Equivalency Information




Effective Fall 2003



LaGuardiaCommunity College / BaruchCollege Equivalent
Course / No. / Course Title / Credits / Course No. / Course Title / Credits
AMA / 101 / Prin of Accounting I / 2
AMA / 102 / Prin of Accounting II / 2 / ACC 2101 / Principles of Accounting / 3
AMA / 101 / Prin of Accounting I / 2 / ACC 2101 / Principles of Accounting / 3
AMA / 102 / Prin of Accounting II / 2 / ACC 2203 / Prin of Managerial Accounting / 3
AMA / 103 / Prin of Accounting III / 2 / for NonAccounting Majors
(All courses required)
AMA / 101 / Prin of Accounting I / 2 / ACC 2101 / Principles of Accounting / 3
AMA / 102 / Prin of Accounting II / 2 / ACC 2203 / Prin of Managerial Accounting / 3
AMA / 201 / Intermediate Acc I / 3 / for NonAccounting Majors
(All courses required)
AMA / 110 / Acct App for Microcomputer 3 / NO CREDIT
AMA / 111 / Prin of Accounting I / 4 / ACC 2101 / Principle of Accounting / 3
AMA / 111 / Prin of Accounting I / 4 / ACC 2101 / Principles of Accounting / 3
AMA / 112 / Prin of Accounting II / 4 / ACC 2203 / Prin of Managerial Accounting / 3
(Both courses required) / for NonAccounting Majors
AMA / 130 / Acct Appl for Microcomputer / 3 / NO CREDIT
AMA / 150 / Individual Income Tax Proc / 3 / NO CREDIT
AMA / 201 / Intermediate Acc I / 3
AMA / 202 / Intermediate Acc II / 3 / ACC 3000 / Financial Accounting I / 4
(Both courses required)
AMA / 210 / Cost Accounting I / 3 / NO CREDIT
AMA / 211 / Cost Accounting II / 3 / NO CREDIT
AMC / 110 / Princ. of Accounting I (Part 1) / 2
AMC / 111 / Princ. of Accounting I (Part 2) / 2 / ACC 2101 / Principles of Accounting / 3
(Both courses required)
AMM / 101 / Intro to Business / 3 / BUS 1000 / Introduction to Business / 2
AMM / 102 / Principles of Finance / 3 / ECO 3220 / Money, Banking & Monetary / 3
AMM / 103 / Principles of Mana8ement / 3 / MGT 3120 / Fundamentals of Management / 3
AMM / 104 / Principles of Marketing / 3 / MKT 3000 / Marketing.~ Foundations / 3
AMM / 106 / Principles of Retailing Mgt / 3 / MKT 4911 / Communication Skills for / 3
Selling: and Marketing
AMM / 108 / Principles of Real Estate I / 4 / REA 3701 / Essentials of Real Estate / 3
AMM / 110 / Business Law I / 3 / LAW 1101 / Fundamentals of Business Law / 3
AMM / 111 / Business Law II / 3 / LAW 7000 / Elective / 3

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LaGuardiaCommunity CollegeBaruchCollege Equivalent
Course / No. Course Title / Credits / Course No. Course Title / Credits
AMM / 115 Basics of Advertising / 3 / MKT 7000 / Elective / 3
AMM / 121 Personnel Administration / 3 / MGT 4400 / Human Resource Mgt / 3
AMM / 139 Prin of Total Quality Mgt / 3 / MGT 7000 / Elective / 3
AMM / 140 Intro to Credit Management / 3 / NO CREDIT
AMM 141 Financial Statement Analysis
AMM 142 Accounts Rec Financing
(Both courses required) / 3
3 / ACC / 2101 / Principles of Accounting / 3
AMM / 150 Organizing and Operating
a Small Business / 3 / MGT / 4860 / Entrepreneurship Mgt / 3
AMM / 155 Prin of Personal Selling / 3 / MKT / 4911 / Comm Skills for Selling & Mkt / 3
AMM / 260 Prin of International Business / 3 / MKT / 3400 / International Business Princ / 3
AMM / 261 Export/Import Procedure
& Documentation / 3 / MKT / 4911 / Communication Skills for
Selling and Marketing / 3
AMM / 262 Global Marketing / 3 / MKT / 3400 / International Business Prin / 3
AMM / 263 International Finance / 3 / FIN / 4910 / International Financial Mkts / 3
AMP / courses / NO CREDIT
CIC / 100 Intro to Computers
& Their Application / 3 / CIS / 1357 / Intro to Computer & Bus
Info Proc / 3
CII / 160 Topics in CIS Java
(Java Script HTML) / 3 / CIS / 3630 / Multimedia: Theory & Appl / 3
CIN / 160 Topics in CIS: Winds / 3 / CIS / 3650 / Operating Systems Concepts / 3
CIR / 160 Topics in CIS: Research / 3 / CIS / 3500 / Networks & Telecomm I / 3
CIS / 100 Intro to Computers & Their
Applications / 3 / CIS / 1357 / Intro to Computer & Bus
Info Process / 3
CIS / 101 Intro to Computer / 4 / CIS 7000 Elective
(May take Qualifying exam in CIS 1357) / 3
CIS / 105 Computers & Society / 3 / CIS 7000 Elective
(May take Qualifying exam in CIS 1357) / 3
CIS / 107 Computer Graphics / 3 / CIS / 7000 / Elective / 3
CIS / 109 Intro to Visual Programming / 3 / CIS / 7000 / Elective / 3
CIS / 110 Systems Analysis & Design / 3 / CIS 7000 Elective
(May take Qualifying exam in CIS 3900) / 3
CIS / 125 C Programming / 3 / CIS 7000 Elective
(May take Qualifying exam in CIS 3100 / 3

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LaGuardiaCommunity CollegeBaruchCollege Equivalent

Course / No. Course Title / Credits / Course No. Course Title / Credits
CIS / 130 / MS-DOS Concepts & Prog / 3 / CIS 7000 Elective
(May take Qualifying exam in CIS 1357) / 3
CIS / 170 / Spreadsheet Applications / 3 / NO CREDIT
CIS / 171 / Data Base Applications / 3 / NO CREDIT
CIS / 172 / Desktop Publishing Appl / 3 / NO CREDIT
CIS / 173 / Integrated Software Syst / 3 / NO CREDIT
CIS / 195 Structured Prog with Cobol
195 Structured Prog with Cobol
203 CICS with Structures
Cobol Programming / 4
3 / CIS 7000 Elective
(May take Qualifying exam in CIS 3200)
CIS 3200 Business Appl Prog I
(May take Qualifying exam in CIS 4200) / 3
(Both courses required)
CIS / 196 BASIC Assembler Lang / 5 / CIS 4201 Assembler Language / 3
for Computer Science / Concepts & func
CIS / 203 CICS with Structures / 3 / CIS 7000 Elective / 3
(May take Qualifying exam in CIS 4200)
CIS / 230 Comparative Operating Sys / 3 / CIS 7000 Elective / 3
(May take Qualifying exam in CIS 3650)
CIS / 231 Novell Network Operating Sys / 3 / CIS 3500 Networks & Telecomm I / 3
CIS / 232 UNIX Network Operating Sys / 3 / CIS 7000 Elective / 3
(May take Qualifying exam in CIS 3650)
CIS / 233 Windows NT Network / 3 / CIS 7000 Elective / 3
Operating System / (May take Qualifying exam in CIS 3650)
CIS / 241 Computer Electronics I / 4 / NO CREDIT
CIS / 242 Computer Electronics II / 3 / NO CREDIT
CIS / 250 Date Base Concepts & / 3 / CIS 7000 Elective / 3
Programming / (May take Qualifying exam in CIS 3400)
CIS / 260 Intro to Teleprocessing / 3 / CIS 7000 Elective / 3
(May take Qualifying exam in CIS 3500)
CIS / 261 Intro to Telephony / 3 / NO CREDIT
CIS / 262 Data Communications / 4 / CIS 3500 Networks & Telecomm I / 3
CIS / 263 Networks Operations / 4 / CIS 7000 Elective / 3
(May take Qualifying exam in CIS 4500)
CIS / 265 Computer Hardware / 3 / CIS 7000 Elective / 3
Interfacing & Prog / (May take Qualifying exam in CIS 4201)
CIS / 270 DataCenter Operations: / 3 / NO CREDIT
The Basics
CIS / 275 DataCenter Operations: / 3 / NO CREDIT
Advanced Topics

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LaGuardiaCommunity CollegeBaruchCollege Equivalent
Course / No. Course Title / Credits / Course / No. Course Title / Credits
CIS / 286 / Data Structures / 3 / NO CREDIT
CIS / 291 / Computer Logic, Design
& Implementation I / 4 / CIS 7000 / Elective / 3
CIS / 292 / Computer Logic, Design
& Implementation II / 4 / NO CREDIT
CIS / 293 / Computer Repair / 4 / NO CREDIT
CIS / 295 / Computer Architecture / 4 / CIS / 7000 / Elective / 3
ENG / 101 Composition 1: An Intro to
** If WAT has been passed ** / 3 / ENG / 2100 / Writing I / 3
ENG / 101 Composition I: An Intro to
Expository Writing
**If WAT has been passed ** / 3 / ENG / 2100 / Writing I / 3
ENG / 102 Composition II: Writing
Through Literature
** If WAT has been passed ** / 3 / ENG / 2150 / Writing II / 3
ENG / 103 / Research Paper / 2 / NO CREDIT
ENG / 106 Critical Writing: Analysis
and Argumentation
** If WAT has been passed ** / 3 / ENG / 2150 / Writing II / 3
ENG / 112 / Writing for Business / 3 / ENG / 7200 / English Comp Elective / 3
ENG / 203 / Work, Labor and Business
in American Literature / 3 / Eng / 7100 / Elective / 3
ENG / 205 / The Bible as Literature / 3 / Eng / 7100 / Elective / 3
ENG / 210 / Journalism / 3 / Eng / 2500 / Perspectives on the News / 3
ENG / 211 / Journalism: News / 3 / Eng / 2550 / Journalistic Writing / 3
ENG / 213 / Broadcast Journalism:
Writing for Radio / 3 / ENG / 2520 / Broadcast News: Writing
for Radio / 3
ENG / 214 / Broadcast Journalism:
Writing for Television / 3 / ENG / 2530 / Broadcast News Production / 3
ENG / 215 / Journalism: Rep. / 3 / Eng / 2550 / Journalistic Writing / 3
ENG / 225 / Afro-American Literature / 3 / ENG / 7150 / (Intermediate) Lit Elective / 3
ENG / 235 / Cultural Identity in Amer. Lit. / 3 / ENG / 7100 / (Lit) Elective / 3
ENG / 247 / The Woman Writer / 3 / ENG / 7000 / (Lit) Elective / 3
ENG / 250 / The Short Story / 3 / ENG / 7100 / (Lit) Elective / 3
ENG / 260 / The Novel / 3 / ENG / 4440 / Currents in the Modern Novel / 3

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LaGuardiaCommunity College BaruchCollege Equivalent

Course / No. Course Title / Credits / Course / No. Course Title / Credits
ENG / 265 / The Drama / 3 / ENG / 7300 / (HUM) Elective / 2
ENG / 266 / Shakespeare / 3 / ENG / 7100 / (Lit) Elective / 3
ENG / 269 / Black Amer. Fiction / 3 / ENG / 3830 / Trad. Influ. In African Amer. Lit. / 3
ENG / 270 / Intro Poetry / 3 / ENG / 7100 / (Lit) Elective / 3
ENG / 272 / Literature and Film / 3 / ENG / 3270 / Film and Literature / 3
ENG / 275 / The Great Writer / 3 / ENG / 7100 / (Lit) Elective / 3
ENG / 280 / Children's Literature / 3 / ENG / 7100 / (Lit) Elective / 3
ENN / 198 / Urban Study: Creative Writing / 3 / ENG / 3610 / Workshop.: Fiction Writing / 3
HSC / 101 / Orient. Hum. Serv. / 3 / SOC / 3046 / Social Welfare Insts / 3
HSC / 102 / Prin. Human Relations / 3 / SOC / 7000 / Elective / 3
HSC / 135 / Hum. Serv. Roles / 3 / SOC / 3046 / Social Welfare Insts / 3
HSC / 200 / Cool. Education Child Dev. / 1.5 / EDU / 2001 / Field Exp. In Edu Services / 1
HSD / 170 / Integrated Curr A: Framework
for the Developing Child / 3 / EDU / 2001 / Field Exp. In Edu Services / 1
HSD / 171 / Integrated Curr B: Dev.
Problem Solving Skills / 3 / EDU / 2001 / Field Exp. In Edu Services / 1
HSD / 172 / Integrated Curr C:
Developing Creativity / 3 / EDU / 2001 / Field Exp. In Educ Services / 1
HSE / 105 / Understanding & Working
w/ Handicapped Children / 3 / EDU / 3020 / The Exceptional Child / 3
HSE / 109 / Prin & Pract of Early
Childhood / 3 / EDU / 1101 / Psy of Childhood and
Adolescence / 3
HSE / 111 / Intro. Devel. Disb. / 3 / PSY / 3074 / Psy Disabling.~ Condition / 3
HUA / 101 / Intro to Understanding Art / 3 / ART / 7200 / (History) Elective / 3
HUA / 102 / Design & Color / 3 / ART / 1020 / Prin of Visual Art (2D) / 3
HUA / 103 / Beginning Drawings / 3 / ART / 2021 / Basic Drawing / 3
HUA / 104 / Intro to Design / 3 / ART / 1020 / Prin of Visual Art (2D) / 3
HUA / 106 / 3-D Design / 3 / ART / 7300 / (HUM) Elective / 3
HUA / 110 / Beginning Painting / 3 / ART / 2021 / Basic Drawing~ / 3
HUA / 115 / Color Theory / 3 / ART / 2025 / Basic Painting / 3
HUA / 120 / Beginning Sculpture / 3 / ART / 2030 / Basic Sculpture / 3
HUA / 125 / Intro to Computer Art / 3
HUA / 130 / Beginning Photography / 3 / ART / 2060 / Basic Photography / 3
HUA / 165 / Art History: Pre-Historic
Through Gothic / 2 / ART / 1011 / Art History Survey I / 3

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LaGuardiaCommunity CollegeBaruchCollege Equivalent

Course / No. Course Title / Credits / Course / No. Course Title / Credits
HUA / 166 / Art History: Renaissance
Through Modern / 3 / ART / 1012 / Art History Survey II / 3
HUA / 167 / Intro to African Art / 3 / ART / 3270 / African Art / 3
HUA / 200 / Art of the Twentieth Century / 3 / ART / 3241 / Twentieth Century Art / 3
HUA / 201 / Art in NY: A Museum/Gallery
Workshop. / 3 / ART / 3254 / Architecture and the City / 3
HUA / 202 / History of Photography / 3 / ART / 3064 / Photojournalism / 3
HUA / 203 / Intermediate Drawing / 3 / ART / 3021 / Intermediate Drawing.~ / 3
HUA / 210 / Intermediate Painting! / 3 / ART / 3025 / Intermediate Oil Painting / 3
HUA / 215 / Art of the Renaissance in Italy / 3 / ART / 3225 / Art of the Renaissance / 3
HUA / 220 / Intermediate Scripture / 3 / ART / 3033 / Intermediate Sculpture / 3
HUA / 230 / Intermediate Photography / 3 / ART / 3060 / Intermediate Photography / 3
HUB / 103 / Prin & Pract of Bilingual Edu / 3 / EDU / 7100 / (Prof) Elective / 3
HUB / 200 / Bilingual Lang Arts / 3 / EDU / 7100 / (Prof) Elective / 2
HUB / 203 / Classroom Dynamics in a
BilingualSchool / 2 / EDU / 7100 / (Prof) Elective / 2
HUC / 101 / Oral Communication / 3 / COM / 1010 / Speech Communication / 3
HUC / 104 / Voice & Diction / 3 / COM / 1011 / Voice & Diction / 3
HUC / 106 / Public Speaking / 3 / COM / 1013 / Public Speaking / 3
HUC / 108 / Comm. in a Prof. Setting / 3 / COM / 3102 / Speech for Executives / 3
HUC / 109 / Argumentations & Debate / 3 / COM / 3071 / Argumentation & Debate / 3
HUC / 150 / The Art of Film / 3 / FILM / 7000 / Elective / 3
HUC / 168 / Theatre as Communication / 3 / THE / 7000 / Elective / 3
HUC / 170 / Art of Theatre / 3 / THE / 1041 / Intro to the Theatre Arts / 3
HUC / 180 / Creative Drama / 3 / THE / 7000 / Elective / 3
HUC / 190 / Acting 1 / 3 / THE / 1043 / Intro to Acting. / 3
HUC / 191 / Acting 2 / 3 / THE / 3044 / Advanced Acting. / 3
HUC / 195 / Theatre Production / 3 / THE / 3046 / Play Production / 3
HUC / 240 / Video Prod. Workshop. / 3 / MKT / 3141 / Television Commercial Prod / 3
HUC / 245 / The NY Experience / 3 / NO CREDIT
HUC / 270 / American Film / 3 / FILM / 7000 / Elective / 3
HUC / 272 / Literature and Film / 3 / ENG / 7000 / Elective / 3

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LaGuardiaCommunity CollegeBaruchCollege Equivalent

Course / No. Course Title / Credits / Course / No. Course Title / Credits
HUM / 101 / Intro to Music / 3 / MSC / 1005 / Principles of Music / 3
HUM / 107 / Music of Latin America / 3 / MSC / 3031 / Music of Latin America & the
Caribbean / 3
HUM / 140 / Music Theory I / 3 / MSC / 1038 / Basic Music Theory I / 3
HUM / 201 / American Musical Theater / 3 / MSC / 7300 / (Studio) Elective / 3
HUM / 210 / American Music / 3 / MSC / 3009 / Music in America / 2
HUN / 101 / Intro to Bilin8ual / 3 / HSP / 7000 / Elective / 3
HUN / 180 / Intro to Intercultural Commun. / 3 / COM / 3069 / Intercultural Communication / 3
HUN / 191 / Photo Journalism: An Intro / 3 / ENG / 3064 / Photojournalism / 3
HUN / 192 / Art and Society / 3 / ART / 7000 / Elective / 3
HUN / 194 / Puerto Rican Community / 3 / HSP / 3001 / Puerto Rican Community / 3
HUN / 196 / Film and New York City / 3 / FLM / 7000 / Elective / 3
HUN / 245 / NY Theatre Experience / 3 / NO CREDIT / -
HUP / 100 / Critical Thinking / 3 / PHI / 7350 / PHI Gen Edu Req Met / 3
HUP / 101 / Intro to Philosophy / 3 / PHI / 2000 / Major Iss in Phil / 3
HUP / 102 / Critical Thinking / 3 / PHI / 7350 / PHI Gen Edu Req Met / 3
HUP / 104 / Ethics and Morals / 3 / PHI / 2200 / Ethical Theories / 3
HUP / 105 / Philosophy of Reli8ion / 3 / PHI / 2210 / Phil of Religion / 3
HUP / 110 / Philosophy & Bus. Ethics / 3 / PHI / 7200 / (HUM) Elective / 3
HUP / 210 / Ethics / 3 / PHI / 2200 / Ethical Theory / 3
HUP / 220 / Political Philosophy / 3 / PHI / 2230 / Political Philosophy / 3
HUP / 230 / Philosophy of Religion / 3 / PHI / 2210 / Philosophy of Religion / 3
HUS / 204 / Latin American Civilization / 3 / SPA / 4271 / Civilizations & Cultures of
Spanish America / 3
HUS / 270 / Literature of the Caribbean / 3 / SPA / 4383 / Cuban, Dominican & Puerto
Rican Literature I / 3
MAT / 103 / Early Concepts of Math
for Children / 3 / NO CREDIT
MAT / 104 / Math in Elem Education / 3 / MTH 2202 / Math for ElemSchool Teachers / 3
MAT / 107 / Math & the Modern World / 3 / NO CREDIT
MAT / 120 / Elementary Statistics I
(ONLY If course taken Spring 1997 or later) / 3 / STA / 2000 / Business Statistics I / 3

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LaGuardiaCommunity CollegeBaruchCollege Equivalent

Course / No. Course Title / Credits / Course / No. / Course Title / Credits
MAT / 120 Elementary Statistics I
(If course taken PRIOR to Spring 1997) / 3 / NO CREDIT
(May take qualifying exam in STA 2000)
MAT 120 Elementary Statistics I 3
MAT 121 Elementary Statistics II 3
(If taken PRIOR to Spring 1997, BOTH courses Required) / STA 2000 / Business Statistics I / 3
MAT / 132 History of Mathematics- / 3 / NO CREDIT
MAT / 200 Pre-Calculus / 4 / MTH / 2000 / Pre-Calculus: College Algebra
and Trigonometry / 4
MAT / 201 Calculus I / 4 / MTH / 2010 / Elem Calculus I / 4
MAT / 202 Calculus II / 4 / MTH / 3010 / Elem Calculus II / 4
MAT / 203 Calculus III / 4 / MTH / 3020 / Intermediate Calculus / 4
MAT / 204 Elem. Differential Equations / 4 / MTH / 4110 / Ordinary Differential Equations / 3
MAT / 210 Linear Algebra / 3 / MTH / 4100 / Linear Alg & Matrix Methods / 3
MAT / 230 Intro to Discrete Math Structures / 4 / MTH / 7000 / Elective / 4
MAT / 235 Math using Microcomputers / 4 / MTH / 7000 / Elective / 4
MAT / 241 Technical Mathematics I / 4 / MTH / 2000 / Pre-Calculus: College Algebra
and Trigonometry / 4
MAT / 242 Technical Mathematics II / 4 / MTH / 2010 / Elementary Calculus I / 4
OFT / courses
281 Microcomputer Appl / 3 / NO CREDIT
CIS 7000 Elective
(May take Qualifying exam in CIS 1357) / 3
SCB / 101 Topics in Biology / 3 / BIO / 7000 / Elective / 3
SCB 201 Fund of Biology I
SCB 202 Fund of Biology II
(Both courses required) / 4
. / BIO
BIO / 1003
7000 / Survey of the Living World
Elective / 4
SCB / 203 Fund of Human Bio I / 4 / BIO / 7000 / Elective / 4
SCB 203 Fund of Human Bio I
SCB 204 Fund of Human Bio II
(Both courses required) / 4
4 / BIO / 1005 / General Biology - Structure
& Func - A Human Orientation / 4
SCB / 260 General Microbiology / 4 / BIO / 4004 / Microbiology / 4
SCC / 101 Topics in Chemistry / 3 / CHM / 1000 / Chem & the Environment / 3
SCC / 140 Biological Chemistry / 3 / CHM / 7000 / Elective / 3
SCC / 200 Essentials of Inorganic Chem. / 4 / CHM / 7200 / (LAB) Elective / 4

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LaGuardiaCommunity CollegeBaruchCollege Equivalent

Course / No. Course Title / Credits / Course / No. Course Title / Credits
SCC 201 Fund of Chemistry I
SCC 202 Fund of Chemistry II
(Both courses required) / 4
4 / CHM / 2003 / General Chemistry I / 4
SCC 251 Organic Chemistry I
SCC 252 Organic Chemistry II
(Both courses required) / 4
4 / CHM / 3003 / Prin of Organic Chem I / 4
SCH / 111 / Aging and Health / 3 / NO CREDIT / -
SCH / 150 / Drugs and Behavior / 3 / HED / 1914 / Alcohol and Drug Abuse / 3
SCH / 210 / Human Sexuality / 3 / HED / 1915 / Human Sexuality and Family
Planning / 3
SCP / 101 / Topics in Physical Sciences / 3 / SCI / 7000 / Elective / 3
SCP / 140 / Topics in Astronomy / 3 / AST / 1000 / Intro to Modern Astronomy / 3
SCP 201 Fund of Physics I
SCP 202 Fund of Physics II
(Both courses required) / 4
4 / PHY / 1003 / Concepts in Physics / 4
SCS / 100 / Topics in Ecology / 3 / ENV / 7200 / (LAB) Elective / 3
SSA / 100 / Intro to Anthropology / 3 / ANT / 1001 / Intro to Cultural Anthropology / 3
SSA / 101 / Cultural Anthropology / 3 / ANT / 1001 / Intro to Cultural Anthropology / 3
SSA / 205 / Human Evol Var & Bio / 4 / ANT / 3080 / Human Evolution / 3
SSA / 245 / Native Americans / 3 / ANT / 3041 / Native Americans / 3
SSB / 102 / General Psychology-Bilingual / 3 / PSY / 1001 / General Psychology / 3
SSB / 110 / Intro to Sociology - Bilingual / 3 / SOC / 1005 / Intro to Sociology / 3
SSE 101 Intro Economics I
SSE 102 Intro Economics II
(Both courses required) / 3
3 / ECO
ECO / 1001
1002 / Micro-Economics
Macro-Economics / 3
SSE / 125 / World Geography / 3 / NO CREDIT
SSH / 101 / Themes in Amer History
to 1865 / 2 / HIS / 1004 / History of Amer Civilization I / 3
SSH / 102 / Themes in American
History since 1865 / 3 / HIS / 1005 / Modern American History / 3
SSH / 103 / Western Civilization from
Ancient Times to Renaissance / 3 / HIS / 1001 / Themes in Global History
to 1500 C.E. / 3
SSH / 104 / Western Civilization from
Renaissance to Modern Times / 3 / HIS / 1003 / Themes in Global History
since 1500 C.E. / 3
SSH / 231 / Afro-American History - / 3 / HIS / 2060 / Afro-American History / 3

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Course / No. Course Title / Credits / Course / No. Course Title / Credits
SSH / 232 / Survey of Latin America
Caribbean History / 3 / HIS / 7050 / (Intermediate) Elective / 3
SSH / 260 / History of Minorities / 3 / SOC / 3053 / Minority Groups / 3
SSI / 100 / Intro to Social Science / 3 / SOC / 1005 / Introduction to Sociology / 3
SSI / 210 / Women in Society / 3 / SOC / 7000 / Elective / 3
SSN / 181 / Comtemp.Urban Issues / 3 / POL / 2321 / Urban Government / 3
SSN / 182 / Urban Anthropology / 3 / ANT / 3028 / Urban Anthropology / 3
SSN / 183 / Hist of Minorities / 3 / SOC / 3053 / Minority Groups / 3
SSN / 184 / Urban Studies / 2 / PSY / 3183 / Psych & Urban Problems / 3
SSN / 186 / Sociology of the Black
Community / 3 / BLS / 1009 / Sociology of the Black
Community / 3
SSN / 187 / Urban Sociology / 3 / SOC / 3051 / Urban Sociology / 3
SSN / 189 / Urban Study: Urban Economics / 3 / ECO / 7000 / Elective / 3
SSN / 192 / Politics in NYC / 3 / POL / 2323 / Govt & Politics of NYC / 3
SSN / 194 / Religion & Social Change / 3 / SOC / 3067 / Sociology of Religion / 3
SSN / 199
210 / Neighborhood History
Political Sexuality / 3
3 / HIS
SOC / 7000
7000 / Elective
Elective / 3
SSN / 240 / History of NYC / 3 / HIS / 3551 / History of the People of the
City of New York / 3
SSN / 280 / Urban Black Psychology / 3 / PSY / 7000 / Elective / 3
SSP / 101 / US Power & Politics / 3 / POL / 1101 / American Government / 3
SSP / 200 / World Politics / 3 / POL / 7000 / Elective / 3
SSP / 220 / Politics of Latin America
and the Caribbean / 3 / POL / 3364 / Latin America & Caribbean
Political Systems / 3
SSP / 240 / Crime & Punishment / 3 / SOC / 3041 / Criminology / 3
SSP / 245 / Law and Human Rights / 3 / POL / 2314 / Civil Liberties / 3
SSS / 100 / Intro to Sociology:
Contemporary Society / 3 / SOC / 1005 / Introductory Sociology / 3
SSS / 185 / Sociology of Education / 3 / SSC / 7000 / Social Sciences Elective / 3
SSS / 280 / Sociology of the Family / 3 / SOC / 3066 / Marriage & the Family / 3

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Course / No. Course Title / Credits / Course / No. Course Title / Credits
SSY / 101 / General Psychology / 3 / PSY / 1001 / General Psychology / 3
SSY / 200 / Personality / 3 / PSY / 4061 / Theories of Personality / 3
SSY / 205 / Psychology of Women / 3 / PSY / 7000 / Elective / 3
SSY / 210 / Prin of Behavior Myt / 3 / NO CREDIT
SSY / 230 / Abnormal Psychology / 3 / PSY / 3055 / Abnormal Psychology / 3
SSY / 240 / Development Psychology I / 3 / PSY / 3059 / Devel Psych: Personality
in Childhood & Adolescence / 3
SSY / 246 / Psychology in Business
& Organization / 3 / PSY / 3181 / Industrial & Organizational
Psychology / 3
SSY / 250 / Social Psychology / 3 / PSY / 3056 / Social Psychology / 3
SSY / 260 / Group Dynamics / 3 / PSY / 3058 / Small Group. Processes / 3

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