Indiana Crossroads Sisters

Abbey of the Shimmering Silo

General Business Meeting

Date, Location, Time:

12.08.16, Pride Lafayette, 6:10pm

In Attendance:

-  Tess Trogen

-  Purr Do

-  Griselda Glitterbox

-  Geeena Tonic

-  Guard Felicia X Monroe

-  Sister Pantastic X Perience

-  Sister Divigne N Conqrd

-  Sister Sara Naidmee

-  By phone conference

-  Faegla

-  Father Fellatio

Old Business:

-  At the beginning of the meeting, Purrr made a motion to move to new business to talk about an particular issue of importance. We circled back to the following discussions later.

-  Coronet

•  Panty and Divigne wants to reverse engineer Purrr’s lovely coronet

-  Bylaws

•  Faegla gave us some advice

•  Panty also informed the group that he has experience making bylaws, incorporating, and getting 501 c3 status

•  Purrr presented a copy of the derby city bylaws

•  Panty, Griselda, and Divigne are forming a bylaw committee

-  committee will scan other houses and missions for ideas for our own bylaws

-  Senior Novice Status

•  Purrr brought up an idea about statuses

•  the point is to give respect to novices waiting for the house to be lifted

-  it may take 1-2 years where founders are stuck as novices

•  They have all the rights and responsibilities of fully professed sister

•  Majority of membership in agreement that it maybe interesting to explore further

-  Website

•  DIvigne and others will send pics and bios to the abbey gmail so that Tess can update

•  submission dead line is Dec 15th

-  Louisville Trip to Derby City Sisters

•  Tess reported that Velveeta hasn’t responded to her message

•  Tess will try contacting again

•  Abbey is in agreement that the trip should be in the springtime because it is very cold

New Business:

-  Facebook Conflict

•  on November 29th, a fully professed sister made an inappropriate comment on how mission houses were conducting themselves

•  the post had over 100 messages; it was very controversial

•  newer houses were criticized for not behaving as “sisters” and not following veil traditions from west coast houses

•  Co-moms Unity and Faegla disagreed and reaffirmed the agency of the mission houses

-  Unity says colored veils acceptable for postulants/novices

-  no where is it written that new houses are to emulate the SF houses

-  both Co-moms gave ICS their full support

-  manifesting is doing the work, of spreading joy that is

-  no restrictions about spreading joy

-  Father Fellatio 7:25 pm call

•  FF submitted an aspirancy letter

•  All members agreed to his Aspirant status

•  we had a quick chat with him on the phone to celebrate

•  FF had good news about using an office space in Indy for meetings

•  FF also had a potential new member

Tabled Business:

-  Glitter ceremony

-  logo for the Abbey

Good of the Welfare:

-  Griselda touched poo!

-  Sara started her medications

-  Purr claimed a lovely piece of pottery that she is very proud of. She is beaming.

-  Geena’s mobility has improved! She’s having a great recovery from her surgeries!

-  Felix’s adopted nephew is a cute baby!

-  Panty is being successful in her education pursuits!

-  Divigne hasn’t smoked in a week!

-  Tess is going to be interviewed by a very, very prestigious ivy league medical school!

Meeting Adjournment:

-  7:47 pm

-  Griselda left at about 7:40 pm because she lives rather far away