I. Each class will be divided into 7 groups and will choose one of the following AP Themes:
- AMERICAN AND NATIONAL IDENTITY (NAT): This theme focuses on how and why definitions of American and national identity and values have developed, as well as on related topics such as citizenship, constitutionalism, foreign policy, assimilation, and American exceptionalism.
- POLITICS AND POWER (POL): This theme focuses on how different social and political groups have influenced society and government in the United States, as well as how political beliefs and institutions have changed over time.
- WORK, EXCHANGE, AND TECHNOLOGY (WXT): This theme focuses on the factors behind the development of systems of economic exchange, particularly the role of technology, economic markets, and government.
- CULTURE AND SOCIETY (CUL): This theme focuses on the roles that ideas, beliefs, social mores, and creative expression have played in shaping the United States, as well as how various identities, cultures, and values have been preserved or changed in different contexts of U.S. history.
- MIGRATION AND SETTLEMENT (MIG): This theme focuses on why and how the various people who moved to and within the United States both adapted to and transformed their new social and physical environments.
- GEOGRAPHY AND THE ENVIRONMENT (GEO): This theme focuses on the role of geography and both the natural and human-made environments on social and political developments in what would become the United States.
- AMERICA IN THE WORLD (WOR): This theme focuses on the interactions between nations that affected North American history in the colonial period, and on the influence of the United States on world affairs.
II. DBQ: Each group will create their own DBQ based on their chosen theme that will include:
- A prompt that includes one of following: Historical Causation, Patterns of Continuity and Change Over Time, Periodization, or Comparison.
- 7 Documents that should include 1-2 images (political cartoons, maps, photographs, charts)
- A sample “7” Essay
- The DBQtopic can’t exclusively focus on Period 1 (1491-1607) or Period 9(1980-Present)
III. Review Lesson: in the weeks leading up to the AP Exam your group will be teaching a 25-30 minute review lesson that includes: a visual presentation (ppt., video, or combination), a Time-line, a document warm-up, and practice multiple choice questions. (More details to follow)
Each group will create their own DBQ based on their chosen theme that will include:
- A prompt that includes one of following: Historical Causation, Patterns of Continuity and Change Over Time, Periodization, or Comparison.
- 7 Documents that should include 1-3 images (political cartoons, maps, photographs, charts)
- Scoring guidelines including thesis, document analysis, outside evidence etc.
(More details to follow)
- Sample essay
- DBQ can’t exclusively focus on Period 1 (1491-1607) or Period 9(1980-Present)
Due Dates:
1. Prompt: Group must submit prompt by Monday 3/14
2. Rough Draft of DBQ: Group must submit DBQ including all 7 documents by Friday 3/18
3. Final draft of DBQ: due Wed 3/23
4. DBQ Essay: Every individual must write a sample essay and group must submit on Monday 4/11