Pteropus giganteus (TER-ohp-us GI-gan-tus)
RANGE: Occurs in tropical regions of South Central Asia: India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Myanmar (from Pakistan to China and as far south as the Maldive Islands).
HABITAT: Tropical forests and swamps, usually in the vicinity of a body of water. Large groups of individuals roost in trees such as banyan, fig, and tamarind.
SIZE: Second largest bat in the world: weight: 600 to1600 g (21 to 56 oz) males are generally larger;
Average length: 23 cm (9.06 in); Wingspan: 4 to 5 ft.
LIFESPAN: Average is 21 years, though the oldest captive lived to be 31 years old.
DIET: The major part of diet in the wild is made up of figs but they also consume a variety of fruit such as mangoes, guava, bananas, papayas, also the blossoms and nectar of fruiting plants, as well as leaves.
BEHAVIOR: Roost in trees in large colonies. Like most large flying fox, they have a vertical hierarchy of males based on size and strength. This species is reported to travel up to 15 km (9 miles) to find food. They lick and groom each other to express affection.
REPRODUCTION: Indian FF are polygynandrous (promiscuous). Gestation period is140 to150 days. Usually have one offspring, but twins are possible. Young are carried by the mother for the first three weeks of life, pups are weaned at about 5 months.Young learn to fly at about 11 weeks of age.
STATUS: This species is listed in CITES Appendix II, meaning it is not currently threatened, but could become so if protective measures are not taken.
AT OBC: Fahim—born Dec.1987, Lo Chan—born Ap.1987, and Naresh—born Ap.1994. All came to the Organization for Bat Conservation from the Lubee Bat Foundation because all three sustained wing injuries that prevented flight. It was felt that the trio should be in a more protected environment and also serve as ambassadors for their kind at OBC.