Bay Street Hoops
Youth Basketball Initiative
Bay Street Hoops is about two things: basketball and community. Since 1985 the Bay Street Hoops organization has held an annual corporate charity basketball tournament in Toronto. Over the last 15 years the tournament has grown significantly. It now has over 1000 players and volunteers participating and raises approximately $200,000 per year for children’s charities in Toronto. The typical Bay Street Hoops participant is a young lawyer, accountant or financial services professional who loves playing basketball and, more importantly, wants to use his or her privileged position in the community to help those who are less fortunate.
Built on a foundation of participation and community spirit, Bay Street Hoops is about having fun and supporting deserving children and youth charities in Toronto.
For more information about the tournament go to
Funds Available
In 2009 The Bay Street Hoops organization designated 20% of the proceeds of the tournament to be used towards the Youth Basketball Initiative. This represents approximately $35,000.
· Approximately $10,000 of these funds were used to support the work of the Toronto Sport Council in creating the interactive web site and compiling the list of organizations that are providing grass roots basketball programs in Toronto.
· The remaining $25,000 will be granted and paid out this fall to organizations that meet the criteria of the Youth Basketball Initiative grant program.
· In April 2010 25% (approximately $50,000) of the proceeds of the 2010 Bay Street Hoops Tournament will be available to disburse through the Youth Basketball Initiative granted program. These amounts will be awarded this fall, but distributed in April, 2010 after the tournament.
Youth Basketball Initiative Goals:
The overall goals of the Youth Basketball Initiative are to:
· create a list of all basketball programs, camps or leagues that operate in Toronto;
· assist with the creation of a forum for ongoing dialogue and information exchange between community organizers and the broader basketball community;
· assist with the creation of a “one-stop” shop for information on training for players & coaches, funding sources to expand programs; and other resources;
· identify and share best practices among programs;
· collaborate towards the growth of basketball in Toronto; particularly in needy/at risk neighbourhoods; and
· most importantly: to help create a positive and fun sport environment that is accessible to all children, regardless of social or economic situation; and allows them to develop their own personal potential.
Grant Program: Revised Deadline August 21, 2009
The Youth Basketball Initiative grant program supports organizations that make basketball more accessible for Toronto children who live in challenging social or economic situations. We anticipate the largest grant for any program will be $5,000. We will consider limited exceptions to this guideline if the proposal is compelling.
Grant Program Priorities:
We are looking to fund programs that can best match these priorities:
1. Fun and skills introduction: Programs that provide fun basketball programs and skills introduction to children at a grade school level in neighbourhoods with challenging social or economic situations.
2. Development of the child: Programs that are concerned with the development and support of the child as a person and not just as an athlete.
3. Build on Success: Programs that have shown a track record of success and need assistance to broaden their programs to a larger number of children within their community.
4. Developing Leadership: Programs that show the potential to play a larger leadership or mentorship role towards other community basketball organizations.
5. Collaboration: Programs that demonstrate a willingness to work collaboratively towards the overall goals of the Youth Basketball Initiative and to participate in regular feedback/direction sessions with the Bay Street Hoops organization.
6. Assistance with the Bay Street Hoops Tournament: Programs that can provide 10-15 volunteers to assist with the running of the Bay Street Hoops 2010 Basketball Tournament on March 25, 26 & 27, 2010. Volunteers will be needed on the Thursday and Friday night from approximately 6 pm to 9 pm and on the Saturday from 8 am to 5 pm.
Who can apply?
The Youth Basketball Initiative is open to any organization located in the City of Toronto that is offering basketball programs for grade school aged children in neighbourhoods with challenging social or economic situations. Preference will be given to those organizations that can best meet the grant program priorities.
What is the application process?
The initial submission consists of a 5-page application and a cover sheet/letter plus required financial information. Short-listed organizations may be asked to submit more information. Short-listed applicants may also be asked to present the “best practices” of their programs to the larger basketball community. The Bay Street Hoops organization may visit the actual programs being offered by the short-listed organizations in the early fall to assess first hand the programs being offered.
What is the decision making process?
The Bay Street Hoops organization will review all initial applications. We will announce the short-listed applicants at the next Summit meeting at the Air Canada Centre in September. A final decision regarding distribution of the $25,000 from the 2009 Tournament will be made by October 31 (subject to feedback from the organizations at the June summit meeting). Decisions related to the distribution of the proceeds of the 2010 Tournament will be made by January 30, 2010.
What is included in the application?
The application must contain:
A) the cover sheet or letter;
B) one 5-page application and
C) financial information as described below.
One copy of the complete submission should be delivered by mail and email to Bay Street Hoops at the address below.
A. Cover Sheet or Letter; one page with:
· Name of organization
· If you are a registered charity, please provide your charitable number
· Name of program
· Amount requested
· Lead Contact (e.g. the head of the organization): name, position, phone number and e-mail
· Program Staff contact (the one who actually makes the day to day operations work): Contact name, position, phone number and e-mail
B. Application
To help us understand how your program fits with the Youth Basketball Initiative grant priorities, please address the following items in no more than 5 pages in length:
Please use plain language, and highlight the potential impact of the program, your organization’s history working with children’s basketball, and your credibility in the neighbourhood or with other groups.
Organization Impact
1. History of organization
2. Programs and activities
3. Accolades and accomplishments
4. Colloboration with other basketball or community organizations
Program Impact and Quality
1. Program Description: Please provide the name of the program, a brief description (how long it has been running, how often it is offered, and where it takes place).
· Please let us know how you balance fun with skills development.
· Tell us about your best practice or the critical thing you do to engage the children.
· Please tell us how you train your coaches and volunteers and indicate if you use any external resources like the Ontario Basketball Association, if any.
· Please tell us about what external programs or resources you use to create your skills development part of the program for the children, if any.
· Please indicate what types of services or programs you run ancillary to the basketball program to help the children, if any (e.g. mentoring, tutoring, etc.).
2. Target population: Give us a snap-shot of who you serve, including:
· The age of those who participate in the program
· The geographic area(s) the program will serve (list all that apply):
· Communities (cultural, ethnic, demographic, etc.), and
· Neighbourhoods served.
3. How do you market the program: Tell us a bit about how your participants found out about your program; and how you plan to attract new children to the program.
4. Program Impact: Demonstrate how youth in your program benefit - provide a description of the program’s impact and past successes (use statistics (if possible), quotes, and anecdotes to back up your statements).
5. Program Results: Provide information on the measureable targets reached in the past (e.g. number of activities offered, number of youth served, how long the same youth stay in the program, number of youth involved as volunteers/advisors, etc.).
6. Diversity & Belonging: Tell us about the scope of diversity in your community. Demonstrate how you increase access to young people reflective of your community so they participate or will participate in your program. Demonstrate how you are currently reaching or plan to reach young people in your community who do not necessarily participate in your programs.
Use of Funds
7. Amount requested & description of how the funding will be used.
8. Budget for the organization.
C. Financial Information
Please provide a copy of your most recent financial statements or budget. If you are a charity please provide the most recent copy of your audited financial statements.
How to Submit your application
The application must be received by Email and in hard copy by 5:00 PM on Friday August 7:
· email to: ; and
· hard copy to:
Tim Costigan
35 The Esplanade, Suite 200
Toronto, ON, M5E 1Z4
For more information:
If you have any questions about the Bay Street Hoops Youth Basketball Initiative grant program or need advice before applying, please contact Tim Costigan at or at 416-369-3210.