Indian Head Elementary
School-wide System of
Behavior Support
2005 – 2006
Toni Melton, Principal
Deborah M. Brown, Vice Principal
Genevieve Crawford, Psychologist
Indian Head Elementary School has been created to provide behavioral support for our yellow zone students. These are students who fail to respond to school-wide and classroom expectations. These students are not currently engaging in dangerous or extremely disruptive behavior. The intent is to prevent them from becoming red-zone students. The goal is to decrease problem behavior in our classrooms, increase academic involvement and reduce office referrals.
This program is based on the research of Leanne Hawken, Ph.D, University of Utah. We received training at the PBIS Conference in July of 2005.
For Whom is the BEP Appropriate?
- Low level problem behavior (not severe)
- 3 –7 referrals Behavior occurs across multiple locations
- Examples
-talking out
-minor disruptioms
-work completion
- Serious or violent behaviors/infractions
- Extreme chronic behavior (8 to 10 referrals)
- Require more individual support
-Functional assessment
-Wrap around services
- one on one assistant
- behavior specialist involved
Dream Card Implementation
- Train staff
- The principal, vice principal, guidance counselor and psychologist will identify the students for the first round of the program based on the criteria developed.
- Students will be taught how the check-in/check-out program will work.
- The check-in/check-out location is the speech room.
- Beth Chotkowski and Maggie Boyd will be the check-in/check-out coordinators.
- The children will check-in each day before going to breakfast.
- Check-out will follow this schedule:
3:10 – 5th grade
3:20 – 4th grade
3:30 – 2nd and 3rd
- Children will shop when they have met their goal 5 times.
- All children will be given a dream catcher for checking-in and checking-out each day. Each child who does this all week will be entered into a drawing for a prize.
- The principal, vice principal, guidance counselor and psychologist will meet bi-weekly to monitor the student’s progress. This is also the time when other students will be considered for the program.
- When a student has met his/her goal 90% of the time for 6 weeks consecutively, he/she will begin a self-monitoring period. The student will fill out a dream card and the teacher will also. Then the cards will be compared. When the student is matching the teacher for 90% of the items on the dream card, he/she can be moved to an independent self-monitoring card.
- Children who are moving to independent self-monitoring will be invited to a lunch celebration and given a certificate of success.
- Children who are independently self-monitoring will meet on a monthly basis with the principal, vice principal, counselor or psychologist to discuss how they are doing.
Indian Head Dream Card Program
The goal of offering rewards to students who are demonstrating appropriate behavior is provide positive adult contact between students and key adults at school.
Things to know about rewards
- One of the most effective things we can do to increase our student’s appropriate behavior is to notice and say something positive as soon as we see behavior we like.
- In addition to positive comments, students on the Indian Head Dream Card Program can also earn other rewards when they check in, check out or meet their daily goal.
Check in/check out lottery:
The purpose of this reward is to help motivate students to check out each day. Knowing that they have an opportunity for a reward helps in getting them to check out. Children receive a dream catcher for checking-in and checking-out each day. At the end of the week, all students who have checked-in and checked-out each day will be placed in a drawing.
Reward for meeting daily point goal:
Check out and meet a daily point goal earns this reward.
Reward for meeting consistent daily goal reward:
Students having 5 cumulative days of meeting their daily goal are able to go shopping for a reward.
Indian Head Dream Card Program Graduation reward:
Students who graduate from the Indian Head Dream Card Program by consistently meeting their daily goal move to a “Self Monitoring Program”. In this program they earn a Celebration Lunch and recognition for being successful in the Dream Card Program.
Teaching Students how to Participate in the
Dream Program
The purpose of this lesson plan is to teach students who are new to the Dream Program the expectations of the program and how to accept feedback. .You’ll be giving students many opportunities of seeing, hearing and doing the expectation correctly and a few examples of what not to do. (Plan on about 15 minutes for this activity and have a copy of the Dream Card to show the student).
First step: Introduce the student to the program and give a brief explanation of what you are going to talk about. Say something like, “Today we’re going to learn about the Dream Program. This will help you be more successful in school and we are going to practice today so that you’ll know how to be really good at doing this and so you can earn all your points.”
Second step: Show the student the Dream Card and go through each of the parts of the card. Describe the meaning of each score for each expectation. Ask the student to demonstrate the expectations such as “keeping hands, feet and objects to themselves.” Use lots of praise for demonstrating the expectation and circle the two on the Dream Card example. Practice another expectations if necessary. Let the student choose a sticker card to use for each contract at their goal.
Third Step: Show how the points are added up to give a score for the day. (48 points is the highest) and what the student’s goal will be. Use more detail in this section for the older students. Tell them they will need to pickup their Dream Card every day before school and to return them to you at the end of the day. Show them what they need to earn for the first 5 contracts (75%) and the rest will be 85%.
Fourth Step: Show the student the other parts of the report including the section fro parent signature. Tell them that they will be taking a copy of the Dream Card home to show their parents and will need to bring it back signed the next day.
Fifth step: Show the student where they will check in and pick up their Dream Card in the morning and return the signed copy.
Sixth step: Show the student how they get a sticker on their chart each time they pick up and return their Dream Card. The children who pick and return their cards each day will be entered into a drawing for a “Dream” prize at the end of the week. The prize will be given on the following Monday.
Indian Head Program
TIPS for Providing Feedback during Check-in, Check-out and In Class
Things to say at check in…
- Wow! You brought back your Indian Head Report signed!
- You’re here on time again -Great!
- Looks like you’re all set to go
- It’s great to see you this morning
- Looks like you’re ready for a good day
- You’re off to a good start
- You look so nice this morning
- You look happy to be here this morning
- I like the way you said “good morning”
- Thanks for coming to check in
- Sounds like you had a good weekend
- We missed you yesterday (if student was absent), nice to see you today
Things to say at check out….
- You had a great (awesome, terrific, etc) day!
- You’re right on target
- Your mom/dad is going to be so proud of you
- You’re really working hard!
- You are such a good student
- You made your goal- wow!
- Looks like today didn’t go so well- I know you can do it tomorrow
- I know it was a tough day- thanks for coming to check out
- We all have bad days once and awhile- I know you can do it tomorrow
- You look a little frustrated- what happened?*
*If a student looks upset take a few minutes to “just listen”
- Looks like you were having some trouble today. I know you can turn it around tomorrow.
These are the students who will begin the program on Monday. We will meet with them to explain the program during the day. The actual check-in/check-out will begin on Tuesday. Mrs. Chotkowski and Mrs. Boyd will be the coordinators. Will are modifying the program for K and 1 and that program will start on October 10.
Tracy C
Jade M
Rhobney F
Donovan H
Robert J
Daquan L
John M
Russell R
Michael Y
Corinna S
Aaron T
Dream Card Check-in/Check-out
Student / % / Goal / Check-in / Check-out / Parent signedTracy
Dream Card %
Points / % / Points / %48 / 100 / 26 / 54
47 / 98 / 25 / 52
46 / 96 / 24 / 50
45 / 94 / 23 / 48
44 / 92 / 22 / 46
43 / 90 / 21 / 44
42 / 88 / 20 / 42
41 / 85 / 19 / 40
40 / 83 / 18 / 38
39 / 81 / 17 / 35
38 / 79 / 16 / 33
37 / 77 / 15 / 31
36 / 75 / 14 / 29
35 / 73 / 13 / 27
34 / 71 / 12 / 25
33 / 69 / 11 / 23
32 / 67 / 10 / 21
31 / 65 / 9 / 19
30 / 63 / 8 / 17
29 / 60 / 7 / 15
28 / 58 / 6 / 13
27 / 56 / 5 / 10
4 / 8
3 / 6
2 / 4
1 / 2
Check-in/ Check Out
Recommended student______
Has the child been retained? Yes No Grade______
Absences and tardies______
History of behavior difficulty (prior years) yes no
What are the behaviors?______