Fall 2017 Schedule by Program of Study:

Bachelor of Arts in English

Learning Outcome #1

2000 Level: Historical Surveys

Category Requirement: 6 credits

Survey I (3 credits)

AML 2010 / American Literature I / MW 4:30-5:45 / Cartwright / 81513
ENL 2012 / British Literature I / TR 10:50-12:05 / Gabbard / 82195
ENL 3501 / Periods of Early Brit. Lit. / TR 10:50-12:05 / Gabbard / 82196

Survey II (3 credits)

AML 2020 / American Literature II / MW 9:00-10:15 / Welling / 81769
ENL 2022 / British Literature II / TR 9:25-10:40 / Wiley / 82490
ENL 3503 / Periods of Later Brit. Lit. / TR 9:25-10:40 / Wiley / 80010

Learning Outcome #2

3000 Level: Communication and Content

Category Requirement: 15 credits

Required Core Courses (6 credits)

LIT 3213 / Critical Reading/Writing I / TR 1:40-2:55 / Gabbard / 80659
LIT 3213 / Critical Reading/Writing I / TR 10:50-12:05 / Turney / 81516
LIT 3213 / Critical Reading/Writing I / MW 1:30-2:45 / Smith / 81361
LIT 3214 / Critical Reading/Writing II / MW 3:00-4:15 / TBA / 81777
LIT 3214 / Critical Reading/Writing II / MW 4:30-5:45 / Donovan / 82212

Communications, Performance, or Production (3 credits)

CRW 3110 / Fiction Workshop / F 9:00-11:45 / TBA / 81354
CRW 3110 / Fiction Workshop / T 6:00-8:45 / Pactor / 80886
CRW 3211 / Creative Non-Fiction Wkshp. / T 6:00-8:45 / Ari / 82913
CRW 3310 / Poetry Workshop / MWF 12:00-12:50 / Dale / 81514
CRW 3610 / Screenwriting Workshop / M 6:00-8:45 / Boka / 81771
CRW 3610 / Screenwriting Workshop / W 6:00-8:45 / Boka / 82500
CRW 3930 / Songwriting / R 6:00-8:45 / Ari / 82914
ENC 3250 / Professional Communication / F 12:00-2:45 / TBA / 81211
ENC 3250 / Prof. Comm.: Advertising / MW 7:30-8:45pm / Faulkner / 81356
ENC 3250 / Prof. Comm.: Advertising / W 12:00-2:45 / TBA / 81357
ENC 3250 / Prof. Comm.: Business / Online / Faulkner / 81358
ENC 3250 / Prof. Comm.: Business / Online / Maxey-Billings / 82925
ENC 3250 / Prof. Comm.: Food Writing / Online / Ziegler / 82192
ENC 3250 / Prof. Comm.: General / Online / TBA / 81212
ENC 3250 / Prof. Comm.: Nursing / Online / Lauridsen / 82922
ENC 3250 / Prof. Comm.: STEM / Online / Maxey-Billings / 82924
ENC 3250 / Prof. Comm.: ADA / Online / Ziegler / 82926
ENC 3310 / Writing Prose / MW 1:30-2:45 / Beasley / 80926
ENC 3375 / Fandom and Authorship / Online / Howell / 82927
ENC 3930 / Writing Jacksonville / F 12:00-2:45 / Howell / 82928
FIL 3006 / Analyzing Films / TR 9:25-12:05 / TBA / 81214
FIL 3363 / Documentary Production / MW 4:30-5:45 / Smith / 82211
FIL 3828 / International Film Survey / MW 9:00-11:45 / Donovan / 82209
FIL 3833 / Film Noir / MW 1:30-4:15 / Donovan / 82957

Readings, Contexts, Authors, and Methods (6 credits)

AML 3102 / American Fiction / MW 1:30-2:45 / Lieberman / 82908
AML 3154 / American Poetry / TR 4:30-5:45 / Lunberry / 82176
AML 3621 / Black American Literature / MW 6:00-7:15pm / Cartwright / 82909
ENG 3816 / Dig. Methods in Lit. Studies / MW 3:00-4:15 / Heffernan / 82951
ENL 3333 / Shakespeare / TR 12:15- 1:30 / Monteleone / 80009
ENL 3501 / Periods of Early Brit. Lit. / TR 10:50-12:05 / Gabbard / 82196
ENL 3503 / Periods of Later Brit. Lit. / TR 9:25-10:40 / Wiley / 80010
LIT 3331 / Children’s Literature / Online / Baron / 81594
LIT 3333 / Adolescent Literature / TR 9:25-10:40 / Baron / 81362
LIT 3930 / Detective Fiction / TR 12:15-1:30 / Wiley / 82959

Learning Outcome #3

4000 Level: Critical Thinking, Communication, and Content

Category Requirement: 15 credits

Advanced Studies in Authors, Cultures, Literary Theories or Topics (9 credits)

AML 4242 / 20th-Century American Lit. / MW 12:00-1:15 / Nies / 82177
ENG 4013 / Approach to Lit Interpretation / TR 3:05-4:20 / Kimball / 82952
ENG 4013 / Approach to Lit Interpretation / TR 1:40-2:55 / Kimball / 80438
ENG 4930 / Creative Criticism / MW 3:00-4:15 / Lieberman / 82953
LIT 4093 / Dramatic Literature / TR 3:05-4:20 / Lunberry / 82960
LIT 4243 / Chaucer / Online / Chapman / 82961
LIT 4934 / Reading Matters / M 12:00-2:45 / Ziegler / 81778
LIT 4934 / Sem: Literary Frauds / TR 1:40-2:55 / Wiley / 82962
LIT 4934 / Sem: Poetry of New England / MW 10:50-11:45 / Baron / 82963

Communications, Performance, or Production (3 credits)

CRW 4924 / Advanced Fiction Workshop / R 6:00-8:45 / Pactor / 80907
CRW 4924 / Playwright’s Project / TR 4:30-5:45 / Monteleone / 82181
ENC 4930 / Writing as Social Action / MW 4:30-5:45 / Beasley / 82949
FIL 4379 / Adv. Documentary Production / MW 4:30-7:15 / Smith / 82427
FIL 4931 / Art of the Interview / MW 12:00-1:15 / Smith / 82958

Senior Seminar/Capstone (3 credits)

LIT 4934 / Sem: Literary Frauds / TR 1:40-2:55 / Wiley / 82962
LIT 4934 / Reading Matters / M 12:00-2:45 / Ziegler / 81778
LIT 4934 / Sem: Poetry of New England / MW 10:50-11:45 / Baron / 82963