widespread flooding in Lakeland Eden Valley. Upper Teesdale, i.e. Langdon Beck to BarnardCastle, was a late substitute instead!
The Braithwaite walk had been “an interesting one!”
There had been a good attendance on the coastal walk in March, 40 people turned out!
Hawes to the Moorcock in Julywill be remembered for being “miserably wet” throughout!
September’s walk was memorable for the views from the High Spy to Catbells ridge!
October’s LancasterCanal walk had been enjoyed by all, especially for its distant views!
- Treasurers Report:
Closing balance stood at almost £2,000 and therefore club could be said to be in a financially sound position!It was accepted that all coach trips invariably ran at a loss and this was unlikely to change! However, there was some discussion as to whether club had operated at a net profit or at a net loss during the year!
The Ineos Sports & Social Club had again donated £500 this year, and it was agreed by all present that the walking club would, through these minutes, like to wholeheartedly thank the Sports & Social Club for their generosity. It was recognised by all, that without this grant our walking club would not survive!Several points were raised in connection with the Treasurer’s duties: -
a.When Abbey National was taken into the Santander Group at the beginning of the year, the rules were changed and withdrawals for cheques for less than £1,000 were no longer allowed! This meant that initially the treasurer had to contribute his own money up front, and retrieve it back from collected fares on the early coach trips. Subsequently, he has had to draw sufficient to cover three trips at once, a most unsatisfactory arrangement. The people at Enterprise Travel are also unhappy with the arrangement!
Discussion ensued in connection with a change of account holder, especially since interest earned from Santander is so little compared to amount held in the account!
AF suggested switching to a Halifax Account - especiallydesigned for use by clubs!
b.Signatories needed to be changed. Mike Scarr Sarah Armitage were still recognised as co-signatories; this needed to be changed to currently recognised officers!
c.GS wished to announce in good time that he intends to stand down as Treasurer at end of the next financial year, i.e. at next AGM November 2011! (Following the meeting GS announced via email that, rather than wait until the next AGM, he wished to stand down with immediate effect and hoped to hand over the treasurers duties as soon as possible!)
AF proposed that the Accounts as presented be accepted; seconded by John O’Sullivan – a show of hands indicated that all were in favour!
Following on from Treasurer’s report, AH suggested that accounts as presented since the formation of the clubdidn’t give a clear picture of how the club was faring financially! Would be better if we followed conventional accounting principles - i.e. include a General Profit & Loss account with a separate Balance Sheet. Some members felt that this would complicate things – why change? AH explained that the adoption of conventional methods would provide key info on profit/loss of coach trips, profit/loss of Xmas Draws, as well as net operating profit /loss; there would be no complication and no confusion!
It was recognised that, as a club, we needed to increase membership, increase turnout on coach trips and keep an eye on club reserves. Discussion followed re possible changes to the walks programme. TJ suggested Sunday walks instead of Saturday – Pros –wouldn’t clash with main football day (albeit some premier games are now on Sunday); Cons –lots of other walking clubs go out on Sundays; most club members preferred to walk on Saturdays.
AH mentioned increase in numbers attending walks in 2009, following promotional article in Newton Press - where had these people gone? Mick Beadle made point that many potential new members expected to have a leader identified that they could walk with!Feeling welcome during coach trip, but neglected at start of the walk, they came once and then didn’t come again! AF made the point that new walkers would not necessarily be strong or experienced and could join a group that was too strong or fast for them!It was recognised by all that we needed to get better at looking after new arrivals!
- Election of Officers:
No new nominations for officer duties- Alan Holmes, Barry Wilkinsonagreed to continue for a further year in current capacities. TJ proposed a vote of thanks to officers for their continuing involvement; they were serving the club well! Ian Monkman to be contactedand asked to assist with sales of Xmas Draw tickets!MB suggested Chris Sanderson should be approached and asked to join committee! Assumed that Sheila Pinkney, Maria Todd would continue to help out during coach trips!(Geoff Sinderson having resigned following the meeting, Barry agreed to act as temporary Treasurer until the next AGM and Alan would take over Walks sec duties!)
- Any Other Business:
7.1 BW discussed website and asked members to give feedback. What was consensus view on its worth? Site provided free of charge, but would require someone to constantly update it, keep it interesting with articles on walks, pictures! Suggested that Ineos name gave outsiders impression that it was a private club, should it be dropped in favour of a name that associated more with area? South Durham Walking Club suggested as a ‘badge’ to aid in recruitment! MB to check with Sports & Social Club and report back!
7.2 MB & GS advised that the SSC had made donations to three Mountain Rescue organisations in the area. Members agreed that, again via these minutes, the club should place on record their expression of gratitude for this indirect but very welcome S&SC support!
7.3 Resuming the issue of how the walks outings were run, there followed much discussion re: coach pick up times, earlier return times in winter, need for a boot stop (especially now that there was a toilet available on coach). Various proposals voted on, results as follows: -
- Members voted unanimously to dispense with the boot stop.
- AF’s proposal to delay coach pick-up by 1 hour during BST returning an hour later after walk, but leaving timings as at present during GMT – was defeated 9 to 3.
- LN’s proposal to delay coach pick-up by half an hour, throughout year summer winter was carried 9 to 3.
November’s walk would remain at 7.00am first pick-up at Cabin Gate, boot stop as usual (but held to a minimum), returning at 6.30pm.
From December and henceforward the pick-ups would be 30 minutes later and there would be no en-route boot stops!Walkers should don boots prior to boarding the coach; considered to be easier than trying to put boots on during the coach journey.Members should continue to take a change of footwear for after the walk, to avoid trampling mud onto the coach!
- Programme of Walks for 2011:
Members voted on the walks to be undertaken in 2011. Volunteering walk champions were also identified!
Selected walks: -Walk Champions
SwaledaleMick Beadle
EskValley to Whitby (NYM)Alan Holmes
KentValley to Staveley (Lake District)Alan Fowler
Patterdale to Pooley Bridge (Lake District)Geoff Sinderson (AH)
Berwick to Seahouses (NorthumbrianCoast)Alan Fowler
Buttermere (Lake District)Rob Turner
Seatoller to Keswick (Lake District)Alan Holmes
Hadrians Wall - Brampton to Haltwhistle (Pennines)Sheila & Maria
Arncliffe to Malham (Dales)Geoff Sinderson (AH)
WensleydaleGeoff Jackson
The meeting closed with a slide show – many thanks to Barry for setting up, and to Alan & Kate Fowler, John O’Sullivan for providingsuch interesting pictures!Thanks also to Barry for taking the minutes, and to Maureen for serving behind the bar once again!
[Minutes produced by Alan Holmes]
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