Form 10
Sections 17 to 20, and 64, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act2012
Pursuant to the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 (the Act), [fulllegal name] (the licensee) is authorised to sell alcohol on the premisessituated at [number, street, and town] and known as [trading nameof premises], to any person for consumption off the premises and tosupply alcohol free, as a sample, for consumption on the premises.
If this licence is not endorsed under section 40 of the Act, the licenseeis also authorised to sell alcohol on or from the premises and deliverit somewhere else.
(To be included only where the licence is endorsed under section 39the Act)
Section 39 of the Act applies to this licence; and the licensee is alsoauthorised to sell alcohol by auction in the course of the licensee’sbusiness as an auctioneer.
(To be included only where the licence is endorsed under section 40the Act)
Section 40 of the Act applies to this licence; and the licensee is authorisedto sell alcohol from (but not on) the premises and deliver itsomewhere else.
(Except in the case of a licence endorsed under section 39 or 40 ofthe Act)
The authority conferred by this licence must be exercised through amanager or managers appointed by the licensee in accordance withSubpart 7 of Part 2 of the Act.
This licence is subject to the following conditions:
(a) no alcohol is to be sold or delivered on Good Friday, ChristmasDay, or before 1 pm on Anzac Day:
(b) no alcohol is to be sold or delivered on Easter Sunday unlessthe alcohol is grape wine or fruit or vegetable wine made—
(i) on the premises; or
(ii) from grapes or fruit harvested from land on which thepremises are situated:
(c) (in the case only where the licensee is the holder of a club licence)alcohol may be sold or supplied only to a person who—
(i) is a member of the club: or
(ii) is on the premises at the invitation of, and is accompaniedby, a member of the club; or
(iii) is a member of some other club with which the club hasan arrangement for reciprocal visiting rights for members:
(d) (In the case only where the premises are a supermarket orgrocery store) no alcohol may be sold other than—
(i) beer that complies with the appropriate New Zealandfood standard for beer; or
(ii) mead that complies with the appropriate New Zealandfood standard for mead; or
(iii) fruit or vegetable wine that complies with the appropriateNew Zealand food standard for fruit or vegetablewine; or
(iv) grape wine that complies with the appropriate NewZealand food standard for grape wine; or
(v) a food flavouring, prepared for culinary purposes, thatis unsuitable for drinking undiluted.
(e) alcohol may be sold only on the following days and during thefollowing hours: [state]
*(f) the whole (or each of the following parts) of the premises isdesignated as a restricted area: [state]
*(g) the whole (or each of the following parts) of the premises isdesignated as a supervised area: [state]
*(h) (in the case only of a supermarket or grocery) the only areadelineated on the attached plan is a permitted area for the displayand promotion of alcohol:
(i) [any other conditions imposed under section 110, 111, 116, or117, of the Act]
*Omit this paragraph if it does not apply.
Subject to the requirements of the Act relating to the payment offees, and to the provisions of the Act relating to the suspension andcancellation of licences, this licence continues in force—
(a) either—
(i) until the close of the period for which it was last renewed;or
(ii) if it has never been renewed, until the close of the periodof 12 months after the day it was issued; but
(b) if an application for the renewal of the licence is duly madebefore the licence would otherwise expire, either—
(i) until the close of the period of 3 years after the periodfor which it was last renewed; or
(ii) if it has never been renewed, until the close of the periodof 4 years after the day it was issued.
Dated at: [place, date]
(Secretary, District Licensing Committee) (or) Alcohol Regulatoryand Licensing Authority)