A Unit of Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India Ltd., New Delhi
(Wholly owned by Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance)
TelePhone : 040 - 2726 0629 P.B.No.10, H.C.L Post
Fax : 040 – 2726 2951 I.D.A., PHASE- II,
website : http/ HYDERABAD- 500 051.A.P
Tender No. X-24/AMC-MSDS/PS/2012/ Enq.60/Elec. Date 13.08.2012
SectionI: Notice Inviting Tender (NIT)
A Unit of Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India Ltd., New Delhi
(Wholly owned by Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance)
TelePhone : 040 - 2726 0629 P.B.No.10, H.C.L Post
Fax : 040 – 2726 2951 I.D.A., PHASE- II,
website : http/ HYDERABAD- 500 051.A.P
No. X-24/Manpower/ PS/2012/Enq.60/Elec. Date : 13.08.2012
Sealed tenders are invited, from eligible and qualified tenderers for providing following services :
ScheduleNo. / BriefDescriptionofServices / QUANTITY / EarnestMoney
(in Rs.)
1 / (1)Annual Operation & Maintenance of 33 KV/11 KV M.S.D.S & 11 KV/415V L.T. Sub-stations 1, 2 &3, and its equipment
(2) Operation & Maintenance of Town ship Sub-station, Pumps at Town ship Pump house, STP and Ventilation Chambers of Plant.
(3) Operation & Maintenance of Electrical Installations and Fans in Residential Buildings, Fountains, Plant & Admn.Block / 1 No / Rs. 40,000/- (Rupees Forty thousand only)
Type of Tender (Two Bid/ PQB/ EOI/ RC/ Development/ Indigenization/ Disposal of Scrap/ Security Items etc.) / Limited Tender Enquiry - Single bid
Dates of Sale of Tender documents / Limited Tender Enquiry
Price of the Tender document / ----
Place of Sale of tender documents / Limited Tender Enquiry
date and time of receipt of tenders / 11.09.2012 till 2.30 P.M
Place of receipt of tenders / India Govt. Mint, IDA, Phase II, Cherlapally, Hyderabad A.P. 500 051
Time and date of opening of tenders / will be opened at 3.00 P.M. on 11.09.2012.
Place of opening of tenders / I.G.Mint, Cherlapally, Hyderabad. A.P.
Nominated Person/ Designation to receive Tenders / Officer (F&A) & I/c Purchase Section, India Government Mint, Hyderabad
- Tenderers shall ensure that their tenders, duly sealed and signed, complete in all respects as per instructions contained in the Tender Documents, are dropped in the tender box located at the address given below on or before the closing date and time indicated in the Para 1 above, failing which the tenders will be treated as late and rejected.
- In the event of any of the above mentioned dates being declared as a holiday/ closed day for the purchase organization, the tenders will be sold/ received/ opened on the next working day at the appointed time.
- The tender documents are not transferable.
- Conditional Tenders shall not be accepted.
P.Nageswara Rao
Officer (F&A) I/C purchase.
For and on behalf of General Manager
1.1Definitions and abbreviations, which have been used in these documents, shall have the meanings as indicated in GCC.
1.2These tender documents have been issued for the requirements mentioned in Section – VI - “List of Requirements”.
1.4This section (Section II - “General Instruction Tenderers” - GIT) provides the relevant information as well as instructions to assist the prospective tenderers in preparation and submission of tenders. It also includes the mode and procedure to be adopted for receipt and opening as well as scrutiny and evaluation of tenders and subsequent placement of contract. With this limited objective, GIT is not intended to be complete by itself and the rest of this document - SIT, GCC and SCC in particular may also be thoroughly studied before filling up the Tender Document. There would be certain topics covered in GIT/SIT as well as in GCC/ SCC from different perspectives. In case of any conflict between these, provisions of GCC/ SCC would prevail.
1.5The tenderers shall also read the Special Instructions to Tenderers (SIT) related to this purchase/Services, as contained in Section III of these documents and follow the same accordingly. Whenever there is a conflict between the GIT and the SIT, the provisions contained in the SIT shall prevail over those in the GIT.
2.Language of Tender
The tender submitted by the tenderer and all subsequent correspondence and documents relating to the tender exchanged between the tenderer and I.G.Mint, Hyderabad, shall be written in the English language.
3.Eligible Tenderers
This invitation for tenders is open to all suppliers who fulfill the eligibility criteria specified in these documents. Please refer to Section V: Qualification/ Eligibility Criteria
- Tendering Expense
The tenderer shall bear all costs and expenditure incurred and/ or to be incurred by it in connection with its tender including preparation, mailing and submission of its tender and for subsequent processing the same. I.G.Mint, Hyderabad will, in no case be responsible or liable for any such cost, expenditure etc regardless of the conduct or outcome of the tendering process.
5.Content of TenderDocuments
5.1The tender documents includes:
1.Section I - Notice Inviting Tender NIT)
2.Section II - General Instructions to Tenderers (GIT)
3.Section III - Special Instructions to Tenderers (SIT)
4.Section IV -General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
5.Section V - Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)
6.Section VI – List of requirements
7.SectionVII–Quality Control Requirements
8.SectionVIII- Qualification/ Eligibility Criteria
9.Section IX - Tender Form
10.Section X – Price Schedule
11.Section XI – Bank Guarantee form for Performance Security
12. Section XII – Letter of Authority for attending a Bid Opening.
Amendments to Tender Documents
6.1Atanytimepriortothedeadlineforsubmissionoftenders,I.G.Mint, Hyderabadmay,foranyreason deemed fit by it, modifythe tender documents by issuing suitable amendment(s) to it.
6.2Suchanamendmentwillbenotifiedinwritingbyregistered/speedpostorbyfax/telex/ e-mail,followed bycopyofthesameby suitablerecordedposttoall prospective tenderers, which have received the tender documents and will be binding on them.
- Quotations must be on Letter Head identifying the firm duly indicating the of Service Tax, P.F & ESI of the firm and should be dropped in the tender box put near the main gate.
- Theauthorizedsignatoryofthetenderermustsignthetenderatappropriateplacesand initial the remaining pagesof the tender.
- Theoriginalandothercopiesofthetendershalleitherbetypedorwritteninindelibleink andthesameshallbesignedbythetenderer orbyaperson(s)whohasbeenduly authorizedto bindthetenderertothe contract.
- The Quotation is to be submitted in a single cover, (i.e.Your quotation along with EMD and all other documents should be kept together in one cover only)
- Thetenderersaretodepositthetendersinthetenderbox keptforthis purpose put near the main gate India Government Mint, Cherlapally.Incaseofbulkytender, whichcannotbeputintotenderbox,thesameshallbesubmittedbythetendererby handtothedesignatedofficersof Mint.
- Thetenderersmustensurethattheydeposittheirtendersnotlaterthantheclosingtime anddatespecifiedforsubmissionof tenders.Intheeventof thespecifieddatefor submission oftenderfallson/is subsequentlydeclared aholidayor closeddayfor Mint, the tenders will be received upto the appointed time on the next working day.
Late Tender`
- Atender,whichisreceivedafterthespecifieddateandtimeforreceiptoftenderswillbe treated as “late” tender andwill be ignored..
Earnest MoneyDeposit (EMD)
- EMD for Rs. 40,000/- should be submitted along with the quotation in the shape of Demand Draft non-interest bearing, drawn on any Nationalized Bank in favour of “India Government Mint, Hyderabad, a Unit of SPMCIL”.
- Theearnestmoneyshallbevalidforaperiodoffortyfivedaysbeyondthe
validityperiod of the tender.
- If the tenderer after submitting his tender resiles from his offer or modifies the terms and conditions thereof in a manner not acceptable to the Mint, the EMD will be forfeited.
- Tenders not accompanied by EMD in given format will not be considered and summarily rejected.
- Unsuccessfultenderers’earnestmonieswillbereturnedtothemwithoutanyinterest, afterexpiryofthetendervalidityperiod, butnotlaterthanthirtydaysafterconclusionof theresultantcontract.
- Successfultenderer’searnestmoneywillbereturned withoutany interest, after receipt of performance security from that tenderer.
- The successfultenderer’s earnest moneywillbeforfeitedif he failstofurnish the required performancesecurity within the specified period.
Tender Validity
- Thetendersshallremainvalidforacceptancefora periodof90days(Ninetydays)afterthedateoftenderopeningprescribedinthetenderdocument. Any tender valid for a shorter period shall be treated as unresponsive and rejected.
16Inexceptionalcases,thetenderersmayberequestedbyMinttoextendthevalidity oftheirtendersup toa specifiedperiod. Suchrequest(s)andresponsestheretoshallbe conveyedby fax/email /followed by speed post.The tenderers,whoagreetoextendthetendervalidity,aretoextend thesamewithoutany changeormodificationof theiroriginaltenderandtheyarealsotoextendthevalidity period of the EMD accordingly.
17. In case the day up to which the tenders are to remain valid falls on/ subsequently declaredaholidayorcloseddayforSPMCIL,thetendervalidity shallautomaticallybe extended up to the next working day.
Opening of Tenders
- Mint,will openthetendersatthespecifieddateandtime.Incasethespecified
dateoftenderopeningfallson/is subsequentlydeclareda holidayorclosedday
forMint,thetenders willbe openedat the appointedtime and place on the next
working day.
- Authorizedrepresentativesofthetenderers,whohavesubmittedtendersontimemay attendthetenderopening, providedtheybring with themletters ofauthorityfromthe correspondingtenderers.
- Duringthetenderopening,thetenderopeningofficial(s)willreadthesalientfeaturesof the tenders like description of the goods/services offered, price, special discount if any, delivery period,whetherearnestmoneyfurnishedornotandanyotherspecialfeaturesof the tenders, as deemed fit by the tender opening official(s).
- Tenderswillbeevaluated onthebasisofthetermsconditionsalreadyincorporatedin thetender document,basedon whichtendershavebeen received andtheterms, conditionsetc.mentioned bythetenderersintheirtenders.No newconditionwillbe brought in while scrutinizing and evaluating the tenders.
- Thetenderswillfirstbescrutinizedtodeterminewhethertheyarecompleteandmeetthe essentialandimportantrequirements, conditionsetc.asprescribedinthetender document.Thetenders,thatdonotmeetthebasicrequirements,areliableto betreated as unresponsive and ignored.
Thefollowingaresomeoftheimportantaspects,forwhichatendermaybedeclared unresponsiveand ignored;
a) Tender is unsigned.
b) Tenderer is not eligible.
c) Tender validity is shorter than the required period.
d) Required EMD has not been provided.
e)Tenderer has not agreed to give the required performance security.
f)Tendererhasnotagreedtoessentialcondition(s)speciallyincorporatedinthe tender enquiry.
23. Minor Infirmity/ Irregularity/ Non-Conformity
If during the preliminary examination, SPMCILfind any minor infirmity and/ or irregularity and/or non-conformityin atender,SPMCILmay waivethe sameprovided itdoesnot constituteanymaterialdeviationandfinancialimpactand,also, doesnotprejudiceor affecttheranking orderof thetenderers.Wherevernecessary,SPMCILwill conveyits observation onsuch‘minor’issuestothetendererby registered/ speed postetc.asking thetenderertorespondbyaspecified date. Ifthetenderer doesnotreplybythespecified date or gives evasive reply without clarifying the point at issue in clear terms, that tender will be liable to be ignored.
24. Discrepancyin Prices
24.1If,inthepricestructurequotedbyatenderer,thereisdiscrepancybetweentheunitprice andthetotal price(whichisobtainedbymultiplyingtheunitpriceby thequantity),theunit priceshallprevailandthe totalpricecorrectedaccordingly,unlessSPMCILfeelsthatthe tendererhas madeamistakeinplacing thedecimalpointintheunitprice,inwhichcase thetotalpriceasquoted shall prevail overthe unit priceandtheunitprice corrected accordingly.
24.2Ifthereisanerrorinatotalprice,whichhasbeenworkedoutthroughadditionand/or subtraction of subtotals, the subtotals shall prevail and the total corrected; and
24.3Ifthereis a discrepancybetween the amountexpressedin wordsandfigures,theamount in wordsshallprevail, subject to subclause 28.1 and28.2 above.
24.4If,asperthejudgmentofSPMCIL,thereisanysucharithmeticaldiscrepancyinatender, thesamewillbesuitablyconveyedtothetendererbyregistered /speedpost.Ifthe tenderer does not agree tothe observation ofSPMCIL, the tender is liable to be ignored.
25.Clarificationof Bids
During evaluation and comparisonof bids, purchasermay, at its discretion ask the bidder forclarificationofitsbid.Theclarificationshouldbereceivedwithin7daysfromthe bidderfrom dateofreceipt ofsuchrequest.Therequestforclarificationshallbeinwriting andno changeinpricesor substanceof thebidshall besought,offered orpermitted.No post bidclarification at the initiative of the bidder shallbe entertained.
26.Qualification/ EligibilityCriteria
Tendersofthetenderers,who do not meetthe required qualification/eligibilitycriteria prescribedin Section V,willbetreatedasunresponsiveand willnotbeconsidered further.
27. IGM, Hyderabad’s Right toAccept anyTender and to Reject anyor AllTenders
IGM, Hyderabadreservesthe righttoacceptin partorin fullanytenderorrejectanytender without assigning any reason or to cancel thetenderingprocessandrejectalltendersat anytimepriortoaward ofcontract, without incurringanyliability,whatsoevertothe affected tenderer or tenderers.
28. Award Criteria
Thecontractwillbeawardedtothelowestevaluated responsive tenderer decided by IGM, Hyderabad.
29. Parallel Contracts
IGM, Hyderabadreservesitsrighttoconclude Parallelcontracts,withmore
thanone bidderfor thesametender if it is in the interest of Mint.
30.Notificationof Award
30.1Beforeexpiryofthetendervalidityperiod,Mintwillnotifythesuccessfultenderer(s) inwriting,byregistered/ speedpostorbyfax/email (tobe confirmed by registered/ speed post)thatitstenderfor goods& services, whichhave beenselected by Mint,hasbeen accepted,also brieflyindicatingtherein the essentialdetailslike description,specificationandquantityofthegoods& servicesand correspondingprices accepted.Thesuccessful tenderermustfurnishto Mintthe requiredperformance securitywithintwentyonedaysfromthedateofthisnotification.
30..2 The notification of award shall constitutethe conclusion of the contract.
- The contractor shall comply with all the provisions of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, Contract Labour (Regulation and abolition) Act, 1970 and rules framed there under, and other laws including labour laws affecting contract labour that may be brought into force time to time.
- The contractor should maintain wage-cum-muster roll in the prescribed format which should be available at site.
- The contractor shall be responsible to provide group accidental insurance to its employees and in case of any accident occurring to any of the employees engaged by the contractor, no compensation shall be payable by the India Government Mint, Hyderabad. The contractor on demand from India Govt. Mint, Hyderabad shall have to produce the copy of the valid insurance policy, covering the names of the employees engaged by him. The contractor shall also be responsible for the safety of his employees and in case of any safety threat from public, natural calamity or otherwise causing harm to his employees, India Govt. Mint, Hyderabad will not be liable for any compensation to the contractor and his employees.
- The contractor shall make good all the damages caused to the electrical installation due to faulty and negligent operation of his employees. The Contract shall hand over plant and all equipments in the scope of contract in good working condition at the end of Contract.
- The sub-station and its environment will be kept neat and clean. Cleaning agents such as soap, detergent, cotton waste, etc., shall be provided by the contractor.
- The contractor shall follow the provisions of the Electricity Act 2003 and the Regulations framed there under. The contractor should provide all fire fitting equipments and other safety equipments essential as per Electricity Rules and maintain the same throughout the contract period. The contractor shall maintain record of LC issue and return in the India Govt. Mint, Hyderabad prescribed format. The detailed procedure of issuing LC shall be approved by India Govt. Mint, Hyderabad and shall be followed strictly by the contractor.
- The contractor shall undertake watering of earthing pits to maintain the earth resistance. The contractor shall also check earth resistance periodically as per Electricity Rules and Regulation norms and will provide MIS on the earth value recorded to the Works Manager.
- The contractor shall keep the sub-station yard neat & clean and will remove grass from time to time. The contractor will also spread metal wherever required. The contractor shall display the Operational & Technical data on a board in the Control Room. The contractor shall upkeep the yard and control room lighting.
- The contractor shall issue the identity cards, Electrical safety shoes to his workmen and name plate on Uniform at his own cost and shall duly intimate in writing to the Works Manager as and when there is any change.
- The contractor shall ensure to provide an alternate qualified manpower or replace with a standby in case any of the regular staff deployed is absent or on leave.
- The contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all the items of furniture, plants, office equipment and other fittings provided in the premises and shall be liable to make good of any loss to the same if damaged during the execution of their duties which shall be recovered from his monthly bill or other dues payable to the contractor by the Mint. A copy of the inventory items shall be supplied to him.
- The contractor shall ensure that the workmen deployed by him behave decently and do not indulge themselves in any such activities, which are unbecoming on the part of a person working in the Mint. The staff on duty shall not consume any intoxicants or liquor. The contractor should deploy the personnel after screening by authorized authority of I.G. Mint, Hyderabad.
- The contractor shall be responsible for the good conduct and behavior of his supervisory staff or any other staff member. The contractor shall also be responsible for the good moral character of his employees and get police antecedents verified before engaging in the job. The contractor shall terminate the services of such employees at their own risk and responsibility on the recommendation of the Works Manager or any other officer designated by the India Govt. Mint, Hyderabad on finding the same unbecoming, Indiscipline or involved in consuming intoxication or liquor or doing illegal activity. The contractor shall issue necessary instruction to its employees to act upon the instructions given by the supervisory staff of the Centre.
- The successful contractor who is awarded with the outsourcing of operation & Maintenance of 33/11KV Substation contract shall sign a joint inventory having list of S/S, equipment/ T&P and other items existing in the Sub-Station on the day of taking the contract. Inventory registers shall be maintained for all items to know the consumption / replacement over a period. He shall be responsible to replenish any shortages found during routine checks by the India Govt. Mint, Hyderabad authority.
- The contractor shall submit an advance program of engagements with names of employees in each month for succeeding month. The details of challans and payment made to EPF commissioner with copy of challans for the preceding month are to be submitted along with each claim for considering release of subsequent payments.
- The amount of service tax is inclusive of the BID amount. The details of service tax payments made to central excise and customs along with copy of challans for the previous month shall be submitted during each month along with claims. There should be no increase or variation in the contract price even in case of changes in service tax.
- The contractor shall be liable for payment of workman compensation to workman engaged by him in case of any accident during the operation & Maintenance of annual operation & maintenance contract.
- The contractor shall also be liable to take relevant insurance coverage under ESI for all his employees. The contractor shall enclose copies of challans in proof of deposit of monthly PF / ESI dues along with the bill.
- India Govt. Mint, Hyderabad shall not be responsible for any labour dispute arises or litigation out of the assignment between his employees and the contractor.
- India Govt. Mint, Hyderabad shall not be responsible in any way for the employment of the employees and his/her family of contractor in the India Govt. Mint, Hyderabad.
- The contractor should have their operation & maintenance people accessible either by person or by phone during or after duty hours and if called for one to attend to work for repairing, rectification or servicing or as required for the smooth functioning of sub-station, transformers, etc.
- The contractor shall submit details of all the employees along with 2 passport photographs to the IG Mint, Hyderabad to issue entry pass immediately after LOI.
- Payment to be made to contract workers as per Latest orders of Minimum Wages act, 1948 of Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India and rates should be revised, as and when GoI issue notifications.
- The personnel engaged by the Contractor shall not mix or establish any contacts with IGM’s employees or do any undue favour or any private work other than their normal duties during the specified workings hours.
- The personnel engaged by the Contractor accepting any tips from IGM’s employees / visitors shall be removed from the premises and not allowed to work from the date of such an incident.
- The personnel engaged by the Contractor shall not disturb the IGM’s employees and/or use undesirable and abusive language while dealing with them.