Working Agenda
The Annual General Meeting of Sydney Rebels being held
Gwawley Oval – Scout Hall
Taren Point Rd, Taren Point
Tuesday 14th April 2015
Commencing at 7:30 PM
ITEM 1Welcome
ITEM 2Registrations and Accreditation of Nominated Delegates
ITEM 3Apology’s
ITEM 3Minutes of the Previous Meeting and Matters Arising
ITEM 4Reports
ITEM 5Financial Statements
ITEM 6 Election of office Bearers
ITEM 7 Appointments of Life Members
ITEM 8Special Resolutions
ITEM 9 Notices of Motion
ITEM 10General Businesses
Close of Meeting
Page 1
Welcome by the Regional Director Mr. Les Bouveng
ITEM 1 - Registration
ITEM 2- Apologies
ITEM 3 - Accredited Delegates
Regional Director / Les Bouveng / Coaching Director / Keith RozairoAssistant Director / Christian Frost / Director of Referee’s / Andrew Smith
Technical Director / Manu Wakely / Director of Selectors / Kylie Mazloum
Finance Director / Jamie Chan / Director of Juniors / Brad Lugg
Appin / Macarthur
Bankstown Snr / Uni NSW
Bankstown Jnr / Sydney Uni
Campbelltown / StGeorge
East's / South’s
Liverpool / Taren Point
Sydney Rebels life Members Mixed Open's
Member Year
Les Bouveng 2011 National Champions; 2011,12,13,14, 15,
18 Boy's
Regional Champions : 2013,14,
ITEM 4 - Confirmation of Previous Minutes
Moved they be taken as read / Seconded:Carried YES /NO
Move that the minutes / adjusted minutes reflect a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Moved: / Seconded: / Carried YES /NO
ITEM 5 –Reports; as Presented in Writing
Item 5.1 – Regional Director-
Item 5.2 – Assistant Director
Item 5.3 – Finance Directors
Item 5.4 - Technical Directors
Item 5.5 –Coaching Director
Item 5.6 - Director of Selectors
Item 5.7 – Director of Referees
Item 5.8 –Director of Juniors
ITEM 6 – Acceptance of all Report – Including the Financial statement
Carried: Yes / No
ITEM 7 – Election of Officials
Item 7.1 / The following nominations have been receivedRegional Director / Les Bouveng
Assistant Regional Director / N/A
Regional Finance Director / N/A
Technical Director / Manu Wakely
Coaching Director
Referee’s Director / Confirming, Andrew Smith appointment
Director of Selectors
Director of Juniors
ITEM 8 – Life Membership
ITEM 8.1 / No nominations have been received for this meetingITEM 9 – Special Resolutions
Item 9.1 / No Special Resolutions have been received for this meetingITEM 10 – Notices of Motion
Item 10.1 / The creation of another official roll for the region.Affiliate Liaison officer
Roll will be to visit affiliates on a regular basis on behalf of the
ITEM 11 – General Business
1) Junior Alliance Program-for 2015
Close Meeting
Minutes of the
Annual General Meeting held on 8th April 2014
At Taren Point Scout Hall- Taren Point
Meeting Opened:Les Bouveng welcomed everyone and opened the meeting at 7.40 pm
Attendance:Les Bouveng Regional Director Keith Rozairo: Bankstown
Manu Wakely: Technical Director Clayton Blackman: Liverpool
Christian Frost: Assistant Director Kylie Wilkinson: Bankstown
Jamie Chan: Finance Director Garry Sonda: East's
Victor Baptista Referee's Mette Kitiona: Bankstown
Brad Lugg: East's Pat Batiste: NSWTA
Dean Russell: Taren Point Analyse Degganos: Ref's
Daniel Lcaril: Ref's Gary Williams: Bankstown
Affiliates Represented:East’s, Liverpool, Taren Point, Bankstown Snr, Bankstown Jnr, Bullets,
Apologies: Aileen May, Wendy Osborne, Gary Williams,
Minutes of
Previous Meeting:Les: asked if everyone had read the minutes of the previous AGM
And asked for someone to move they be excepted.
Moved : Dean Russell - Seconded: Kylie Wilkinson
Matters Arising:Kylie: said that Gary Williams was at the meeting but not noted as attending.
Les: said he will rectify that.
Les : then asked for someone to move the amendments be excepted.
Moved: Manu Wakely - Seconded: Clayton Blackman.
Reports:As presented in writing
Regional Director
Les: Said you have my report, however wanted to highlighted a few points.
He went on to say a big thank you to Jamie who had taken over the finance side of everything and has it spot on, doing a great job. He also commended Manu and Kylie
on the great jobs they are doing in their areas.
He made special mention in congratulating Manu and his mixed team on another fantastic NTL result.
Questions on
Directors ReportsChristian :also noted Les had thanked Brad Lugg for his work with juniors and wanted to commend Brad on the good job he has done so far with the juniors.
Technical report
Manu: presented his report, highlighting a few of the points in the report. He
informed the meeting of the coaching sessions that were run, he said the selectors
arm was running very well. Thanked Victor and Brad for the great jobs they were doing
Questions on
Technical reportDean: Asked how many of the affiliates took up the offer to attend the sessions
Manu: Well that was disappointing only a few, we had to chase the affiliates
Kylie: Asked could we invite more of the younger coaches from affiliates.
Manu: Well that can be done and we may look at that for the next one.
Coaching Directors Report
Keith: touched on a few points in his report.
He said we were only developing female coaches but they were good coaches.
Said all the coaches gained experience from the alliance day progra
Frost asked Dean what the relationship with NRL and our coaches would be.
Dean: said he was unsure at the moment but could maybe see some benefit
down the track for regional coaches
Selectors Report
Kylie: presented her report and said how well it was going
We now look to producing our guidelines or selection policy.
Questions onGarry: Asked if there could be more interaction with the coaches regarding
Selectors Reportthe junior teams.
Kylie said we tried this year to get the affiliates to give us player info and that
would have been passed onto the coaches and players
Junior Directors report
Brad: presented his report and highlighted a couple of points.
Brad said one of the things he was happy with was including 12 year olds in the
Questionsalliance squads. He was very happy with the performances at Wagga of all
teams and is hoping it continues at Goulbourn.
Clayton: asked what was planned for this year and do we hope to hold it.
Brad: We will have to work that out to best suit everyone.
Les : Said we will work all that out when we have our meeting in June and set
dates and call for coaches etc;
Referee's Report
Victor: presented his report, he highlighted the quality of the refereeing and
.the number of upgrades this year
Les: Thanked the referees for the work through the year including on the
alliance day in the heavy rain.
Les: asked that all reports be accepted,
Moved: Kylie Wilkinson Seconded: Clayton Blackman
Finance Report
Jamie: Presented his finance report, noting that we had a small loss this year
that he said could be due to the crossover ending the year at 31 December.
Some of the large profit from last year maybe due to this fact.
He said now that the region was using the Xero accounting software he had gone right back to 1/1/13 and redone the hole year. The Xero software is a good program and has our finances up to date all the time.
QuestionsDean: said be careful not to fall into the trap of excepting small losses you should always plane for that profit.
Jamie: Said yes we do all our budgets are coming in and covering costs.
Les said he didn't want anyone going away from this meeting thinking we except losses. This is the first loss that he can remember and there are a few things to take into account.
1) Last year was the first time that we gave an assistance subsidy to our junior officials and referees. that was around $ 1600.
Normally that would have been in the profit column.
2) A few of the invoices paid in January instead of in December prior to closing the books off, we work very hard on budgeting the years activity.
Kylie: Raised the cost of the P.C. Hire, when it was raised last year.
Les: said yes we took that on board last year and once the contract ended we have no longer got that expense.
Kylie: Also asked why the high cost for phone and internet
Les: I don't know who your with but if you want to run this region you need good internet and need to be able to get in touch with people quickly.
Les asked if no more questions, for someone to move the finance report be excepted.
Moved: Dean Russell Seconded: Brad Lugg
Election of Office bearers
Les Said there were two positions up for election tonight, those being Assistant regional Director
and Director of Finance.
He said with only one nominee for each position, we can vote by show of hands or secret ballet.
He asked if someone would move to do it by show of hands.
Moved: Kylie Wilkinson Seconded: Brad Lugg
The meeting: agreed on show of hands
Les: said Christian Frost was the only nomination for the position of Assistant Director.
He asked those all in favor... it was Carried
Les then congratulated Christian and announced he was the assistant Director for another 2 years
Les: then said Jamie Chan was the nominee for Finance Director.
He asked all those in favor.. it was Carried
Les : said there were no special resolutions or notice of motions.
General Business
Les:said the first item on notice was the Junior alliance program for 2014.
He said we have touched on a few things through the meeting but wanted members thoughts on the future
Brad: We need to decide on a date, do we bring it forward or leave it at the same.
Les: we can take feedback on that and then at our meeting in June set the date.
Brad: We also need to look at Venue, I like the way we take it to affiliates we should look at junior clubs.
Les: I would like to see a few more coaching days in the program prior to the gala day.
Brad: yes we are looking to fit a few in.
Les : said the other item on the agenda was Junior selections.
I think we need to get our final teams selected a bit earlier where possible, we have a few coaches wanting
to keep big squads training without naming the 14 players.
Garry: said that with the 14 girls, we needed them as we had a few drop out only last week.
Les: said yeah that's true but we can cut squads down to 16 - 17 then name the 14 plus shadows.
There was a discussion about advising parents and players at the start about the commitment required to represent at the juniors.
Les: said we may have to go back to what we used to do and address everyone at the first trial after state cup.
Christian: asked Dean about the regions having more say in the elite 8 teams, like naming coaches and selections.
Dean: said in a word ...No at the present time coaches are appointed towards the top coaches in line for State coaching positions.
There was more discussion along these lines.
Christian : said we are looking at upgrading our web page maybe even getting a new one withere we can keep a data base and interaction etc.
Les said if there was no more general business .
He thanked everyone for coming and invited them to stay for coffee and cakes.
Meeting closed at: 9.33 pm.
2015 Reports
Regional Directors Report
2014/15 has been a fantastic 12 months for Rebels, with success on and off the field. with a fantastic committee all working hard to wards the same goals. as you read through my overview of all the arms of our sport, one thing will stand out above all others. That is the overwhelming dedication of all our volunteers that give up countless hours, in most cases, not only their own time but that of their family's as well. I know I say it every year, without your help we just don't get it all done.
Rebels are extremely lucky to have Jamie Chan as our Finance director, our financial position is very strong at the moment. Thanks to a couple of good tournaments and management by Jamie. We have been gearing up for our next uniform change and we feel we are at a great position to do it for 2015.
We are also about to launch our new web site, where we are about to introduce Rebels members to our new cashless era. From 10th April all player fees will be paid directly into accounts via our new web page, this will be the only way members can pay.
Our Technical arms are doing extremely well, thanks to Manu's guidance. As we move through 2015, we have a number of things we want to get underway, from coaching the coaches to developing a high level standard of coaching for talented younger players. the directors can tell you about them in their reports.
The selection arm is in great shape, Kylie has just about finalized our new selection policy document which will be available soon. Our policy worked well through NTL and Junior selections.
W have had a few new coaches take control with recent teams and under the watchful eye of Keith all are coming along well. Keith has some great idea's for the region with coaching and is hoping to get some of our top players involved helping out.
Recently Victor Baptista has left us after 6 years as referees director, Rebels thank him for his work around the region. The executive have appointed Andrew Smith to the roll as director of referees. Andrew has already started and his first job was to find 6 ref's for junior regional's, at very short notice.
Our junior teams are looking good again for the regional's.
We have big plans for our junior program this year, Brad will cover this
Another fantastic NTL Tournament by our teams.
Our Men's & Ladies T-League teams were very young and we are rebuilding these divisions
The Men's 55's had a great time enjoyed it and are looking forward to next year where they tell me they will be better prepared for the tournament.
Which brings me to our mighty Mixed Opens team
You all got my letter of congratulations to all players in the open letter, i can only repeat what i said there. This is a remarkable group of young people that just keep striving to achieve their goals, congratulations on making it 5 in a row and to Manu and the players you fly the flag for Rebels and are setting a great example for our young players coming through.
In closing
We are very lucky we have a great working executive that respect each other's views. Thanks guys it is great working with you, I hope we all continue to take Rebels to even higher achievements in 2015/16
Thank you to all our volunteers that continue to work for our region and players
Les Bouveng
Regional Director.
Sydney Rebels Technical Report
Aim:Improve the high performance results of the region
Foster winning environment within traditional Rebels ethos
Improve standard of technical infra – structure within Rebels
With the Elite 8 taking care of their own coaches Rebels will only need to focus on juniors opens (mixed, t-leagues) seniors (M55s).
With the WC being so close to Junior Regional's there have been a number of Aus player coaches who are now unavailable which has provided the opportunity for new coaches to integrate into the programs.
Kylie Wilkinson has been onboard now in her role as the Director of Selector.
Kylie has been instrumental in providing then refining the Rebels Selection Policy which runs in accord with NSW touch policies but has the flexibility to incorporate the needs of the Rebels programs.
She has also been working to fill selector roles and up skill them to an appropriate standard.
Andrew has been appointed as the new Director of Referees and is adjusting to the roll with the region job.
Women's T-League
Ranked 15th
Coach Daniel Kolenko
A/Coach Billy Mills
Manager Wendy Osborne
Men's T-League
Ranked 11th
Coach Darren Shelley
A/Coach Shane Wetherill
Manager Daniel Gardner
Mens 55
Ranked 3rd
Coach/Manager Giulio Pomponio
Mixed Opens
Ranked 1st
Coach Manu Wakely
A/Coach Wineti Wakely
Manager Carly Walsh
Notable results
Mixed opens has achieved a number of achievements in 2015
Most number of mixed titles for affiliate -7 titles
Most number of consecutive titles - 5 in a row
Highest strike rate of all time - 12.6 touch downs per game (rounds)
Most number of consecutive games without loss - 47 games