Application Form: Part B - Method Details SaleofNewAppliances
Energy Savings Scheme
July 2016

© Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of New South Wales 2015

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Application Form: Part B - Method Details SaleofNewAppliancesV2.1IPART / 1

Document Control

Version number / Change description / Date published
V2.0 / Application Form: Part B – Method Details and Nomination Form removed from the Method Guide to be separate documents. / 8 January 2015
V2.1 / Updated to remove references to the Sale of New Appliances Evidence Pack. / July 2016
Application Form: Part B - Method Details SaleofNewAppliancesV2.1IPART / 1


1About this form

2Method eligibility

2.1Eligibility of purchaser

2.2Activity definitions

2.3Equipment eligibility

2.4New Equipment Sales

3Calculation of Energy Savings

3.1Multiple Sales in an Implementation

3.2Deemed Equipment Energy Savings

3.3Determining the energy star rating of your appliance

3.4Determining the energy star rating of televisions

3.5Determining the size of your appliance

4Implementation Details

Application Form: Part B - Method Details SaleofNewAppliancesV2.1IPART / 1

1About this form

A completed application tailored to this energy savings method is required for a person or organisation to become an Accredited Certificate Provider (ACP)and generate Energy Savings Certificates (ESCs). An application has multiple parts, which are explained in theApplication Guide for ESS Accreditation (Application Guide).[1] As a minimum, you will have to provide:

Application Form: Part A - General Details,[2] available on the ESS website, and

Application Form: Part B - Method Details,[3]this form.

This form captures the method details for the Sale of New Appliances Method (the method). The form can be completed by applicants using the information provided in the Method Guide Sale of New Appliances (Method Guide).[4]

Please complete this form, and provide it with any required supporting documentation as part of your application for accreditation.

2Method eligibility

2.1Eligibility of purchaser

How will you ensure the purchaser has a valid NSW address?

[Click and type here] /

2.2Activity definitions

Which high efficiency appliances will you sell as part of the Recognised Energy Savings Activity (RESA)?

Activity Definition / Appliance Type
B1 / Clothes Washing Machine / ☐ /
B2 / Clothes Dryer / ☐ /
B3 / Dishwasher / ☐ /
B4 / 1-Door Refrigerator / ☐ /
B5 / 2-Door Refrigerator / ☐ /
B6 / Chest Freezer or Upright Freezer / ☐ /
B7 / Television / ☐ /

2.3Equipment eligibility

How will you ensure your equipment meets the equipment requirements?

[Click and type here] /

2.4New Equipment Sales

How will you ensure that only new appliances will be sold?

[Click and type here] /

How will you ensure that any returned appliances will not be included?

[Click and type here] /

3Calculation of Energy Savings

3.1Multiple Sales in an Implementation

How will you handle multiple appliances being sold in a single sale?

[Click and type here] /

3.2Deemed Equipment Energy Savings

How will you calculate the deemed energy savings for each appliance?

[Click and type here] /

Will you use the calculation tool we provide or your own?

[Click and type here] /

3.3Determining the energy star rating of your appliance

How will you determine the energy star rating of your appliance?

[Click and type here] /

3.4Determining the energy star rating of televisions

If you intend to sell televisions, how will you determine which MEPS Tier to use for each television?

[Click and type here] /

3.5Determining the size of your appliance

How will you determine the size of your appliance?

[Click and type here] /

4Implementation Details

Do you have a full set of evidence for a completed project or implementation?

Yes / ☐ /
No / ☐ /

If Yes, please provide the evidence of the project(s) with your application.

Application Form: Part B - Method Details SaleofNewAppliancesV2.1IPART / 1

[1]The Application Guide can be found on the ESS website at:

[2]The Application Form: Part A - General Details can be found on the ESS website at:

[3]The Application Form: Part B - Method Details can be found on the ESS website at:

[4] The Method Guide is available on the ESS website at