Notice of Intent to Fill Multiple National Visitor Use Monitoring Surveyors

on the Ouachita National Forest

Forestry Technician (NVUM Surveyor), GS-0462-4

1 Year NTE

Supervisor’s Office, Hot Springs, Arkansas

Position Description:

The Ouachita National Forest intends to fill a GS-0462-4 Forest NVUM Surveyor, full-time, Not-To-Exceed 1 year position in the near future. The positions are supervised by the Forest Recreation Program Manager. The final duty location is to be determined but could be located from any Ouachita National Forest Ranger District.

Duties of these positions include but are not limited to:

·  Perform visitor use surveys in the field in varying conditions by interviewing Ouachita national Forest visitors;

·  Set up of remote traffic counters;

·  Maintain forms, traffic signs and other equipment necessary for surveying;

·  Perform these duties with little supervision while maintaining rigorous data quality standards

About the Areas

The duty stations for these positions may be flexible (either Hot Springs, AR or Mt. Ida, AR) due to the nature of this position and the amount of travel throughout the Ouachita National Forest.

Hot Springs, Arkansas, has a population of approximately 40,000, but Garland County as a whole includes nearly 100,000 residents, many of whom rely on services in Hot Springs. Some employees commute from adjacent counties. Hot Springs has two hospitals, several school districts to choose from, many restaurants and shopping venues, and abundant recreational opportunities. There are four beautiful lakes within a 15-30-minute drive of the city center. Hot Springs National Park, Magic Springs (theme park and water park) and Oaklawn Park (horse racing) are three of the other major attractions in the area. Although one of the smallest and perhaps most unusual national parks in the country, it represents the oldest federal reserve in the country and features not only an array of historic buildings (“Bathhouse Row”) and collections, but several thousand acres of rugged forested land encompassing much of the recharge area for the hot springs themselves.

About the Forest

The South’s oldest and largest forest, the Ouachita National Forest is headquartered in the Supervisor’s Office in downtown Hot Springs, Arkansas (adjacent to famous Bathhouse Row within Hot Springs National Park). Located in West Central Arkansas, the Ouachita National Forest consists of nearly 1.8 million acres spread across west central Arkansas and two counties in southeastern Oklahoma.

The Forest has received national recognition for its ecosystem management program and serves as a refuge for endangered or threatened wildlife including the red-cockaded woodpecker, the American burying beetle, and several fish species. It also houses an abundance of other wildlife, timber, plant life, rich soil, minerals and clean water. The Ouachitas provide some of the best hunting areas for wild turkey, deer and other game in-season. Further information may be obtained by visiting the Forest website at: www.fs.usda.gov/ouachita.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about this position, please contact Forest Recreation program Manager, Chris Ham at 501-321-5253 or via email at


Interested candidates should submit the following information to Chris Ham at

Forestry Technician (NVUM Surveyor)

Outreach Response

Interested in:
(check all that apply) / Hot Springs, AR - Supervisor’s Office
other Ranger District location – please indicate
Current Location:
Current Title:
Current Grade:
Dates Not Available:
Work Experience that ties to this position:
Other information you feel is important:

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