Indonesian Inferno: Forests, wildlife, climate, people at risk from devastating fires

Kalimantan, Indonesia 6October2015 A global ecological and social disaster is currently unfolding in Indonesia. In the last month alone approximately 9,735 forest fires have occurred across Sumatra and Indonesian Borneo. Forest and peatland are burning, destroying wildlife habitat and creating a cloud of thick, dangerous haze across the region. The consequences are severe: vast amounts of carbonare emitted, tens of thousands of people are suffering from respiratory problems and endangered species are at risk. Yet this has largely gone unreported in the mainstream press outside of South-east Asia.

Some firesareaccidental, butmost arestarteddeliberately. Fire is used as a cheap method for land clearing and as a weapon in land tenure conflicts. During droughts, fires can quickly grow out of control, burning neighbouring land and forests. While large oil-palm and plantation companies shoulder much of the blame, some recent studies suggest that most fires occur outside of concessions, indicating both large and small-holders contribute to the crisis.

This annual problem has beenexacerbated by a strong current El Niño weather event, which is expected to last into spring 2016 and could prolong the drought in Indonesia. The worst fires in Indonesia to date occurred during the strong El Niño winter of 1997-98, and some forecasts have predicted that this year might be a match. This does not bode well for Indonesia’s forests and peatlands.

Dr Mark Harrison, Managing Director of the Orangutan Tropical Peatland Project (OuTrop), a UK-based conservation organisation working in Indonesian Borneo,expresses his deep concern “Tropical peat-swamp forests are one of the world’s most important ecosystems. They are home to globally threatened wildlife, including the orangutan, southern Bornean gibbon and clouded leopard. Indonesia’s peat forests contain vast amounts of carbon – 57billion tonnesequivalent to25% of the carbon stored in the world’s tropical forests and so play a key role in preventing dangerous global temperature rises. Intact peatlandsalso help prevent both floods and fires, plus provide fish to eat and other important ecosystem services for local people.”

“OuTrop’s main research site in the Sabangau Forest, Indonesian Borneo, is a peat-swamp that is home to the world’s largest orangutan population” continues Dr Harrison. “Fire here not only burns the surface vegetation, but also the peat soil thathas taken thousands of years to form. This makes fire the biggest threat to Sabangau’s orangutans and many other species that call this forest home.”

Professor Susan Page, a geographer at the University of Leicester and leading expert on Indonesia’s peatlands, explains the cause of the problem “Ironically, intact peatlands are actually very fire resistant, as they are protected by a high water table. The problem arises when peatlands are drained, normally for conversion to agriculture, but also for logging timber. Dry peat ignites very easily and can burn for days or weeks, even smouldering underground and re-emerging away from the initial source. This makes them incredibly difficult to extinguish. Smouldering fires produce high levels of harmful gases and particulates.”

The haze from these fires is extremely damaging. Visibility is severely restricted causing flight cancellations, and school and business closures lead to a loss of billions of dollars for the Indonesian economy. Of greater concern is the small particulate matter in the haze, which poses a serious public health risk. It has been reported that over 75,000 people in Sumatra and Indonesian Borneo are suffering from upper respiratory infections as a result of the haze. The long-term effects of living in such high levels of air pollution are unknown.The haze and its associated problems even extend across the ocean to the Indo-MalayPeninsula, creating international political tensions.

Locally-led teamsare spearheading fire-fighting efforts on the ground, like the CIMTROP Community Patrol Team, which works to protect the Natural Laboratory of Peat-Swamp Forest in the north of the Sabangau Forest and is supported by OuTrop. Government fire-fighting teams have also been sent to affected areas, with aircraftdeployed for fire-fighting and cloud seeding.Police are starting to crack down on companies starting fires illegally, and local media and public campaigns are urging people not to start fires.

“Efforts to stop the fires are being stepped up, but are currently insufficient to cope with the scale of the problem” explains Dr Harrison. “Stopping the fires requires both urgent on-the-ground fire-fighting during drought periods and, in the longer term, damming of canals in drained peatlands to prevent future fires. Any further canal construction and peatland drainage should be avoided.”

Professor Page added “Until adequate financial and policy support exists to realise this aim, the fire problem will continue to re-emerge in Indonesia each time dry conditions prevail, and wildlife, the climate and people will continue to suffer”.

Notes to the Editors

High-quality photographs are available here. Please ensure that all images are fully credited, as indicated in the file name.

The Orangutan Tropical Peatland Project (OuTrop) is a conservation and research organisation established in 1999. OuTrop is dedicated to helping protect, restore and regenerate the Sabangau Forest, in Central Kalimantan,and other high-priority forests in Indonesian Borneo through conservation-orientated research, capacity building and on-the-ground conservation projects (

OuTrop works in partnership with The Centre for International Cooperation in Sustainable Management of Tropical Peatlands (CIMTROP), which aims to protect peatlandand forest habitats through facilitating and conducting ecological research, educating local communities andadvocacy work. Based at the University of Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, CIMTROP also works to protect and support the interests of the local communities (

Donations to support OuTrop’s firefighting campaign can be received online via MyDonate.

Citations for Information Referred to in the Text

  • Updates and forecasts on El Niño status can be found here.
  • Data on number of fires in Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) in September 2015 obtained fromhere.
  • Data on number of fires in Sumatra in September 2015 obtained fromhere.
  • Information on the number of fires in concessions vs. non-concessions is available through the links provided in the above two bullets, plus e.g. here and here.
  • Carbon storage and emissions from peatland fires are detailed in many sources, e.g. here, here and here. The quoted estimate of the amount of carbon stored in Indonesia’s peatlands is from here.
  • Assessments of the impact of peat fires on human health and the Indonesian economy are also available from a number of sources, including here and here for health impacts, and here for economic impacts.
  • Reports on the number of people in Sumatra and Indonesian Borneo who are suffering from upper respiratory infections as a result of the haze are available here.
  • The importance of tropical peat-swamp forests for biodiversity conservation is discussed here, and the importance of Sabangau for orangutan conservation here.
  • The need to avoid peat drainage and dam canals in drained peatlands to prevent fire is discussed in many of the information sources provided above, and specifically e.g. here and here.

Contact information

Suzanne Turnock, Communications Manager, Orangutan Tropical Peatland Project

Tel: + 62 (0) 82354633205 •E-mail: •Website:Postal address: The Orangutan Tropical Peatland Project, 91 Jalan Semeru, Bukit Hindu, Palangka Raya 73112, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia.