Article Title

Journal info

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Indian Journal of Information Technology (INDJIT)

Volume 6, Issue 6, Jun 2015, pp. 01-08, Article ID: INDJIT_06_06_001

Available online at

ISSN Print: 0976-6367 and ISSN Online: 0976–6375

© IAEME Publication


Article Title

Article title will be placed beneath the journal info, with All caps, Times New Roman 20, before 24 pt with center alignment



Author Information

If the authors has same affiliation, the number of authors should be separated by comma and their affiliation to be placed beneath the author. If the affiliations are vary, each other to be captured as separate author information. Aff1 will contain department and Aff2 to be contained University, City, State and Country. Author has before 12 pt, Aff1 has 3 pt and Aff2 has 0 pt


B. J. Agarwal


Department of Textile Chemistry


Faculty of Technology and Engineering

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara




Author1, Author2 and Author3 (if two or more authors has same affiliation)




Abstract Information

Abstract head will be captured as All caps Times New Roman 12 pt bold, left and right indentation will be 0.25 and before 18 pt. Abstract text will be captured as 12 pt italic (if partial italic that should be captured as roman), right and left indentation 0.25 and first line indentation 0.25 and before 3 pt.


Abstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract TextAbstract Text.


Keyword information

Keyword head to be captured as bold in Times New Roman 12 pt, before 6 pt. Keyword text to be captured as Times New Roman 12, each keyword to be separated by comma.

Keyword head: Keyword text, Keyword text, Keyword text and Keyword text.


Cite this Article Information

Cite This Article head will be in Upper Lower Case (Title Case), bold, Times New Roman 12 pt, Before 6 pt. Cite this article text will be Times New Roman 12 pt, Before 6 pt. It describes the current article information.

Cite this Article: Ramana, B. V. and Dr. Narasimha, G. Software Metric Trends and Evolution. Indian Journal of Information Technology, 6(6), 2015, pp. 01-08.


Heading Information

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C head will contains Third level Heading with numbered 1.1.1 and 2.1.1 Times New Roman 12 pt bolditalics, Title case, Before 12 pt and after 3 pt. Chead1 is the third level heading which comes immediately after the Bhead. So the top space will be reduced for this heading. All the properties will be same as Chead except top space before 3 pt.



B Head

2.1. Materials

B Head1


2.1. Materials [Bhead1]


2.2.2. Preparation of Glycerol-1,3-dichlorohydrin


2.2. Methods [B Head]

2.2.1 Polymer preparation [Chead1]


Paragraph Information

The immediate paragraph of the header level will called as paragraph with no indent. It will be in Times New Roman 12 pt, top space 3 pt, left and right indentation will be 0 pt.

Paragraph indent is the second, third and continuous paragraphs of the particular header. It will be in Times New Roman 12 pt, top space 3 pt, left and right indentation will be 0 pt and first line indentation will be 0.25.

Paragraph with no indent


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If the paragraphs will start immediately after the Figures, Tables and Equation the top space will be increased for this. Before 9 pt and after 3 pt. It will be Paranoindent1 and

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Extract Information

This describes the extract information. Extract will be Times New Roman 11 pt, left and right indentation will be 0.25. Top will be 6 pt and bottom will be 3 pt. If there are two or more paragraphs, first paragraph first line will be indented to 0.25.






Equation Information

Equation will be keyed in Mathtype or Latest edition of Equation Editor application. Equation to be 11 pt. Before 6 pt and after 3 pt and flush right. Equation number to be captured in Math type not as text. Unnumbered equations to be captured as center alignment.

Equation Number

Equation Un-number


Table Information

The Table caption to be captured as Times New Roman 11 pt, center alignment, Before 12 pt and after 6 pt. The text Table and Number to be captured as bold and will be placed before the table. Table column head to be captured as center alignment, bold, Times New Roman 11 pt, before and after 2 pt. Table text to be captured in left alignment, Times New Roman 11 pt, before 2 pt. Table note to be captured beneath the table with left alignment, Times New Roman 11 pt, before 3pt and after 2 pt.

Table caption

Table Column Head

Table text

Table note

Note: Note text Note textNote textNote textNote textNote textNote textNote textNote textNote textNote textNote text.

Table 1 Reactive dyes used with their reactive systems and Colour Index numbers

Table 1 Historical tsunami that affected the western coast of India

NO / Year / Longitude °E) / Latitude °N) / Moment Magnitude / Tsunami Source / of Loss of Life
1 / 326BC / 67.30 / 24.00 / Earthquake
2 / 1008 / 60.00a / 25.00a / ? / Earthquake / 1000*
52.3b / 27.7b
3 / 1524 / Gulf of Cambay / Earthquake
4 / 1819 / Rann of Kutch / 7.8 / Earthquake / >2000*
5 / 1883 Krakatau / Krakatau / Volcanic
6 / 1845 / Rann of Kutch / 7.0 / Earthquake
7 / 1945 / 63.00 / 24.50 / 8.1 / Earthquake / 4000*
8 / 2007 / 101.36 / -4.43 / 8.4 / Earthquake
9 / 2013 / 62.26 / 25.18 / 7.7 / Earthquake

a Rastogi and Jaiswal (2006) [41]

b Ambraseys and Melville (1982)


Figure Information

The Figure caption to be captured as Times New Roman 11 pt, center alignment, Before 12 pt and after 6 pt. The text Table and Number to be captured as bold and will be placed before the table.



Figure 1. Typical induction motor drive


Reference Information

Author name to be captured as surname, given name format. Volume number to be captured as bold, issue number to be captured in brackets, before page number pp. to be added. Journal title to be captured as italic. For first reference before will be 12 pt and other reference before will be 3 pt, left 0.25, hanging 0.5 and tab 0.75. Please find below the examples.


All references to be cited in the text in []. For example [1]

Journal Articles:

[1]Hebeish, A. and El-Rafie, M. H. American Dyestuff Reporter,79(7), 1990, pp. 34.

[2]Maganioti, A.E., Chrissanthi, H.D., Charalabos, P.C., Andreas, R.D., George, P.N. and Christos, C.N. Cointegration of Event-Related Potential (ERP) Signals in Experiments with Different Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Conditions. Health, 2, 2010, pp. 400-406.

[3]Bootorabi, F., Haapasalo, J., Smith, E., Haapasalo, H. and Parkkila, S. Carbonic Anhydrase VII—A Potential Prognostic Marker in Gliomas. Health, 3, 2011, pp. 6-12.

E-Journal Articles:

[4] Bharti, V.K. and Srivastava, R.S. Protective Role of Buffalo Pineal Proteins on Arsenic-Induced Oxidative Stress in Blood and Kidney of Rats. Health, 1, 2009, pp. 167-172.


[5]Billmeyer, F. W. Jr. and Saltzman M. Principles of Colour Technology, 2nd Edition. New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1981, pp. 140.

Edited Book:

[6]Prasad, A.S. Clinical and Biochemical Spectrum of Zinc Deficiency in Human Subjects. In: Prasad, A.S., ed., Clinical, Biochemical and Nutritional Aspects of Trace Elements. New York : Alan R. Liss, Inc., 1982 pp. 5-15.

Conference Proceedings:

[7]Clare, L., Pottie, G. and Agre, J. Self-Organizing Distributed Sensor Networks. Proceedings SPIE Conference Unattended Ground Sensor Technologies and Applications, Orlando, 3713, 1999 pp. 229-237.


[8]Heinzelman, W. Application-Specific Protocol Architectures for Wireless Networks. Ph.D. Dissertation, Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000.


[9]Honeycutt, L. Communication and Design Course, 1998.


Footer Information

Times New Roman 11 pt, INDJIT web page and editor email and page number. Please refer the footer.


Header Information

Times New Roman 11 pt, Author in the even page and Article title in odd page. No information needed for first page.




1. All the units to be given space before it. For example 12 V.

2. If the Figures and Tables are cross-referred inside the text, then it should be captured as Figure 1 and Table.

3. All the superscript and subscript text to be captured in superscript and subscript, not raised and lowered.

4. All the text to be captured in automatic color.

5. All the paragraphs in the Journal to be in single line spacing.

6. Please provide Table caption and Figure caption for all the Figures and Tables.

7. Please use hyphen, ndash and mdash appropriately.

8. If possible capture the equations in Mathtype or Equation Editor. Do not capture it as image.

9. Please provide space between two initial. For Example V.D. Patel.

Indian Journal of Information Technology (INDJIT)

Volume 6, Issue 6, Jun 2015, pp. 01-08, Article ID: INDJIT_06_06_001

Available online at

ISSN Print: 0976-6367 and ISSN Online: 0976–6375

© IAEME Publication



B. Venkata Ramana

Research Scholar, Dept. of CSE,

JNTU College of Engineering, Hyderabad, Telangana State.

Dr. G. Narasimha

Department of Computer Science Engineering, JNTUH College of Engineering,

Nachupally, Karimnagar, Telangana State


Definition  Software Engineering encompasses a process, methods for managing and engineering software and tools. The role of software has undergone significant change over the past half century. From card readers to scanner, from simple equation to artificial intelligence, kilobytes to terabytes, CPU performance from 1 MHz to 6 GHz, 8 bit to 128 bit operating systems. The evolution happened in terms of space, complexity, quality and ease. Legacy applications are attributed with poor quality later with modern applications it’s eradicated. In fact the need for the evolution may even become obvious even before the new system is deployed. With evolving software, the metrics also evolved to measure the quality, not just in terms of documentation but in availability, reliability and robustness of the applications. Process and product measures have been defined to measure the quality of the engineered/developed product. The quality models and industrial standards – Six Sigma, SEI CMMI, ITIL, ISO, PMBOK, Prince2 and other, have changed the estate of software process in the IT world. Each of these help in improving the software development process. In this paper we analyze the metric evolution and the impact it has on software industry. Agile modeling is the current customer sought after model where the metrics are still evolving to suit the customer and market needs.

Key words: Software Metrics, Software Evolution, Quality Standards, Metrics Trend, Object Oriented Metrics and Agile process.

Cite this Article: Ramana, B. V. and Dr. Narasimha, G. Software Metric Trends and Evolution. Indian Journal of Information Technology, 6(6), 2015, pp. 01-08.



The concept of software quality and the efforts to understand the measurable quantities and measure them in terms of quality factors and quality criteria. A metric is a quantitative measure of degree to which a system, component or process possesses a given attribute. Metrics are useful for cost and schedule future projects, to establish productivity trend over time, improve software quality, anticipate and reduce future maintenance needs. Metrics are generally classified under Products, Processes and resources. Goodman defines software metrics as [1]: “The continuous application of measurement- based techniques to the software development process and its products to supply meaningful and timely management information, together with the use of those techniques to improve that process and its products”. The culture of Organization also serves as a key differentiator between successful ones and the laggards. Again when teams are considered more important than individuals then it’s the system that drive the functions and individuals absence and indispensability is ruled out. In this paper, the focus is on the metric trends, the process models and the quality improvements and the quality standards to meet the increasing demand.


Software process is more than a framework of tasks which is needed to build a high quality products. The process refines itself to software engineering once it starts using the technical methods and automation tools. IEEE defines, a process as “a sequence of steps performed for a given purpose” [2]. Software development life cycle SDLC models, describe the software process structures. Process metrics are defined for SDLCs, which include the activities, methods, and standards to use. The use of software process metrics has enabled some organizations to much more effectively understand and control their software development process [3]. Process metrics can be categorized based on the stages in SDLC. These metrics include – feasibility metrics, requirements metrics, design metrics, code related metrics, testing metrics. All these are used by management to derive new metrics to check the health of the project.

2.1. Feasibility and Requirement Metrics

Feasibility studies are conducted to understand if the project goal can be accomplished. There can be various feasibility studies - Technical, Economic, Legal, Operational and Scheduling. Organization do check for these metrics while bidding for projects. These have become a new set of metric by marketing and finance teams before they bid for a project. These metrics include

  • IRR - Internal Rate of Return, > 10%, the higher the better.
  • NPV –Net Present Value. > 0, the higher the better
  • ROI – Return on Investment. Generally >12%

Requirement engineering process starts with feasibility study, elicitation and analysis, validation and management. The cost of fixing an error early is easy than fixing at later stages in SDLC. The metrics include

  • Size metrics – LOC of FPP as software evolved, Use Cases are used.
  • Traceability metrics
  • Completeness metrics
  • Volatility metrics

2.2. Design Metrics

Design metrics are part of the product metrics, which are collected during the design phase in the SDLC. With the new software evolving new design metrics are evolving depending on the processes and tools used to design the software product. These metrics include [4]

  • Structural complexity
  • Data complexity
  • System complexity

With the advent of Object Oriented modeling, new metrics evolved. Below are few, which are categorized based on the OO paradigm.

  • Chidamber & Kemerer [5] – Viewpoints
  • Information Hiding
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism

The next trend in evolution is COTS – Commercial-of-the-shelf, resulted in the next set of metrics as below. Components have been developed for reuse and finally the COTS.

  • Cohesion
  • Coupling
  • Complexity like cyclomatic complexity.

2.3. Size Related Metrics

The implementation, referred generally as coding, is the next step where the design is put forth for development. These include conventional size oriented metrics – KLOC – Kilo Lines Of Code, FP – Function Point. These were the units (KLOC, FP) to measure the complexity of code. In 1970s KLOC is used to measure the size of the system and as an anchor to estimate cost and schedule of the application. Typical metrics are below

  • Errors/KLOC or Man Months/KLOC
  • Defects/KLOC
  • Cost/KLOC

Function Pont metric in 1980s was later proposed to effectively measure the functionality being delivered and used for cost and schedule estimation. The technique of functional modelling is used to model the relationship between the transactions and the complete application. The FP is measured using five components – External Inputs, External Outputs, External Inquiry, Internal Logical Files and External Interface Files. Understanding the software size is the key to understanding both productivity and quality. Few FP metrics include FP/work month, Defects per FP.

The Object Oriented related metrics are addressed in the subsequent section IV.A.

There are other metrics that check the program complexity, purity ratio, McCabe’s Complexity (control flow representation) measures, McClure Complexity and many more. These measure the control flow of the program/application.

2.4. Testing Metrics

Testing gets compromised due to delay in the initial phases and the duration gets is reduced to meet marketing needs. Waterfall model symptoms include late shoe-horning of non-optimal fixes, with no time to redesign kind of graph, finally delivering a very fragile, unmaintainable product with overhead costs [6]. For improving the product quality and controlling the project, later models and organizations have come-up with a set of test-related metrics to allow better control and facilitate consistent improvement. These include

  • Unit Test cases Planned/executed/Failed
  • Bugs closure per unit of time
  • Rate of Defect injection
  • Defect Removal Efficiency

2.5. Team Behavioural Metrics

People, one among the resources metrics and one of the 4Ps of software management, are the key drivers of quality. New process models (PSP, TSP) [7] evolved to improve the quality of products by considering software engineer’s into focus.

PSP – Personal Software process, suggests methods, measures and templates towards right track of quality (in order to change the ineffective personal process). Later the lessons learnt in PSP are introduced in TSP – Team Software Process. TSP being self-directed teams to direct and plan the assigned tasks effectively. In PSP, the templates are used to measure the efficiently of self individually and improve on error reductions. Metrics are defined by individual or team based on the model chosen to track the quality and software development progress.

2.6. Other Metrics

Different kinds of metrics are used by management to measure the growth or change. For example, to measure the project progress, earned value analysis is used. From customer perspective there are different metrics like User satisfaction index, volume of repeated business be a customer, business obtained through referrals, revenue savings and others. Organizations use their internal metric and industry standards to monitor the progress and maintain quality of software products.