My Reading Project - 4thNine Weeks
Project due date: Friday May 8, 2015
Presentations: to be announced by your teacher
For this assignment, you will create a project and present it to the class. Your SUMMATIVE grade will be based on the quality and effectiveness of both your project and your presentation.For this assignment, you are to demonstrate your knowledge of the necessary elements of your chosen book (see below for fiction and nonfiction requirements). This must be a book you’ve read THIS nine weeks. Use your formatives to aid you in your planning.
Your presentation should last no longer than 5 minutes. Because part of your grade depends on your presentation skills, you may want to practice prior to your class presentation. You get points for the accuracy, effectiveness, and creativity of your project. Remember that you will present this in front of the class, so make it something of which you can be proud.
Your project and presentation will be assessed in the following ways:
- Information about the book(see information below )
- Use of persuasion and creativity
- Organization of information(in presentation and project)
- Presentation skills (SEE RUBRIC - include your purpose statement, speak loudly and clearly; make eye contact)
FICTION BOOK-You must include and answer the following specified requirements:
- Settingandsetting’s effect on the mood/atmosphere and plot
- Characters
- Brief introduction to significant characters
-Include the protagonist(s) and antagonist(s)
-Include briefly whether they are dynamic or static (without giving away too much information about the plot)
- Plot–your own written BRIEF summary of the basic elements of plot (without giving away the entire story). Do not plagiarize.
- Information about the author – include at least 3 important facts about the author and explain their significance
- Quotes – include at least 2 important quotes FROM the book Explain why these are important.
- Reviews/critiques – include at least 2 reviews/critiques of the book (from authors, publishers, etc.)
METHOD OF PROJECT–Select from the options below:
You may NOT use the same project type that you have used in your previous projects. For example, if you created a multi-media presentationfor your last project,
you cannot do another multi-media presentation. You must try a new method.
A) Video trailer/Preview/Commercial—You will write and record your own trailer or advertisement for the book using some type of video recorder or movie maker program. You will need to play your video for the class, so it must be done in a format that will be compatible to my projection system. This trailer will “advertise” your book or share important ideas from your book that you will then talk about in your presentation. You may need to turn this in before the due date to avoid “technical difficulties.”
2 options:
- Use a video camera to record your trailer
- Use one of the following computer programs: iMovie, Photostory,,
B) Song/rap —You will compose and perform your own rap/song about the book using some type of video recorder, computer program (like, or performance in class. You must turn in either a typed or handwritten copy of your lyrics to the teacher. Be sure that the lyrics to your song/rap still clearly reveal the required elements. If you make a video, you will need to play your video for the class, so it must be done in a format that will be compatible to my projection system.
C)Webpage –Create a webpage about your novel using what you’ve learned in your ICT classes. You must use either or You will learn about these in ICT in April. Email the link to your webpage to me by the due date. Remember to make sure that your webpage contains the required elements, as well as pictures, colors, animations, fonts, etc.
D) Multi-media presentation -Create a multi-media presentation using,,, or You will need to send me your URL(web address) once your project is complete. Do not use the exact template! You must add pictures, colors, fonts, etc. to make it your own. This multi-media presentation is a visual aid and should justbriefly share important ideas from your book that you will then talk about in your presentation.Make it highly creative!
D) Comic Strip/Comic book/Graphic novel –Create a comic strip/comic book/ graphic novel that illustratesimportant ideas from your book that you will then talk about in your presentation. Work to get at least 6“frames” for the comic strip/book. This must show effort and be a synopsis of the entire plot or an important event in the book. The images and words should be important and creative. Have fun with it! Make sure to have the title and author placed prominently. This can be hand drawn or it can use software like the comic book aps–, strip-me-free, orstrip designer. If you are drawing your comic strip, it must be on a poster board – each “frame” must be the size of a sheet of computer/notebook paper.
E) Movie Poster – Create amovie posterthat illustrates your book. Your goal is to create a completely believable, fictitious movie poster, which would persuade your audience. It should be visually appealing and creative and should accurately represent the story. You will need to choose actors for your characters. The projectmust be at least the size of a poster board. You must have all of the requirements from the book. See the following websites for examples: