EX. name of location
TENDER NO : ______
M/S . ______
HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED (HPC),Public Sector Oil Company, invite sealed tenders under Two-Bid system, from Tank Truck (TT) owners for award of contract for road transportation of bulk petroleum products for a period of 2 years w.e.f. ______with option for extension up to 1 year at the sole discretion of HPC at same rates, terms and conditions.
Scope of work:
Road transportation of bulk white oilpetroleum products like MS/HSD/SKO/ATF and black oils like FO/LDOfrom (name of location)to locations within the State and outside the State.
i) Name of location :
ii) Anticiaptedvolume to be moved per annum :
Sr.No. / Sector / Volume in KL per AnnumWhite oils / Black oils / ATF
1. / Within FDZ
2 / Outside FDZ, within the state
3 / Outside FDZ adj.state
4 / Outside FDZ, other than adj state
iii)Estimated tank truck requirement ($) :
Sr.No. / Description / TT requirementWhite oils / Black oils / ATF
Capacity of Tank truck
1. / 12 KL & above and less than 18 KL
2 / 18 KL and above
Note: Tank trucks for ATF (Aviation Turbine Fuel) shall be epicoated.
($) The estimated Tank Trucks requirement is indicative and is subject to change.
iv) Timelines for the tender :
Sr.No. / Particulars / Date / Time1 / Last Date & Time for Submission of Tender. / ______/ ______
2 / Opening Date & Time for the Tender. / ______/ ______
v)Tender Documents:The tender document is to be downloaded from the website Cost of tender is Rs 2000/- (Rupees two thousand only) and shall be paid at the time of submission of tender document. Amount shall be paid in the form of Demand draft drawn on any Scheduled Bank (other than co-operative bank) in favour of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. payable at xxxx(zone to incorporate on location specific basis). Tenders received without demand draft shall be rejected.
DD shall be attached along with other documents in Unpriced bid.
vi. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):
- EMD to be paid as per following :-
Category / Amount per tank truck
Dealer/ Transporter / Rs 10000/-
- EMD shall be paid in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. drawn on any scheduled Bank (other than co-operative bank) payable at XXXX.
- Transporters /dealers who wish to offer higher capacityTTs which are not in their possession as on the date of opening of tenders can also participate by paying applicable EMD.
- Submission of Tender:
a)Tenderer should offer separate tank trucks for each tender i.e if the tenderer proposes to apply for more than one location, separate set of tank trucks shall be offered at each location.Same tank trucks offered for more than one location will be rejected.
b)Tenders duly completed and sealed are to be put in the Tender Box provided before the ______date ______at the following address :-
No tender document shall be accepted after closing time and date.
viiiReservation:The provision of reservation will be 15% (fifteen percent) & 7 ½ % (seven and a half percent) for Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) respectively on all India basis. The SC/ ST tenderers desirous of offering Tank Trucks will have to participate in the tender and should fulfill all tender conditions. The SC/ ST tenderers will not be eligible for any price preference or relaxation of standards. There is no difference in EMD or any other tender conditions for such tenderers.
ix.Opening of tender:The ‘Technical Bids’ of the tender will be opened in the presence of the attending tenderers at ______Hrs.on______at the address given below:
x.Tenders will be rejected in the event of the bidders not complying with any of the following tender conditions:
a.Non payment of cost of tenders
b.Non payment of EMD
c.No. of tank trucks offered is not in line with tender criteria
d.Age of the TTs offered not meeting tender criteria
e.Tender documents not submitted in stipulated format (Priced and un-priced bids to be to put in separate sealed envelops and they have to be put in a separate cover and submitted)
f.Tenders without the required documents
g.Tenders not meeting the tender terms & conditions or incomplete in any respect or with any additions/ deletions or modifications are liable to be summarily rejected without any further communication to the tenderers and decision of HPC in this regard will be final and binding
In case it is observed that, all the tenderers or a group of tenderers have quoted in cartel,HPCL reserves the right to reject some or all the bids of the tenderers who have quoted in cartel.
- Pre-Bid Meeting :
Tenderers are invited to attend a meeting scheduled at ______(Name of the location to be incorporated by ZONE) at ______(Time) on ______(Date), when salient features of the Tender will be informed and clarifications required by the tenderers will be answered.
After scrutiny of the ‘Technical bids’, the eligible tenderers will be notified regarding date, time and venue for opening of the ‘Price bids’. The tenders will remain valid for 180 days from the closing date unless extended by mutual consent in writing.
HPC reserve the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders in part or in totality, or to negotiate with any or all the tenderers, or to withdraw/ cancel/ modify this tender without assigning any reason whatsoever, or to accept some or all of the Tank Trucks offered.
Dy.General Manager-O&D Zone
TENDER NO:______
- Relatives (as per list enclosed) of officer/s responsible for award and execution of this contract in the Oil Company are not permittedto quote against this tender. The tenderer shall be obliged to report the name/s of person/s who are relatives of any officers of the Oil Company or any officer in the State or Central Government, and who are working with the tenderer in their employment or are subsequently employed by them. Any violation of this condition even if detected subsequent to the award of contract, would amount to breach of contract on tenderer’s part entitling the Oil Company to all rights and remedies available thereof including termination of contract.
- All rates quoted should be both in words and figures. In case of any difference between the two, the rates quoted in words shall be considered as final and authentic.
- Rates offered would be valid and binding on the tenderer for 180 days from the date of opening of tender unless extended by mutual consent in writing. During the validity period, tenderer will not be allowed either to withdraw or revise his offer on his own. Breach of this provision will entail forfeiture of the Earnest Money Deposit. Once the tender is accepted and work awarded, the rates will be valid for the entire contractual period.
- The Oil Company reserve the right, at their sole discretion, and without assigning any reason whatsoever, to:
a)Negotiate with any or all tenderers,
b)Divide the work among contractor(s),
c)Reject any or all tenders either in full or in part,
d)Assign the offered and accepted Tank Trucks to any location, and
e)Engage additional contractors/ Tank Trucks at any time without giving any notice whatsoever to the contractor/s already appointed against this Tender.
- For Tank Trucks under operation with any other Oil Company, a “No Objection Certificate” is to be obtained from the concerned Oil Company for placing the same fully in the service of HPC against this tender. (This activity will be carried out at the time of signing the transport contract). Tenderer should offer separate tank trucks for each tender.Same tank trucks offered for more than one location will be rejected.
6.The tenderer should study all the operations/ local conditions at the loading/ unloading point/s and route/s. Tenderers would be presumed to have acquainted themselves with the working conditions existing at the location, before submission of the tender.
7.Tenderer should deposit the sealed tender well before the closing time and date in the tender Box earmarked for this purpose at the office mentioned in the tender notice. No tender document shall be entertained after due date and time of submission of tender. HPC will not be responsible for the delay under any circumstances whatsoever if the tender is not submitted before the closing date and time and in the correct tender box.
8. Tenders not meeting the tender terms& conditions or incomplete in any respect or with any additions/ deletions or modifications are liable to be summarily rejected without any further communication to the tenderers and decision of HPC in this respect will be final and binding
9. (a)HPC reserves the right to give preference to award transport contract to their dealersfor transporting their own load requirements subject to their acceptance of rates offered by the Company.Dealer owned tank trucks may be utilized for making supplies to other dealers also.
(b)Oil Company, at its sole discretion reserves the right to induct additional Tank Trucks from dealersof the concerned Oil Company who had been already awarded contract, to meet incremental demand.
(c)Dealers of HPC quoting in the name of their dealership for transporting their own requirement are required to pay Rs.10000/- perTank Truck as EMD by DD in favour of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. payable at xxxx(zone to incorporate on location specific basis). For such Dealers, TTs offered have to be owned by them i.e. Firm or Partner or Director (TTs owned by Directors of a Ltd. firm cannot be treated as owned TT) or Proprietor.
(d)Tenderer may offer higher capacity TTs of 18 KL and above, even if they do not own/posses the said tank truck at the time of opening of tender. Tenderers intending to offer higher capacity tank trucks can do so if they can take posession of the Tank Trucks by the time of contracts execution. In such cases, they need to submit an affidavit in prescribed format that they will have physical possession of the vehicleProof of booking chassis shall be attached along with the affidavit.
Tank trucks offered against affidavit shall be physically positioned at the location within 30 days from the issue of LOI / Work Order
In the event the bidder fails to take physical possession of the tank trucks, EMD submitted in respect of the tank trucks so offered will be forefeited.
(e) Bidders holding LOI for retail outlet dealership of M/s Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., as on the due date of the tender can also participate in the tender under dealer category. However, the transport contract agreement shall be executed only after appointment as dealer of HPCL and execution of dealership agreement. All terms and conditions applicable to the dealer category applicants shall be applicable to LOI holders also.
10(a)The transporters have to offer a mnimum of 5 (FIVE) tank trucks, with ownership of atleast 2 (TWO) tank trucks, in their name i.e. Firm or Partner or Director(TTs owned by Directors of a Ltd. firm cannot be treated as owned TT) or Proprietor. Additional Tank Trucks offered may be owned or attached. The dealers have to offer minimum one own tank truck.
In case, the transporter / dealeris offering higher capacity Tank Trucks and they do not own/posses the minimum no. of Tank Trucks required as mentioned above i.e 2(TWO) tank trucks by transporters and 1(ONE) tank truck by dealers, at the time of opening of tender, they can do so if they can take posession of the Tank Trucks by the time of contract execution. In such cases, they need to submit an affidavit in prescribed format that they will have physical possessionownership of the vehicle at the time of contract execution.
For award of contract, preference will be given to the Tank Trucks owned by the tenderer.
Note: Tank trucks of capacity 18 KL and above only can be offered against affidavit. In respectof tank trucks of less than 18 KL capacity, only the tank trucks which are in physical possession shall be accepted.
(b) In case of attached Tank Trucks offered by the tenderer, owners of such Tank Trucks should execute affidavit attaching the Tank Truck with the tenderer for the full period up to last date of proposed Agreement period. Format of Affidavit is enclosed with tender form. HPC will not deal with the owners of the attached Tank Trucks. For any claim, losses, damages, etc for the attached Tank Truck, the liability will solely rest with the tenderer.
- Age of vehicle offered should not exceed 12 yearsas on ______(Zone shall incorporate the date of commencement of contract period mentioned in the NIT). Replacement of age barred vehicles during the contract shall not be considered. However, replacement of T/T may be considered subject to
a)The new offered T/T is later model than the existing T/T.
b)The new offered T/T is higher capacity ( only 18 Kl and above)
12.The estimated number of Tank Trucks shown in tender notice is indicative and is subject to change. HPC reserves the right to contract the required additional Tank Trucks.
13 Tenderer should submit all the details and enclosures as has been asked for in the tender form. In case any of the information is not applicable to the tenderer, "Not applicable" may be written against such item. Not submitting any information/ enclosure sought for may be a ground for rejecting the tender.
- Tenderer may witness the opening of tender on the appointed date and time by sending authorized representative.
15.The tank trucks offered by successful tenderes shall be inspected by third party .The third party certification may be done through one of the following agencies and cost shall be borne by the concerned transporters.
- Bureau Veritas (I) Pvt Ltd
Marwah Centre, 6th Floor,
Krishnalal Marwah Marg,
Off Saki-vihar road, Andheri (E)
Mumbai- 400 072
Phone: 022-66956300
Cell: 9821673281
- International Certification services (Asia) Pvt Ltd
22/23,Goodwill Premises, swastick Estate,
178,CST Road, Kalina, Santacruz (E)
Mumbai-400 098
Phone: 022-26507777
Cell: 9322336994
- SGS India Pvt Ltd,
SGS House,
48, A.S.Marg, Vikhroli (W)
Mumbai-400 083
Phone: 022-25798421
- KPMG Advisory Services Pvt Ltd
Kamala Mills Compound,
448, Senapati Bapat marg,
Lower Parel,Mumbai-400013
V. Det Norske Veritas
Emgeen Chambers
10,CST Road,
Mumbai- 400 098
VI. TUV India Pvt Ltd,
241,Hindustan Kohinoor Industrial complex,
Opp MTNL Office,LBS Marg,
Vikhroli (W),Mumbai-400 083
Phone: 022-25791301
The list may be altered at the discretion of HPCL.
It shall also be mandatory to get the tank truck inspected by one of these agencies after every renewal of calibration and explosive licences. The inducted tank truck will not be considered for business, unless duly certified by one of these agencies for all desired fittings, including inspection of shell thickness etc. The check list is as below.
All the agencies have branches spread across the country. Transporters can approach any of the branch offices close to the depot / terminal location and get the inspection carried out through the local branch office.
Scope of inspection covers the following:
1.0Security locking system :
The tank trucks are provided with the security locks in the delivery valves as well as in the top dome covers. The security locks have the unique feature of master key maintained with the supply locations and dealer specific keys at the receiving ends. Scope of inspection includes to ensure that the security locking system is not tampered with and all the empty and loaded trucks reach / leave the premises with the locking system intact in the tank lorry as per the security locking manual.
2.0 Delivery Valves :
Each of the compartments is provided with a set of delivery valves. In both empty and loaded condition the valves are tightened to the maximum and the stem wheel is locked with security locks (either Ebloy or Godrej make). A brass strip with Y rod welded on it, is provided for connecting all the stem wheels, and locked with security locks with each of the stem wheel, to prevent any rotational movement of the wheels (and there by the valves) when the valves are locked. The joining surface of valve stem and wheel are perfectly welded / brazed, to avoid any upward/ downward movement between stem and wheel. In addition, Y rods are provided to further eliminate any chance of wheel movement. Security locks provided on each of the individual valves alongwith the Y rod are removed at the time of unloading the product. After unloadingthe product, all the valves are tightened to the maximum and the security locking along with the Y rod is put back by the depot / terminal. Tank truck shall come back to the Depot / Terminal with the security locking system in position. In addition to the locking of the individual delivery valves, all the valves have been enclosed in a box and locked from outside.
It is to be checked that the stem of the valve wheel has not been tampered with. The inspection needs to ensure that after locking of the stem wheel, there can not be any movement of the wheel so that product unloading is not possible.
Inspection of security locking would cover the following:
•Security locking system tampering
•All the empty and loaded trucks reach / leave the premises with the locking system intact
•Proper brazing / welding
•Y rod/ brass strip firmly placed
•Ply of the valve wheel
3.0VMS (Vehicle Management System) : HPC has implemented / in the process of implementing Vehicle Management system. This system ensures en-route tracking of the vehicle during its journey in the pre-mapped route from the supply location to the destination. Opening of the top Dome Cover and Valve box beyond the allowed 5 mm gap is tracked by the system.
The system basically includes a VMS Box in the TT cabin, antenna, sensors in the Dome Covers and Gate Valve Box. Scope of the inspection includes the following.