Nefisa Sayed Mohammed Abou-El Soud.
Present Position :professor (Consultant),Director of theCenter of Environmental studies and management of Natural Resources, Institute of National Planning.
1990 Ph.D in Environmental Science, Environmental Engineering Department, Institute of Environmental Research and Studies,EinShamsUniversity .
1984 Master Degree in Environmental Health, High Institute of Public Health, AlexandriaUniversity
1968 Bachelor Degree in Engineering,Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of engineering, CairoUniversity
1-Short – term consultant for the local Development project, KEMONICS, US AID “ planning and Evaluation of Basic Services” 1991 / 1992 .
2 - Representativeof The Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency in “ UNITAR Meeting and PRTR workshop” in Genva, and Basel, Jan 1995.
3 - Member, of the Suprem Consultation Committee for the Master Plan of drinking water and sanitary drainage sector,” Ministry of Housing, Utilities and New Communities, Aug. 1995.
4 - Consultant for Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) for Environmental Management (EIA Studies, Solid And Hazardous Waste Management), 1996-1999.
5- Short term Consultant for the Human Development Report of Egypt, "Environmental Issues" , UNDP, 1991-1992, 1996- 1997.
6 - Short term consultant for EEAA to prepare the framework of the National Master Plan for Solid Waste management in Egypt, 1995 –1996
7 - Short term Consult for CEDARE (Center of Environmental Development for Arab Region and Europe) for the preparation of Solid Waste Study in Alexandria, 1996-1997.
8 - InternationalExport for UNEP – ROW to prepare the National strategy of hazardous waste management in Yemen 2002 – 2003 .
9 - International Export for MED POL programme UNEP/MAP to Modifying the “Regional plan for Management of Hazardous Waste in the Mediteranean Region” Octobre 2003 .
professional Experience
March 1969
– Feb 1976 / Planning Specialist, Data processing, El Nasr Cmpany for Coke and Chemicals, El Tebbin, Helwan, Egypt.
1976 –June
1977 / Computer programmer in the Biomedical Engineering Department, Virignia UniversityU.S.A.
March 1979
-March 1984 / Research assistant, Institute of National planning (INP), social and Cultural planning Center (S&C.P.C).
March 1984 – October1990 / Researcher at INP (S&C.P.C)
October 1990 -October 1995 / Expert, INP (S&C.P.C)
October 1995 - October 2000 / Ass. Prof. (Senior Expert) INP, (S&C.P.C)
October 2000 -August 2004 / ( Consultant ) , INP, Center of Environmental studies and Management of Natural Resources.
Since August 2004 / Director of "Center of Environmental studies and Management of Natural Resources" ,INP .
1999-2002 / Assigned the following position
1-General Director of Hazardous Substances and Waste -Department in addition to the Solid waste department at the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) from 1999 to Decmber 2002.
/ 2-Representative and focal point of EEAA in the following international Conventions and events :-
Basel Convention, for transboundary movement of Hazardous waste and its disposal.
Stockholm Convention for persistent Organic pollutants.
Intergovernmental Forum for chemical Safety (IFCS).
3-Participate and coordinate work on the preparation of the national Lists for Hazardous substances and Hazardous waste of the different sectors in Egypt ,EEAA
4-Preparation of the framework of the National Strategy of Hazardous waste Management in Egypt.,EEAA
5-Egyptian Counterpart in the following projects:-
a- Integrated management of Health – Care Waste in CairoUniversityHospitals and preparation of the National Strategy of Health Care Waste Management in Egypt, Danida project .
b- Egyptian Environmental Policy Program, USAID:-
Solid Waste Management in Egypt and preparation of National Strategy, Training Workshop, Guidance Materials.
Hazardous Waste Management in Egypt, prepartion of Guidance Doucuments for characterization and identification of H.W.,storage, handling, treatment, recycling final disposal of H.W in Egypt.
6-National Coordinator and Director for project of "Sitting and plan of action for sanitary land fills of soild waste in Egypt" , EC project.
2001-2003 / National Coordinator and Director for project of "Integrated Management of Industrial Waste in the 6th of October Industrial city in Egypt ", EC project..
Teaching and RelatedExperience
Teaching the following post graduates Courses in the Institute of national planning :-
Planning of Environmentally related services, (water, waste water, solid waste).
Environmental impact Assessment.
Teaching: “ planning of services for environmental protection”at The Institute of Environmental Studies and Research Ain shams University.
Supervision of M.Sc and P.HD in different Environmental Issues
The Institute of Environmental Studies and Research Ain shams University.
SupervisionOfmore than 20 Thesis for the fulfillment of diploma in planning and Development, Institute of National Planning ( INP ), Environmentally related issues.
organizeand Implement Training Workshopsall over Egyptian governorates regarding:-
Planning of Environmental protection Activities (Solid Waste Management, Water Management).
Environmental Impact Assessment for project.
related Experiencein the area of waste MANAGeMENT
Principle Investigator
A study on “Solid Waste Management in Egypt”, 1995 ,Institute of National Planning
The Study addressed the problem of Solid Waste arising from all Sources (municipal, Industrial, Agriculture, Sewage Sludge and hospital waste).
Projection of the quantities in 2001 has been done. A Proposed Program of actions to solve the proplem entirely has been made.
Principle Investigator, 1996, Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency(EEAA)An Action – Oriented Report on“A Comprehensive Plan of action for Solid Waste Management in Egypt.
The Study Included all Types of Solid Waste from the different sources. An estimation of the required resources to implement a set of activities has been made together with the appropriate institutional structure.
Principle Investigator, 1997 ,CEDARE
Preparation of a study entitled “Solid Waste Management in Alexandria”.
The Study included:
Existing Situation Analysis (Collection System, transportation, storage, treatment, Recycling and final disposal).
Institutional Setting: governomental, Private Sector and nongovernomental organizations.
Problems and Constraints.
Recommendations to achieve a sustainable integrated management system..
General Director of Solid Waste Management ,EgyptianEnvironmental Affairs Agency (EEAA):
Contributedto the development and implementation of “The National Strategy for Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management – A framework for Action. June 2000.
The document of the strategy included five chapters, Seven Annexes, Abstract and executive summary.
The first chapter, an introduction, General Background and Basic technology.
The second chapter, the current Egyptian Situation a baseline overview and Assessment.
The Third chapter reviewed and presented some international experience and prospective options.
The fourth chapter: The strategic framework including: policy, regulatory, Institutional, Technical, Economic, Social frameworks and Cost recovery options
The Fifth chapter included the framework of the actionplan.
Project Director 1999-2002 , Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency(EEAA) & EU
Sitting of Land fills in the Egyptian Governorates” and a plan of action”
Project Coordinatorand Director 2001-2003 ,Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) & EU
“Integrated management of Industrial Solid Waste” Implemented in the Six of October City ,Giza ,Egypt
International Expert 2002-2003 , UNEPROWA
Development of the National Strategy for Integrated Management of Hazardous Waste and Implementation of Basel Gonvention in Yemen.
International Expert 2003,MED POL programme UNEP/MAP
Modifying the “Regional plan for Management of Hazardous Waste in the Mediteranean Region”
Team Leader May 2004, Institute of National Planning
The Development of a proposed National Strategy for the Integrated Management of Hazardous Waste inEgypt
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