Industry & Technology Policy Board

Industry & Technology Policy Board


Light Metals Division ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2007

1. Board membership

1a) New Board Members 2007

The division welcomed the following new members to the board:-

a) Gary Critchlow - Loughborough University

b) Geoff Doyle – Power of Aluminium

c) Hong Dong – Leicester University

1b) Board Resignations 2007

a) Helen Atkinson - Leicester University

2. Board meetings

a) 27th October 2006 – Attendees 19

b) 2nd February 2007 – Attendees 17

c) 5th July 2007 – Attendees 14

d) 3rd December 2007 – Attendees 16

3. Opportunities for growth of Division Community or constraints

(Overview of the strategic activities of the division in 2006/7)

This reporting period has again seen massive consolidation of the Aluminium industry, with Rio Tinto taking control of Alcan, and Alcoa forming a joint venture with Sapa, creating the largest soft alloy company in the world.

Specifically in relation to the UK, intense import pressure on the soft alloy extrusion market has seen further consolidation within the industry with the recent closure announcement of the Banbury facility, the largest extrusion plant in the UK. The Aluminium rolling plants at Dolgarrog and Swansea have also closed during the year.

Competitiveness within the Global market remains a critical concern for the Aluminium industry in the UK. Strategies aimed at supporting and promoting the industry, throughout the supply chain, through showcasing technology, research & development, innovation, product development and design are critically important in providing opportunities for growth and sustainability. In response to this a new initiative has been launched from the extrusion industry called the “Power of Aluminium”, the intention is to extend this to all Aluminium product forms once a sound foundation has been established. The LMD in combination with the Institute were specifically approached in order to support this programme and this will form part of the LMD’s strategic portfolio of activities for 2008.

The comments relating to Aluminium regarding the development of strategies aimed at supporting and promoting the industry are just as important to the Magnesium and Titanium industries and will continue to be a key focus for the LMD in 2008. A one day conference, “Magnesium Alloys:- Future Technologies, Applications & Opportunities” will be used as the basis for future Roadmapping activities within this area, being based on the successful model developed by the Roadmap workshop on Titanium.

An overview of the current position in terms of a SWOT type analysis for all 3 metals will form a key part of the forthcoming LMD board agendas throughout 2008 with high level representation from Mat UK and TSB.

Collaboration with the EAA has continued, providing a key partner for the division, although consolidation and cost cutting within the industry are affecting its ability to create a European Aluminium Technology Platform, the LMD will monitor this situation in relation to its strategic objective of establishing a Light Metals Network of excellence.

The development and utilisation of technology Roadmaps are continuously under review as part of the divisions, core activities and a bi-annual review will be undertaken for both Al and Mg in 2008. Ti was successfully completed earlier this year

The division is committed to maintaining strong cross functional links with synergistic divisions, ie The MSTD board Geoff Scamans, Automotive Board Gordon Smith, Younger members committee, Mike Clinch, Surface Engineering, Particulate Engineering Committee & Automotive, Steve Harmer. These cross functional links have been maintained.

The divisional board members have maintained a strong commitment to CPD through participation and involvement at local society events, conferences and editorial features in addition to the professional activities associated with their respective industries.

The concept of utilising the IOMMM, accreditation system to formally approve training materials has not been progressed due to other priorities. This will again be reviewed by the division in 2008

4. Technical programme

a) In line with ITP board the recommendations four one day events were organised in this reporting period. All 4 events were highly successful and well supported.

b) In addition 2 further events have been planned for 2008, while one further event is in the pre-planning stage

Please refer the appendix 1 Table LMD Conference Activity Schedule & Planned Conferences/Events 2007/2008.

5. Foresight / Innovation and Growth

The division has continued to provide input to the DTI through it close relationship with NAMTEC who have been commissioned by the DTI to complete a more wide ranging evaluation of the materials sector. This will help to ensure that the case for Light Metals is maintained.

6. Professional membership developments

A number of successful applications for Fellow have been supported by members of the LMD during 2007.

7. National and international linkages with other Societies /Institutes

The division has a strong interaction with a number of local societies and we will continue to build on these during 2008.An excellent example being the successful symposium “Future Technologies, Applications & Opportunities For Light Metals” which was organised in conjunction with the Midland Regional Committee of the IOMMM and the LMD. Special thanks to Mike Clinch for an outstanding success.

8. Government interfaces

Technology roadmaps for Aluminium, Magnesium and Titanium are available on the LMD web site. These will again be subject to review in 2008 and updated on an ongoing basis. Close interaction with NAMTEC will continue into 2008, with regular Roadmap updates involving NAMTEC planned in order to ensure that the most up to date information relating to Aluminium, Magnesium and Titanium technologies is used for updating the relevant funding bodies, such as the DTI, RDAs and the EPSRC.

9. Publications

The May 07 edition of Materials World was devoted to a Light Metals theme, with the LMD providing 5 major articles for publication based on the highly successful Congress 2006 LMD “Disruptive Technology” programme. Special thanks to Geoff Scamans for putting this together. Based on this success a further themed programme is planned for November 2008

The light metals divisional web site has continued to develop and provides an important conduit for information flow from and to the division. The LMD will be ready to migrate to the new format by the end of January 2008

10. Awards/prizes

Nothing to report

11. Other matters

Nothing to report

Table LMD Conference Activity Schedule & Planned Conferences/Events 2007 & 2008.

(YYYY-MM) / Status
/Planned) / Title / Location / Organising Division(s) /Committee(s)
/Collaborators / 100%
Target No's / Actual No's /

Financial Underwriter


/ Financial Out-turn,
Comments etc
2007 - Jan / Held / Ti Roadmap Workshop / University of Birmingham / Birmingham University/ NAMTEC/ TIMET/LMD / 71 / Birmingham/Namtec
2007 - Feb / Held / Ti Roadmap Workshop – Follow Up / University of Birmingham / Birmingham University/ NAMTEC/ TIMET/LMD / 30 / Birmingham/Namtec
2007 - Feb / Held / Future Technologies, Applications & Opportunities For Light Metals / Loughborough University / LMD & Midlands Regional Committee of the IOMMM / 45 / 45 / Local
2007 - July / Held / Materials in Bicycles / Carlton House Terrace / LMD/IOMMM / 100 / 77 / IOMMM
2008 - Jan / Planned / Magnesium Alloys:- Future Technologies, Applications & Opportunities / University of Manchester / University of Manchester/ NAMTEC/MEL/LMD / University of Manchester/Namtec
2008 - Jan / Planned / Aluminium in the living environment” Made Workshop / Carlton House Terrace / LMD/IOMMM / IOMMM
2008 - Nov / In discussion / Al Roadmap Workshop / TBA / LMD