A Pair of Silk Stockings

A Pair of Silk Stockings


RL3 I can analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents propel action, reveal aspects of a character provoke a decision in a story or drama.

A Pair of Silk Stockings

Teacher: you can use the interactive lesson plan video or follow the PowerPoint for this lesson. Both are attached to the link below. You will need to create a free account to access it.

**There is also a read-aloud version of the story attached to the website above.

After reading “A Pair of Silk Stockings, follow the video or PowerPoint to complete the notes and analysis of the story below.

1. Two ways an author characterizes a character:

a. Directly - tell what a character is like

Examples: She was kind and caring, she loved to buy fancy things, she was tall and elegant

b. Indirectly – use a character’s thoughts, words and actions

Questions to consider: what does she say, what does she do, what does she think

2. Steps to determine how an author develops a character by analyzing the character’s thoughts, words and actions

a. Use a character we to track what a character thinks, does and says

b Ask: “what do these observations show me about the character?” and jot down your


C. Summarize what you have learned about a character by completed a character web

3. Go back to paragraph two from the story. Try to identify two things Mrs. Somers thinks in this paragraph. Write your findings under the “thinks” section of your character web.

a. Thinks about how to spend the money

b. Doesn’t want to make a mistake

4. Now, re-read the third paragraph from the story. Try to identify two things Mrs. Somers does in this paragraph. Write your findings under the “does” section of your character web

a. Fights for a good deal

b. Is used to doing this and knows how to do it well

5. Now, re-read the seventh paragraph from the story. Try to identify two things Mrs. Somers says in this paragraph. Write your findings under the “says” section of your character web

a. repeats the costs of stockings

b. changes her plan and says she will take the stockings

6. After you have completed your web consider and answer this question: What do these observations show me about Mrs. Somers? Fill out your conclusions in the “summary” section.

Her words don’t match up to her thoughts and actions. She contrasts herself from earlier in the story. She wants more from her unexpected money. She wants things for herself.

Name: ______

RL3 I can analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents propel action, reveal aspects of a character provoke a decision in a story or drama.

A Pair of Silk Stockings

After reading “A Pair of Silk Stockings, follow the video or PowerPoint to complete the notes and analysis of the story below.

1. Two ways an author characterizes a character:

a. ______

Examples from text: ______

b. ______

Examples from text: ______

2. Steps to determine how an author develops a character by analyzing the character’s thoughts, words and actions

a. ______

b ______

c. ______

3. Go back to paragraph two from the story. Try to identify two things Mrs. Somers thinks in this paragraph. Write your findings under the “thinks” section of your character web.

4. Now, re-read the third paragraph from the story. Try to identify two things Mrs. Somers does in this paragraph. Write your findings under the “does” section of your character web

5. Now, re-read the seventh paragraph from the story. Try to identify two things Mrs. Somers says in this paragraph. Write your findings under the “says” section of your character web

6. After you have completed your web consider and answer this question: What do these observations show me about Mrs. Somers? Fill out your conclusions in the “summary” section.

Character Web