Individual / Organisation name: Kevin Bracken

What state/territory: Vic

Review of the National Guidance Material for Working Safely on the Waterfront

Public Comment Response Form

Complete and submit this form by5pmAESTfriDAY 10 AUGUSt 2012to

Comments on content of the national guidance material
Section/page no. / Comment
Comments on additional issues identified in section 4.2 of the Discussion Paper
Section/page no. / Comment
Hatchmen / No where else in Australia can a crane be operated without a "dogman" giving signals or communicating with the crane driver.
A crane driver on a ship has more hazards than in almost any other work place with; people working below, many places for a load to snag, the load being out of sight, crew members speaking a different language, a completely different work place with every ship, twenty four hour operations three hundred and sixty four days of the year, working in inclement weather conditions, different cargoes, when using ships cranes a different crane every ship.
Why should the waterfront be the only place where cranes can operate without a "dogman" or cargo space lookout.
Stevedoring qualifications / Should the guidance material refer to the qualifications (Cert II, Cert III and Cert IV in Stevedoring) that have been developed for the stevedoring industry?
Recognition of qualification should be quantified. There should be a standard minimum requirement for people to work on the waterfront.
Safety Induction skill-set / Should the newly developed stevedoring ‘safety skill-set’ be used to underpin safety inductions?
A minimum safety induction should be a requirement to work on the waterfront.
Use of checklists / Should the safety checklists, which set out examples of the types of hazards, and acceptable/unacceptable ways of handling those hazards, be maintained in the guidance material?
The checklists should be very specific, so poeple have a clear understanding of what is safe and what is not.
Comments on the implementation of the national guidance material in each jurisdiction which may have included launches, information and training sessions, and whether it has been useful in the workplace as a resource for improving safety practices.
Section/page no. / Comment
Other comments
Too many people have been killed at work on the wharf. We must do all we can to prevent people being injured and killed at work.