AP Computer Science A
Chapter 1 Test
Name: ______
Indicate if the statement is True (A) or False (B).
- The operating system provides a user interface and manages computer resources.
- Digital computers store information by breaking it into bytes and representing each piece as a number.
- There are exactly 2N ways of arraigning N bits. Therefore N bits can represent up to 2N unique items.
- The address is the unique number of a memory location. It is used when storing and retrieving data from memory.
- Data written to a memory location overwrites but does not destroys any information that was stored at the location.
- Data read from a memory location leaves the value in memory alone.
- Main memory is volatile, meaning the stored information is lost when the electric power is turned off.
- Secondary memory devices are just as volatile as Main memory.
- The surface of a CD has both smooth areas and small pits. A pit represents a binary 0 and a smooth area represents a binary 1.
- A rewritable CD simulates the pits and smooth areas of a regular CD using a coating that can be made nonreflective or reflective as needed.
- The von Schultz architecture and the fetch-decode-execute cycle form the foundation of computer processing.
- The speed of the system clock indicates how fast the CPU executes instructions.
- A network is four or more computers connected together so they can exchange information.
- Sharing a communication line creates delays, but it is cost effective and simplifies adding new computers to the network.
- A local-area network is referred to as a LAN.
- The Internet is a wide-area network (WAN) that spans the globe.
- TCP-IP is the set of software protocols, or rules, that govern the movement of messages across the motherboard of the computer.
- The URL uniquely specifies documents and other information found on the Web for a browser to obtain and display.
- The purpose of writing a program is to solve a problem.
- Comments affect a program’s processing.
- In JAVA application, processing begins with the first method.
- The main method must always be defined using the words public, static and void.
- Java is not case sensitive. The uppercase and lowercase versions of a letter are not distinct.
- Identifier names should be descriptive and readable.
- White space can make a program easier to read and understand.
- You should always follow a set of guidelines that establish the way you format and document your programs.
- A computer’s compiler translates Java source code into Java bytecode.
- Java is architecture neutral because Java bytecode is not associated with any particular machine.
- The syntax rules of a programming language do not dictate the form of a program. The semantics dictate the meaning of the program statements.
- The programmer is responsible for the accuracy and reliability of the program.