WHG 25-1 Notes “The Beginnings of Industrialization”

Industrial Revolution Begins in Britain

l  New Ways of Working

l  Industrial Revolution - greatly increases output of machine made goods

l  Revolution begins in England in ______

Agriculture Revolution Paves the Way

l  Enclosures-large ______enclosed by fences or hedges

l  Wealthy landowners buy, enclose land once owned by village farmers

l  Enclosures allow ______with new agricultural methods

l  Small farmers forced to become tenant farmers or give up farming and ______

l  Rotating Crops

l  Crop rotation each year avoiding depleting the ______

l  Livestock breeders allow only the best to breed, improve food supply

Why the Industrial Revolution Began in England

l  Industrialization – move to machine production of goods

l  Britain has natural resources –

l  ______

l  ______

l  ______

l  ______

l  Expanding economy in Britain encourages investment

l  Britain has all the needed factors of production –

l  ______

l  ______

l  ______

Inventions Spur Industrialization

l  Changes in the Textile Industry

l  Weavers work faster with ______and ______

l  Water frame uses water power to drive spinning wheels

l  Power loom, spinning mule speed up production, improve quality

l  Factories – buildings that contain machinery for manufacturing

l  ______boosts American cotton production to meet British demand

Improvements in Transportation

l  Watt’s Steam Engine

l  Need for cheap, convenient power spurs development for steam engine

l  James Watt ______steam engine, financed by Matthew Boulton

l  Boulton was an entrepreneur – organizes, manages, takes business risks

Water Transportation

l  ______builds first steamboat, the Clermont, in 1807

l  England’s water transport improved by system of ______

Road Transportation

l  British roads are improved; companies operate them as ______

The Railway Age Begins

l  In 1804, ______builds first steam-driven locomotive

l  In 1825, George Stephenson builds world’s first ______

The Liverpool-Manchester Railroad

l  Entrepreneurs build railroad from Liverpool to Manchester

l  Stephenson’s Rocket acknowledged as best locomotive (1829)

Railroads Revolutionize Life in Britain

l  Railroads spur industrial ______

l  Creates ______

l  ______transportation boosts many industries

l  People move to ______