Indirect Measurement Project

Honors Geometry

Chapter 8

Basic Instructions

Using indirect measurement, determine the height of three different objects (tree, post, building, etc).

Make sure you can measure to the base of the object directly below the top point that you will be sighting in the mirror.

Each member of the team will sight the object in the mirror and calculatethe height.

For each member of your team, measure their height of eye:

Team Member / Height of eye

For each object (using the following pages) you must provide:

  1. Description:

○Give a brief description of the object.

○Includelocation and where measuring from.

  1. Drawing/Sketch:

○Make a sketch of the object.

○Include the area you are measuring over – terrain is important!

  1. Estimated Height

○Make an estimate (eye-ball it) of the object’s height.

○This is your best guess just standing there looking at it…

  1. Dist Mirror→Object

○Record the measured distance from the mirror to the base of the object.

○You only need to do this once…leave the mirror in that one spot for all team members to sight from.

Object 1

Brief Description:

Flagpole side of high school building. Top of beige wall at flatroofed part of building

above Mrs. Nield’s office measured from the terrace near the flagpole.


Estimated Height: ______Dist Mirror→Object: ______

Team Member / Dist Person to Mirror / Calculated Height of Object

Object 2

Brief Description:

Tall cedar tree outside Miss Amble’s classroom. Measured from across the sidewalk

between the high school building and the Arbor.


Estimated Height: ______Dist Mirror→Object: ______

Team Member / Dist Person to Mirror / Calculated Height of Object

Object 3

Brief Description:


Estimated Height: ______Dist Mirror→Object: ______

Team Member / Dist Person to Mirror / Calculated Height of Object
  1. How accurate do think your measurements are? Within what percent of actual? Why?
  1. What do you think are the primary sources for error using this method of measurement? Use back of sheet if necessary…
  1. How could you best compensate for these sources of error? Use back of sheet if necessary…
  1. If you were to give advice to another team on how to best do indirect measurement, what would you say? Use back of sheet if necessary…

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