CSIS 1 Intro to Computer Science

and Information Systems[1]

Introduction and Background

The purpose of this project is to acquire the basic skill of developing a simple web page using HTML, while simultaneously learning about issues of information ethics—primarily the rules for manipulating information and ways of detecting deceptive information.

Your primary goal is to learn HTML syntax, which will help you in project 2 when we write JavaScript programs. Information ethics is a secondary but important concern. Finally, and most importantly, this should be an enjoyable activity where you exercise your creativity and problem solving abilities.

Twenty years ago, photographs were taken at face value. A photograph could serve as evidence for what it pictured: certain people or things had been in a particular place, together, at a particular time, doing particular activities.

For many, many years traditional publishing houses [for books, research journals, government documents, and magazines] have used well-established criteria for validating and authenticating the materials they print. A publishing house print or media signature carried meaning about the level and rigor of review for the content – with some imprints conveying greater rigor (e.g., The MIT Press, NPR) than others (e.g., The National Inquirer).

The downside of the world of 20 years ago was the barriers to publication. If your ideas were not “accepted”by the various review boards, your options for publication and dissemination could be limited. Albert Einstein’s original paper on relativity was turned down by numerous scientific journals.

Enter the Digital Age, the Internet and the World Wide Web. Along with unchecked self-publishing comes the downside of content that has never been edited to check for authenticity, for completeness, etc. How is the typical user of the web to distinguish between the careful considerations of a scientist like Einstein and those of an amateur science fiction writer? How is the user to know that information is current, accurate, and complete? With the advent of digital images that can be easily manipulated (and as you will experience in lab), even photographs that previously might have served as “supporting evidence” are called into question. What are the ethical limits on how content should be manipulated? Project 1 is designed to help you experience first hand the issues surrounding authenticity and self-expression.

Project Overview

In this project, your goal is to create a Web site of “misinformation” that appears as authentic as possible to the user. That is, while the content of your Web site will be questionable, everything else about your Web site should convey the opposite. The only limitations to your topics are these:

1) The topic can be selected from any news item of a current nature

2) The topic should not be an absurd or ridiculousstory such that no one would believe.

3) The topic should be based on an actual event, person, place, or thing.

4) You should have fun with this…keep it simple and mischevious.

For example, the site might report that the Mars Rover discovered carbon in the form of diamonds. The misinformation should be believable.

Part A: 15 Points (Due: Sept 27)

What to do

1. Find an image on the internet (noting whether or not it is “copyright free”/public domain) and note the source of your image (the URL).

2. Decide how you will modify the image and use it in a Web site of Misinformation.

3. Use your HTML skills developed in the labs to create a PRELIMINARY web page that describes your future Web site of Misinformation. Include:

A. A title(use a title tag AND a heading tag to note the title bar at the top as well as the title in the main part of the page) for your web page.
B. Paragraph 1: A short description of the intended nature of your site (what you intend to do for your project).

C. The unmodified image.Make the text of paragraph 2 flow around it using the appropriate tag attributes or more advanced formatting using tables.

D.Paragraph 2 should state your source (using a hypertext link) for the image(s). You should have some mention of whether these are public domain by default (.gov sites), by a specific note on the page, or even if you are not sure (public domain status unknown)

E. Paragraph 3 should describe the “true” context of the image(s). What do the image or images really depict? Where did they come from?

F. Paragraph 4 should describe the “fictional” context of your image(s) once modified. In other words, how do you intend to modify the image and what story will it be supporting. (Note: You do not need to modify a copy of the image until Part B.)

G. Links to 3 other sites that will help to authenticate your Web site of Misinformation. (These might be other bogus sites (such as a classmate’s) OR they might be sites of similar content that help to validate your page). You will have to make the judgment on how well they will support your Part B bogus content.


The Web site should be uploaded to your luna web space (public_html folder), but should be in a separate directory (folder) within that web area. Create a new directory within your public_html. Name the directory project1

The main page(s) you create for Part A should be called parta.htm, and part B should be called index.htm, and both must be placed in your project1 directory.Use the exact spelling and capitalization given for the directory above so people (such as the instructor!) can find your sites easily. After that, any additional files can be named whatever you choose.

Turn-in procedure:

1. Browse to your web site using Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. Print it off, from the web browser. This will confirm to YOU that your files are in the public_html directory in your luna account. Ask for assistance if you need help in uploading your files.

2. From the web browser, print out the HTML source for the site. (Go to View > Source to see the HTML )

3. Staple all pages together, write your name on the first page, and turn in. Late turn ins will lose 1 point (out of 15) for each week late.

Part B: 15 Points (Due Oct 8)


1. Make a copy of the image(s) used in Part A. Rename them appropriately.

2. [OPTIONAL] Using the Photoshop skills you learn in lab, modify the copied image(s) as you described in Part A. Feel free try other features of Photoshop, etc. while you are at it!

3. Using your HTML skills learned in lab and class create the website of Misinformation you described in Part A. All pages for your website of Misinformation should be within the project1 directory.

4. Do whatever you can to make the new page look authentic. This includes:

A title (use a title tag AND a heading tag to note the title bar at the top as well as the title in the main part of the page) for your Web Site clearly identifying it as a Web site of misinformation.

Your modified image. Photoshop modification is optional but fun!

  • Text to reinforce the authenticity of your modified image, etc (minimum of 2 significant paragraphs). In other words, add your “story” to go with the image on the page.
  • Add 3 hyperlinks that help to support your bogus story. They can be the same ones used for part A if you have not found better links.
  • Remember what you learned about evaluating a Web sites and work on “improving” some of those features in your Web site. For example, consider how you can use fonts, colors, spelling and grammar, presentation, textual content, and vocabulary to further enhance the “credibility” of your image.
  • Repeat turn in procedures for part A. NAME YOUR PART 2 webpage index.htm, and ftp into the project1 folder as before.

Copyright and Fair Use of Text and Images

Images and other files and content on the Internet are protected in the same way as print materials and photographs. Use of digital images for purposes of alteration and display on the Internet has limited coverage under the conditions of fair use. See the Four Factor Fair Use test at:


Inner City Transformed through Urban Homesteading Act

1. What I intend to do

My webpage will be a propaganda piece touting the civic benefitsof "The Urban Homesteading Act".

2. Main Un-modified Picture

3. Source

This picture is from a German Educational Publishing Website called Klett International.I don't know if its public domain.

4. True Context

This is just a historical picture of Harlem.

5. Fictional Context

The Truth:

The "Urban Homesteading Act" was recently proposed by our presidentto rebuild flood-ravaged areas of the gulf coast. The U.S. government willtake over abandoned property (in partnership with Habitat For Humanity) tobuild low-income housing.

The Lie:

The picture will be modified to show beautiful crops growing in front of slum housing...hence a play on the word "Homesteading".

6. Links

  • Urban Homesteading in Florida
  • Community Revitalization
  • Steps to Successful Land Reform

Domestic Policy Times

News Flash:

U.H.A. Act Signed Into Law

Washington,D.C.- As promised, President Bush stunned millions today by signing the "Urban Homesteading Act" into law. This bill establishes a 23 billion dollar fund to foster redevelopment and revitalization of abandoned inner city property. This Program, inspired by the "Homestead Act of 1865", allows Low income families to obtain land ownership free of charge via federal lottery. In return, beneficiaries must promise to farm their parcels for a minimum of five years.

Test Program

Communities within Florida, New York, New Jersey and Michigan were selected to participate in the initial test program. After three years the following was observed:

  • 80% reduction in crime/gang activity
  • Child morbidity down 95%
  • Healthcare claims down 53%
Harlem project before and after

Links to urban renewal:

  • Urban Homesteading in Florida
  • Community Revitalization
  • Steps to Successful Land Reform

[1] From Larry Snyder's FIT course '04 download, emailed by author.