Approved electronically.
April 19, Minutes
Indiana State University
Faculty Senate, 2000-2001
Time 3:15 p.m.
Place: HMSU, Dede III
Present: Chairperson F. Bell, Vice Chair P. Hightower, Secretary C. Hoffman
Senators: A. Anderson, R. Baker, A. Blackshire-Belay, E. Bermudez, M. Brennan, D. Burger,
J. Cerny, G. Christianson, B. Clouse, R. Clouse, J. Conant, N. Corey, P. Dutta, B. Frank,
D. Gilman, R. Goldbort, R. Guell, M. Harmon, S. Lamb, N. Lawrence, K. Liu, L. Maule,
R. McGiverin, J. McNabb, D. Memory, F. Muyumba, D. Prentice, A. Rider, Schneirov,
S. Sharp, E. Warner, W. Warren
Absent: A. Cockerham, R. Goidel, J. Huber, C. MacDonald, W. Moates,
Ex-Officio: President Benjamin, Interim Provost Hopkins, Vice President Schafer
Visitors: E. Acree, D. Chaney, P. Englebach, D. O'Neal, K. Sluyter, J. Summers
I. Memorial Resolution
The Senate accepted a memorial for Margaret Rowe presented by B. Clouse.
II. Presentations
Chair Bell presented M. Corenflos with a token of the Senate's appreciation for her work.
Senators gave her a standing ovation.
C. Hoffman presented Chair Bell with tokens of appreciation from the other officers.
Senators applauded the Chair.
III. Administrative Report
President Benjamin reported on the human resource evaluation now underway and the two ongoing searches--Provost and Dean of the School of Business. He noted yesterday's Retirement Tea and the Diversity Conference hosted by the University. The President further updated the Senators on budget activities.
Interim Provost Hopkins relayed the administrative response to Senate actions at the March 29, 2001 meeting. The administration noted the memorial resolutions for William A. Ruffer, Lloyd N. Smith, and Sr. Mary M. Wilhelm, the five FEBC recommendations, and the 2003-04 Academic Calendar. The administration approved the Locus of Control (General Education) and the two curricular proposals.
Interim Provost Hopkins commented on the timeline for the search for an interim Dean of Arts and Sciences. He noted the reception next Monday for Dean Weixlmann. He updated the Senators on the compression study.
IV. Chair Report
Chair Bell commended the newly elected Senate officers and extended thanks to this year's officers for their support. He noted the Public Access Seminar planned for April 27, 1:00-3:00 p.m. in TA 103 and the spring faculty meeting next Tuesday.
V. SGA Report
SGA Senator Farion Tipton reported on the recent SGA retreat and on plans for next year.
VI. Fifteen Minute Open Discussion
A. Anderson announced an open forum (4/24) with the candidate for the position of General Education Coordinator.
R. Goldbort opened discussion on aspects of workload.
Interim Provost Hopkins noted that a group had been formulated to work this summer on formulating a better system to examine workload issues.
K. Liu commented on problems accessing the Banner system to obtain student PINs.
J. Conant said he and the Senate Secretary, C. Hoffman, had met twice with R. Sackett, ISU Controller, and reviewed the travel contract. He noted that he viewed the contract as reasonable and appreciated the open communication.
C. Hoffman commented that the cooperation from the administrative unit had been cordial and that there was a different atmosphere from last year--greater openness.
R. Guell noted his receipt of information from Vice President Schafer on usage of the new power plant. He commented that he better understood the necessity for the new facility.
VII. The March 29, 2001 minutes were approved: R. Clouse, A. Anderson, 35-0-0.
Given the length of today's agenda, D. Prentice moved to limit debate of all action items to ten minutes, seconded by L. Maule, 35-0-0.
VIII. Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee Recommendations
By consensus, Chair Bell moved consideration of the B.A. Foreign Language amendment for consideration first. Motion to approve, R. Clouse, A. Anderson, 34-0-1;
Mathematics 102 (Math 011 recommended prerequisite), R. Guell, L. Maule, 35-0-0;
Anthropology 100, liberal studies (class size limit of 35) as amended, A. Anderson,
S. Lamb, 22-10-1; and
Education, Praxis II Exam revision, R. Clouse, D. Prentice, 33-2-0;
D. Prentice moved to approve the block of nursing course revisions, seconded by E. Warner, 35-0-0: Nursing Baccalaureate Degree, Baccalaureate Track for Registered Nurses, and Nursing Associate Degree.
IX. Administrative Affairs Committee Recommendation
Administration and Faculty Count for the 2000-01 Academic Year
Motion to accept, D. Gilman, K. Liu.
After discussion, passed 34-0-1.
X. Faculty Economic Benefits Committee Recommendations
TIAA-CREF Cash Provision
Up to ten (10) per cent of the total TIAA-CREF accumulation (attributable contributions and earnings while employed at Indiana State University) is available if the employee is eligible and agrees to retire from Indiana State University and has attained age 59 1/2 or older.
The employee must sign an irrevocable retirement cash provision form indicating University retirement, regardless of future financial conditions, within (4) years following the date of requesting the in-service cash option.
Tabled for further study; L. Maule, M. Harmon, 20-12-3.
Tuition Assistance Faculty/Staff:
Spouses of regular full-time faculty and staff are authorized for a reduction of fees equivalent to one-half in-state fees when enrolling in undergraduate or graduate courses in any given enrollment period.
Dependent children of full-time faculty and staff members are eligible for a fee waiver in the amount of $2400 per academic year ($1200 per semester) for a maximum of eight (8) semesters. This waiver will be extended to full-time undergraduate students and pro rated per semester hour for part-time undergraduate students and limited to dependent children who are not participating in a contingent fee waiver program.
Motion to approve as amended (above text): R. Clouse, E. Warner, 34-0-0.
Non-Tenure Faculty Parking Fee
Non-tenure track faculty be allowed to purchase University parking tags at a rate equivalent to support staff and be allowed to use the payroll deduction plan.
Motion to approve: R. Clouse, S. Lamb, 33-0-0.
Recommendation of 11/30/99 Compensation for Temporary Faculty:
Full-time temporary faculty be compensated at a rate no less than $24,000/year. It is further recommended that part-time temporary faculty be compensated at a rate of no less than $1000/credit hour or the equivalent thereof.
Motion to reaffirm: R. Clouse, A. Anderson, 33-0-0.
XI. Faculty Affairs Committee Recommendation
Revision of Summer Session course continuance criteria, procedures, and stipends; a major component of which reads:
"If a course is continued . . . the instructor shall receive the full stipend for teaching
that course."
Motion to approve, R. Clouse, S. Lamb, 27-4-2.
XII. Student Affairs Committee Recommendations
Parental Notification
Parent(s) of a financially dependent student under age 21 be notified by the Dean of Student Life of alcohol and drug violations of university policy immediately after it has been determined that the student is responsible for a violation of the policy, no matter how small the infraction or consequences. However, the notification letter should include a notice to the parents that there is an appeals process, and a copy of that letter should be sent to the student.
Motion to approve: B. Frank, M. Harmon, 25-5-1.
Release of Information--Violent Crime or Non-violent Sexual Assault
The current policy of notifying only the victim and the accused student be continued. The Committee was concerned that if anyone else were notified, the victim's identity would ultimately be known no matter what. The SAC thinks this would tend to discourage victims from reporting crimes, and we do not want to do anything to discourage victim reporting.
Motion to approve: K. Liu, M. Harmon, 31-0-0.
XIII. Standing Committee Reports of activity since the last Senate meeting:
Administrative Affairs Committee, K. Liu
The AAC met on April 9 and reviewed travel budgets. The Committee is still working on the administrative teaching information. An ad hoc committee has been appointed to work on drafting of the academic calendar. Each subcommittee gave a final report. The Committee forwarded the recommendation on today's agenda for the Administration and Faculty Count for the 2000-01 Academic Year.
Arts Endowment Committee, G. Christiansen
The AEC met on April 2nd and worked on clarifying the grant application form and discussed the possibility of raising summer stipends from the current level.
Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee, J. McNabb
The CAAC had met twice and considered numerous curricular proposals.
Faculty Affairs Committee, P. Dutta
The FAC had met once and heard a report on the status of assigned charges from the Executive Committee and a workload recommendation.
Faculty Economic Benefits Committee, J. Cerny
The FEBC had met and forwarded the action items on today's agenda.
Graduate Council, D. Memory
The Graduate Council has scheduled one more meeting for this academic year.
Student Affairs Committee, M. Harmon
The SAC had met and acted on the two recommendations on today's agenda.
University Research Committee, B. Frank
The URC had concluded meetings for this academic year.
XIV. New Business
J. Conant moved, L. Maule seconded the following motion which was approved 13-11-3:
No reallocation from the temporary faculty salary pool be used to provide dollars for a regular faculty salary increase.
Meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m