MAY 28, 2008

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Indian Lake Borough Council was held on May 28, 2008 at 7:00 P.M. at the Indian Lake Borough Building.


Michael D. Miscoe, President Patricia Dewar

P. Scott Moore

Robert Vogel

Richard Stern

Charles McCauley

John Walters

Barry S. Lichty, Mayor

Dan Rullo, Solicitor

Theresa L. Weyant, Borough Manager

Visitors – Kenneth Helsel, Lee Nearhoof, Ronald Schirf, James Brant, Albert Diehl, Terry Shober, and Paul Cornez.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Michael D. Miscoe, Council President.


1. Welcome Visitors - Kenneth Helsel, Lee Nearhoof, Ronald Schirf, James Brant, Albert Diehl, Terry Shober, and Paul Cornez.

2. Update on Dam Remediation:

A. Grouting Bid for Phase II Part 2 – Vogel made a motion to reject the bid from Howard Concrete for Phase II Part 2. McCauley seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

B. Lake Drawdown – Walters made a motion to change the lake drawdown date to September 22, 2008, and to only lower the lake 7 to 8 feet. McCauley seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

3. Old Business:

A. Slalom Course – Moore made a motion to authorize the placement of the water ski slalom course at location #1 (South Peninsula) contingent on acquiring the insurance and verification from the Borough’s insurance carrier that the coverage is adequate. Stern seconded the motion. 3 ayes and 3 nayes. . Mayor Lichty cast his vote as naye. Motion denied.

Moore made a motion to authorize the placement of the water ski slalom course at location #2 (West Shore Trail Extension) contingent on acquiring the insurance and verification from the Borough’s insurance carrier that the coverage is adequate. Stern seconded the motion. 3 ayes and 3 nayes. . Mayor Lichty cast his vote as naye. Motion denied.

Moore made a motion to authorize the placement of the water ski slalom course at location #3 (Mohawk) contingent on acquiring the insurance and verification from the Borough’s insurance carrier that the coverage is adequate. Stern seconded the motion. 3 ayes and 3 nayes. . Mayor Lichty cast his vote as naye. Motion denied.

4. New Business:

A. Authorization to Pay Staples bill – Walters made a motion to authorize the Borough Manager to pay the bill to staples in the amount of $212.95. McCauley seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

5 Public Comment: None.

With no further business to discuss, Walters moved and Vogel seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 P.M. All ayes, motion carried.

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Indian Lake Borough Council will be held on June 11, 2008 at 7:00 P.M. at the Indian Lake Borough Building.

Respectfully submitted,

Theresa L. Weyant

Borough Manager