MSU Meeting Agenda: November 4th, 2014

I.  Presentation of minutes from October 14th

a.  Approved

II.  Sunny Nakae, Assistant Dean for Admissions, Recruitment & Student Life

a.  Excited to work with us, has some fun ideas, wants to maximize our effectiveness

b.  Worked previously at Northwestern office of diversity for 8 years, Utah before that, researched inequality in higher education, dissertation was on allopathic med,

c.  2 6yo girls at home, dog, lives in Berkley

d.  Dean Lambesis’s job is falling under her position, hopefully will get some staff to help her out

e.  Believes in the mission of the school, close to her values, loves that it feels like it cares, strives for work life integration (not balance), loves working in medical education

III. Report from the MSU Officers

A.  President—Chris Larsen

i.  2nd Annual Holiday Party

i.  Sometime in December, date TBD

ii.  Any suggestions to improve on last year’s event?

1.  Sweater contest, food running out last year (ask departments to help sponsor), work on getting more faculty, book the lymph notes!

B. Vice-President—Tracey Thompson

i.  St. Luke’s Dance – Survey Results

1.  296 tickets, sold out

2.  Respond to the survey!

3.  Bottle openers, still need it? Email Tracey

4.  Not enough wine

5.  Didn’t like the DJ

ii.  Spring Formal

1.  March 27th

2.  Looking into Shedd aquarium and crystal gardens

C. Treasurer—Jared Miller

i. Budget Update

a. Some more groups have used their $100

b. St. Lukes came out about $100 under budget

c. Get reimbursement forms in to Jared ASAP

d. Contact Jared with any questions

D. Secretary—Elizabeth Billquist

III.  Report from Class Presidents

A.  M1 – Patrick Kramer

a.  Halloween celebration last week

b.  Working on thanksgiving basket drive, Nov 17th to 19th

c.  Course reviews (MCBG and BD)

d.  Annual recycling initiative (fill bins at the school and then take to home recycling)

e.  Next exam Friday the 21st, want to have a barn dance, 15-20$ per person, look for email

B.  M2 – Lizzy Carroll

a.  St alberts clean up-thank you! Congrats to presenters


c.  No more parking issues, thanks to those that agreed to move, you will be getting email soon about switching passes

d.  Boards prep-dr hops is getting us a uworld discount (10% on 6mo subscription, so don’t buy in next month)

e.  Webinar for doctors in training, more details to come

f.  Thanksgiving basket drive, talk to PCM leaders

g.  Dr. Koller isn’t doing well, send cards to him by dropping them off in Curie 82

C.  M3 - Hani Kuttab

a.  M3s are split up on rotations

b.  Coordinating review sessions for MHD and path, will be the week before every exam

c.  M3 Thanksgiving on 11/22, 6pm, helped build community last year, will be held in cafeteria if there is enough interest

D.  M4 - Caileigh Pudela

a.  Not present

V. Reports from Stritch or University Committees

A.  Medical Council Meeting – No meeting

VI. Reports from MSU committees

VII. Reports from Student Organizations

VIII. Reports from OSR Rep – Sarah Hale

Diana (M1 OSR rep)

Conference this weekend in Chicago

Presenting poster on the DACA students

Met with Dean Brubaker, set goals for the conference

Look for programs set in place to address health disparities and learn

IX. Reports from CCA (Central Curriculum Authority)

X. Unfinished Business

XI. New Business

XII. Funding Requests

Bioethics Interest Group - $120

Screening of documentary “A Mothers Dream” about women in other countries being surrogate mothers, bring down cost of surrogacy,

bioethics dept paid for screening rights, expect 75 people, counts for grand rounds, trying to get dinner, 15 pizzas


XIII. Room for Improvement:

Things we can change: Big things or Small things


Its his last MSU meeting, his first was in 1980, proud to work with us and our predecessors, we can effect change, you are the voice of the school, you have the power, raise issues, get things changed, take advantage of open doors, been a privilege to work with you, give sunny a chance! Thanks for the gifts! Last day is next Friday!

Motion to adjourn

Motion carried

Next meeting will be held December 2nd at 6:00 pm.

Thank you for taking the time to be here tonight!