WilloughbyMiddle School
National Junior Honor SocietyBylaws
Article I
Selection of Members
Section 1. To be eligible for membership, a candidate must be a member of the
seventh grade and have a scholastic average of at least 3.33.
Section 2. Scholastic averages shall be determined after the third grading period of
seventh grade. The student must have achieved a 3.33+ final GPA at the
endof sixth grade, and then maintained this 3.33+ throughout seventh
grade Thus, academic eligibility will be determined utilizing grades from
the first seven quarters of middle school.
Section 3. Candidates will be required to complete an NJHS selection application,
which includes a student information sheet on which the candidate will
list activities and service experiences.
Section 4. The entire faculty will be asked to rate candidates in the areas of
leadership, character and citizenship. Comments both negative and
positive may be included.
Section 5. All ratings will be considered in computing an average in each of the
areas as well as an overall average.
Section 6.The Faculty Council will meet approximately two weeks before the
Induction Ceremony to make a final decision regarding the candidates.
The council will utilize the faculty ratings and comments as
well as the students’ own statements in the decision-making process.
Article II
Section 1.The chapter will conduct one semi-formal, evening Induction ceremony
in the spring of each year. Members of the student body who are on the current Honor Roll or Principal’s List may be invited in addition to the
regular guests.
Section 2.The advisor will organize the ceremony according to recommendations
from the national office of NJHS.
Section 3.The current members may vote to determine a guest speaker for each
Induction ceremony.
Article III
Section 1. The officers of this chapter shall be a president, vice president, secretary,
and treasurer. Additional chapter positions may be created as needed.
Section 2. Election of the officers shall be held at the May meeting of the new Inductees. A majority of votes cast by the members shall be necessary to elect any officer. Members may self-nominate; voting takes place for one
office at a time; advisor counts ballots. Members are permitted to hold only one office.
Section 3.It shall be the duty of the president to preside at meetings of this chapter.
It is his/her responsibility, in conjunction with an advisor, to draft an
agenda before each meeting, or ensure that an agenda is created.
Section 4.The vice president shall fill the chair of the president in his/her absence.
He/she shall be responsible for collecting and maintaining all service
hour records of members.
Section 5.The chapter secretary shall keep the minutes of meetings, a record of all
business, and all records on file. He/she shall be responsible for taking
attendance at meetings.
Section 6.The treasurer shall, in conjunction with an advisor, receive and disburse
all funds of the chapter and shall keep an accurate account of receipts
and disbursements in accordance with school regulations.
Article IV
Section 1.The chapter shall have regular monthly meetings during the school year
on days designated by the advisor.
Section 2.Attendance is mandatory at regular monthly meetings. Members must
notify the advisor if they are unable to attend.
Section 3. Special (committee) meetings may be called by the president.
Section 4.All meetings shall be open meetings, and they shall be held under the
supervision of an advisor.
Section 5. Officers shall meet with the advisor on a regular basis to plan and
maintain the business of the chapter.
Article V
Member Obligations
Section 1. Members shall maintain the standards of scholarship, leadership, service,
character, and citizenship. Should a member fall below these standards,
the advisor and/or Faculty Council shall deal with the individual offenses accordingly.
Section 2. Each member shall maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.33. A
member who falls below this average will be considered to be on
probation. He/she will have until the next grade reporting event (end of
nine-weeks or interim) to bring his/her average up to the required 3.33.
Members who do not will be referred to the Faculty Council for
Section 3. All members shall regularly participate in the service projects determined
by the chapter. Participation in at least two chapter service projects is
required of each member during the school year.
Section 4.In addition to chapter service projects, each member shall have the responsibility for performing individual service hours which reflect his/her particular talents and interests. At least two hours of individual service are required each month.
Section 5.Each member shall attend regularly scheduled chapter meetings unless excused by the advisor. Every attempt should be made to attend special meetings as well.
Section 6.Students who do not meet serviceor attendance requirements
will be denied membership privileges and/or will be referred to the
Faculty Council.
Section 7.Falling below the standards which are used as the basis for selection
and/or failing to abide by Sections 1 – 5 of Article V shall be reason forutilizing the dismissal procedure as outlined in the Constitution of the National Junior Honor Society.
Article VI
Section 1.Chapter projects may be determined at the discretion of the advisor.
Section 2.Chapter projects may also be established by a majority vote of the membership.