Indiana Board of Directors Meeting January 22, 2017

Beef ‘O’ Brady’s

Peru, IN

Call to order: 12:36 pm by President Jill Duzan

Present: Jill Duzan, Annette Pitcher, Krissy Freitag, Debra Hilbert, Bobbieann Lawrence, Pat Ancil, Don Greenlee, Kathy Miles, Jamie Garriott, Cheryl Ann Walls, Jim Yagel, Jack Brush, Wyneta Duncan and Susan Shoop.

Excused: Darren Evans, Deb Sajdera and Bob Davidsen

Not Excused: Amy Hunt

Also Present: Patsy Brush and Cindy Books

Minutes: Motion: Annette Pitcher, 2nd Krissy Freitag to dispense with reading of the minutes. Approved

Treasure Report: Given by Bobbieann Lawrence. Motion by Annette Pitcher, 2nd Wyneta Duncan, to accept the treasure report. Approved

Committee Reports:

Hoosier Horse Fair: By Bobbieann Lawrence: Breed Demo is covered for 2017. Any one interest in doing Stallion Row, please contact Bobbieann Lawrence.

Show Committee: By Wyneta Duncan: 2017 Showbill have been approved by National office. Deposit has been paid on the show grounds.

Here are the following judges:

Spring Show May 6-7 / Fall Show September 9-10
Todd Foltz - Wisconsin / May Ann Felitz - Ohio
Jeff Lechner - Illinois / Jacqueline Carter -Ohio
Stephan Nicholson - Indiana / Steve Carter- Ohio
Duke Neff - Missouri / George Martin- Kentucky
August 5-6
Howard Rea - Kentucky
Gene Stewart- Kentucky and James Simpson-Ontario

Motion by Bobbieann Lawrence, 2nd by Wyneta Duncan to place our showbill in Showbill Magazine. Motion Approved

Motion by Jill Duzan to place out show dates in Horse Circuit News, 2nd by Jack Brush. Motion approved with 2 opposed.

Banquet: Motion by Annette Pitcher to increase price per family for the banquet, tabled until next meeting.

New Business:

A suggestion was made to have a budget for promotional item with IPtHA on it, to give out at Hoosier Horse Fair. Motion by Annette Pitcher, 2nd by Susan Shoop, for a $400.00 budget. Approved

Motion by Kathy Miles, 2nd by Susan Shoop for a $50.00 budget to buy a 50th anniversary banner with IPtHA name. Approved

Motion by Deb Hilbert to offer Indiana Pinto bucks to spend like gift cards. These can be used at any of our shows. Motion by Cherylann Walls, 2nd Kathy Miles. Approved

A motion was made to either give a free stall or $40.00 cash to the member who sells the most class sponsors. Motion by Cherylann Walls, 2nd by Jack Brush. Approved

Wyneta Duncan made a suggestion that anyone having 10.00 or less in high point award get show bucks. A suggestion also was made to increase high pointnomination from $10.00 to $15.00. Motion by Cherylann Walls, 2nd by Pat Ancil to agree to both suggestions. Approved

Committee and Chairpersons was not voted on at the November meeting. Tabled until March.

People Report: Congratulations to Annette Pitcher and Pete Thornton, for being inducted on the Individual Hall of Fame.

Congratulations to Jamie Sharp-Stohlman for Professional Horsewoman Hall of Fame. Congratulations to Mary Osborn for Amateur Master Hall of Fame.

Meeting adjourned 2:13 pm. Motion by Jamie Garriott, 2nd by Deb Hilbert. Approved

Respectively Submitted by: Deb Hilbert Secretary