Greenfield – July 10

Rapid Sequence Intubation

Indications for Intubation (in order of urgency)

  1. to obtain or maintain the airway
  2. correct abnormalities of gas exchange (oxygen the priority)
  3. protect the airway
  4. predicted clinical deterioration (to one of the above three situations)


no difficulty cooperative = awake or RSI

no difficulty uncooperative = RSI

difficulty cooperative = awake

difficulty uncooperative no difficulty predicted with BMV or extraglottic devices = RSI

difficulty uncooperative difficulty predicted with BMV or extraglottic devices = other options (defer, get help, get more info, sedative facilitated awake, blind nasal, RSI with double setup)

Definition of Rapid Sequence Intubation

a process that involves pharmacologically inducing unconsciousness and paralyzing the patient in a manner that facilitates tracheal intubation, while minimizing the risk of aspiration using application of cricoid pressure (traditional definition included this last point)

“rapid sequence” refers to the fact that the induction agent and the neuromuscular blocker are given in quick succession, and are not titrated to effect

Contraindications to RSI (relative)

inadequate clinician skills

arrested patient

anticipated difficult airway if also predicted problems with BMV or rescue extraglottic device (LMA)


Preparation (SOAPME)

suction, oxygen, airway equipment and assessment, pharmacological agents, monitors, end tidal CO2

Preoxygenate and Preload with fluid


sniffing position / line up external auditory meatus with sternal notch

Premedicate (“LOADE”)

lidocaine, opiate (fentanyl), atropine, defasciculating dose of nondepolarizing agent, esmolol

evidence lacking but may be beneficial in certain patient populations

Paralysis with Induction (“KEPT”)

Induction Agents: ketamine, etomidate, propofol, thiopental

Paralytic Agents: depolarizing (succinylcholine) or nondepolarizing (rocuronium)

Pressure (cricoid); controversial – probably should not be routinely done

Pass tube

Position (check position with end tidal CO2, EDD)

Post tube care and postintubation management

treat post intubation hypotension with fluids, ephedrine/phenylephrine (have drawn up if predicted post intubation hypotension)


pretty good review in Robert’s procedure text 2009

“no convincing data exist proving an ultimate or clinically consequential beneficial effect of multiple commonly used interventions”

Lidocaine – used in asthma (reactive bronchospasm), head injured (may attenuate cough reflex in non-paralyzed, may attenuate hypertensive response and may attenuate increased ICP associated with intubation)

Opiate (fentanyl) – blunts the pressor (hypertensive) response

Atropine – falling out of favour – should be used if needed, ie. if develop significant bradycardia or secretions but probably not routinely as a pretreatment

Defasciculating dose of non-depolarizing agent (rocuronium) – one tenth the intubating dose (0.1mg/kg) 2 minutes before induction – may block the fasciculations seen with succinylcholine use and may blunt any increased ICP seen with these fasciculations

Esmolol – very short acting, blunts the pressor response

Pharmacology of Induction Agents

Key Point

preservation of oxygenation and blood pressure often takes priority over attenuation of undesirable reflexes; in the head injured, hypoxia or hypotension can be devastating


produces “dissociative amnesia” (refers to dissociation occurring between the thalamocortical and limbic systems on EEG)

amnestic and analgesic

centrally stimulating effect on sympathetic nervous system by decreasing catecholamine reuptake (increased HR and BP – inotropic and chronotropic effects)

potent bronchodilator

tends to preserve respiratory drive but can see apnea in large, rapidly administered boluses

possibly associated with laryngospasm (probably through increased secretions) when paralytic not used (probably more common in infants)

hemodynamic effects due to sympathetic nervous system stimulation but intrinsically is a myocardial depressant so could theoretically lower BP in patients who are maximally sympathetically stimulated

increases ICP therefore theoretically bad for head injured, this now being questioned as may be helpful in the hypotense/head injured patient as may preserve CPP

Effectiveness of ketamine in decreasing intracranial pressure in children with intracranial hypertension – decreased intracranial pressure and increased cerebral perfusion pressure in intubated children with intracranial hypertension; conclude that it is safe in ventilation-treated patients with intracranial hypertension- it actually decreased ICP without lowering blood pressure and CPP, conclude that it could possibly be used safely in trauma emergency situations J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2009 Jul;4(1):40-6.

Rosen 2009: “in the hypotensive head trauma patient ketamine is a reasonable choice for induction”

indicated in severe bronchospasm, unstable hemodynamics

can get “emergence phenomenon” (benzos attenuate this)

dose 1-2 mg/kg IV or 5-10 mg/kg IM, reduce in severe shock, increase if bronchodilation is goal

onset in 1 min, lasts about 15-20 min

consider pretreatment with atropine to decrease secretions (practically rarely done)

consider using smaller doses as a sedative for awake intubation or awake look laryngoscopy (divided doses of 0.25-0.5 mg/kg)

“ketafol” can be drawn up in a single syringe


sedative-hypnotic, no analgesic properties, MOA probably involves GABA receptors

spontaneous ventilation better preserved compared with propofol or thiopental but apnea still common

with usual dose usually see no significant change in HR or BP and does not effect myocardial contractility

can see changes in HR/BP if preexisting severe hypovolemia, hypotension (use lower dose)

does not release histamine so maybe useful in asthmatics but ketamine agent of choice currently in that patient subgroup

does not block pressor response to intubation (may see hypertension especially if no premedication)

cerebroprotective - lowers ICP, cerebral blood flow and cerebral metabolic rate without adversely affecting systemic MAP and CPP

inhibits adrenocortical function with continuous infusion and now shown to do same with single bolus dose – may lead to relative adrenocortical insufficiency (Malerba et al. Intensive Care Medicine 2005; 31: 388-92); more recently however: Etomidate versus ketamine for rapid sequence intubation in acutely ill patients: a multicentre randomized controlled trial Lancet 2009 – no clinical difference in outcomes but did see some adrenal suppression based on cortisol levels and ACTH stim tests

myoclonus (brief), nausea and vomiting do occur, and seizure foci may be stimulated (controversial if actually does promote seizures – probably not)

indicated if unstable hemodynamics

possibly still avoid in septic patient (b/c of adrenal suppression)

dose 0.3 mg/kg, if hemodynamically unstable give lower dose – as low as 0.15mg/kg

onset within 30 sec and duration 5-10 min


sedative/hypnotic that works primarily via GABA receptors

compared with the other induction agents probably supresses the laryngeal and pharyngeal reflexes the most

no intrinsic analgesic properties, but produces amnesia

respiratory depressant – can see apnea

myocardial depressant and peripheral vasodilator = decrease in BP (exaggerated in the hypovolemic patient)

decreases ICP

anticonvulsant and antiemetic properties

dose 1-3 mg/kg; decrease in elderly, hypovolemic, hypotense

supplied as an emulsion with soybean oil and purified egg phosphatide but allergic reactions exceedingly rare


short acting barbiturate sedative/hypnotic acts on GABA receptors

respiratory depressant – apnea the norm following induction dose

associated with histamine release so can see bronchospasm

can cause laryngospasm and rarely trismus

myocardial depressant and peripheral vasodilator = decrease in BP (exaggerated in the hypovolemic patient)

nay be best for head injured, stroke etc. (if not hypovolemic) because decrease ICP

dose 3-5 mg/kg; decrease in elderly

works in 30-60 sec and lasts 10-30 min

supplied as a powder, which must be dissolved in sterile water to produce a 2.5% solution (25 mg/mL)

Pharmacology Neuromuscular Blockers

Depolarizing (succinylcholine)

mimics effect of acetylcholine on receptors at neuromuscular junction (and throughout the body) causing membrane depolarization

remains bound preventing normal repolarization

majority of adverse reactions not dose dependent so err on higher side of dosing interval

can see transient rise in K (0.5mEq/L) thought to result from asynchronous depolarization of muscle cells and resulting cellular injury, exaggerated hyperkalemic response seen in those with extra acetylcholine receptors (major crush injuries, burns, stroke, spinal cord injuries, but probably need at least 5 days to form these extra receptors so generally not an issue in the acute presentation)

would be an issue in a patient with a chronic neuromuscular disorder (spinal cord injury, muscular dystrophy, ALS)

can increase IOP but probably not that clinically relevant

can increase ICP

known trigger for malignant hyperthermia….dantrolene

masseter muscle rigidity - rare

prolonged effects in those with abnormal pseudocholinesterase (this normally breaks sux down quickly resulting in its fast offset)

dose 1-2 mg/kg, onset less than 1 minute and duration 5-10 minutes

Nondepolarizing (rocuronium)

competitive antagonist to acetylcholine at the NMJ

only contraindication is predicted inability to BMV if intubation fails

dose is 1 mg/kg IV, onset 1-1.5 minutes, duration 45-80 minutes

Cochrane review (2003 and 2007) favoured intubating conditions seen with succinylcholine

Post intubation hypotension (short acting vasopressors)


direct acting alpha agonist, no beta effects, potent vasoconstrictor, increase in BP with no direct effect on HR but do see reflex slowing, supplied as 10mg/1mL vial, dose is 40-100ug q 1-2minutes, effects last 5-10 minutes


acts indirectly on alpha-1 receptors by causing noradrenaline release, and directly, through action on beta adrenergic receptors, results in increase HR and BP, dose 5-10 mg IV, effects last 5-10 minutes, supplies as 50mg/1mL vial, dilute in 10 cc syringe to 50mg/10mL or 5mg/mL

Greenfield’s Final Take Home Points

1. oral airways – use them if you need them to accomplish a goal, maintaining the airway with positioning is generally safer with respect to pharyngeal stimulation and vomiting

2. get external auditory meatus lined up with sternal notch

3. hyoepiglottic ligament – engage this with your laryngoscope by putting the tip into the valeculla. This will lift the epiglottis.

4. External Laryngeal Manipulation – works, try it

5. Buy Kovacs and Law “Airway Management in Emergencies”

6. Use the approach discussed today but still always be ready for the unpredicted failed airway