USGovernment and History 8th Grade Cooley Middle School
*Ben Fiddler * Web page link:
*Email: Phone: 480-279-8300; Room 236
Office Hours: 8:00 am-8:30 am Monday-Friday
Or by appointment
Objectives of this course:
The 8th grade year will be split into two important aspects of US History. First, students will become experts on the US government, how it was formed, and the principles at its foundation. Included in this will be the study of the American Revolution and the Constitution.Ultimately and most importantly will be how the US government operates, as well as how they themselves as citizens are responsible and capable of running it. With this background knowledge, students will then learn about U.S. involvement in World War II, post-war conflicts between political ideologies during the Cold War, the impact of the Civil Rights Movement, and contemporary America.
Units of Study this School Year:
First Semester Second Semester
American Revolution* Cold War
US Constitution * Civil Rights Movement
US Citizenship* Modern US History
World War II
Make Up/Absences Protocol:Students will be responsible to make up any work and/or assessments they missed in class. I will keep my teacher page available with assignments and updates.
Redo/ Retake Guidelines for Assessments:
Second chance learning is a strategy which provides additional opportunities to learn and demonstrate what a student knows and can do when assessments indicate that the essential knowledge or skills have not been demonstrated. The intent is for students to master the content. Every effort will be made to allow students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts and skills of this class.
Second Chance Learning:
· Students will have the opportunity to redo/retake assessments up to two times within two weeks of the posted grade
· Opportunities to redo/retake assignments are at the teacher’s discretion
· Redo/retake grade will take the place of the original grade unless it is lower (no averaging of scores)
· In order to identify gaps in learning, students MUST return a completed redo/retake reflection form
· Alternative practice work or assessments may be given that will cover the same material but may be in a different format
· Redo and retakes will not be given during the student’s regular class period, specific retake dates will be determined by the teacher
· Redo and retakes are not meant to be used as a regular practice by a student or as a substitute for effort
· Students are NOT eligible for a retake until all missing work related to the unit has been submitted
· All redo and retakes must be completed within two weeks of the grade posting date
Steps to Retake/Redo an Assessment
· Complete the retake/redo reflection form
· Complete/Redo all practice work relating to the assessment or complete alternate assignments given by the teacher
· Attend a minimum of one tutoring session with your teacher or another teacher in the content area
· Turn in the redo/retake reflection form and the practice work to the teacher
· Retake the assessment on the designated retake day within two weeks of the posted grade
Reminder: Students can only retake an assessment two (2) times within the two week retake window
Final Exams:There will be a final exam for this course.Students will complete these assessments in December and May.It is very important for students to be prepared for these tests, as they are used to determine of the student has mastered course topics.
Semester Grades:Social Studies grades are weighted. Most grades entered in the gradebook will be assessment based.
Class Activities & Class Projects: 20%
Assessments (Quizzes, Tests, & Exams): 80%
Grading Scale:90-100%=A= Exceeds
80-89%= B= Meets
70-79% = C= Approaches
50%-69%= D/F= Falls Far Below
Donations of any one of these materials is much appreciated:Copy Paper, Lined Paper, Kleenex, Hand Sanitizer, Clorox Wipes, Glue Sticks, Scissors, Colored Pencils, Sticky Notes, Dry Erase Markers, Construction Paper, Colored Markers, Scotch Tape Refills, Paper Clips, White Poster board.
Required Materials:
1. Spiral notebook and/or folder with lined paper
2. Plastic pocket folder
3. One white poster paper
4. Pencils (#2)
5. Highlighters
6. Dry erase marker
Tutoring and Extra Help:I will keep students updated weekly on times of availability for tutoring or extra help. Students must schedule with me when they would like to come in for tutoring.
Classroom Expectations:
1. Treat EVERYONE with dignity and respect.
2. Come to class prepared.
3. Be on time.
4. No drink (water only), food or gum will be allowed in the classroom.
Classroom Management: Although a majority of the time student behavior is exceptional, there are occasions when students can be inappropriate or out of line. In those occasions, here is my protocol:
1ststep: I will have a private conversation with the student about classroom expectations.
2ndstep: I will contact the parent and assign the student a lunch detention.
3rdstep: I will contact parent and assign the student ASD (After School Detention)
4thstep: I will refer student to the administration and they will handle it from there.
Note:Some behavior is minor and will merit multiple step 1s, 2s, or 3s. Also some behavior would require swifter action and could merit going straight to a step 4.
iPad/Electronics Expectations: Students will be taking their iPads home every day. Students are expected to have their iPad every day ready to go and charged if needed in their classes. In this class, students will use their iPads if specifically instructed by myself for class-related research or activities only. Otherwise, students’ iPads must be put away. Tampering with, or using iPads to view inappropriate material will call for immediate consequences. If you have any questions about the iPads, please contact the librarian.
Cell phones: Phones may NOT be used in class unless directed by your teacher. Using phones in the classroom without being directly instructed by the teacher will result in confiscation of students’ cell phones. Although, cellphones will be allowed for use before school, after school, and during lunch. Phones are NOT allowed in the hallways or during transition.
Parent Contact FormCooley Middle School
Ben Fiddler (Please fill out and detach this form and return to school)
8thGrade Social Studies
Student NameParent Name
Parent EmailParent Phone
Parent NameParent Phone
Parent Email
***Please put an “X” next which contact you prefer.***
Student/Parent Signatures(Please sign and return to school)
By signing this document, I acknowledge that I have read and understand all of the material within this syllabus and agree to the guidelines of this class.
Video/Movie Permission: Videos are a great way to supplement the material covered in class and gives students an entertaining and visual understanding of the content. All videos will be previewed by the teacher prior to showing them in class. All videos will be school appropriate and directly related to the curriculum. Some examples of videos are listed below.
Any full-length movie shown in class will have a separate permission slip close to the scheduled date that the movie will be played.
· CNN Student News
· America: The Story of Us – History Channel
· Discovery News
· – History videos online
· Vietnam in HD (previewed and edited)
· Short YouTube video clips (school and content appropriate)
Student ______Date ______
Parent ______Date ______