Do Now:

Electric current flows through:
Insulators / This is a necessary part of a circuit:
Wire / In a circuit with a switch like this the light would be:

Off / In a circuit with a switch like this the light would be:

Off / A buzzer makes:
Wires need to be made out of material that is a:
Insulator / Series circuits have:
One path for current
More than one path for the current / Parallel circuits have:
One path for current
More than one path for the current / A light would be on in a :
Open circuit
Closed circuit / A light would be off in a:
Open circuit
Closed circuit
If a wire is cut in a circuit it is:
Open circuit
Closed circuit / If all the wires are connected it is:
Open circuit
Closed circuit / Wires need to be attached to:
One side of the battery
One wire on each side / lamps produce:
Light and heat
Mechanical and chemical energy / This turns a light on and off:

Brain Warm Up:


Quick Check:

Draw an open and closed circuit: / Circle the lights that would be on:
/ Label the symbol for a light bulb and the symbol for a switch:

Independent Practice:Answer in a complete sentence.

2. For the three circuits shown below, use your pencil to trace the complete paths that the energy can flow through then circle the light bulbs that would be on and put an X on the lights that would be off.

3. In this picture the light is on. Based on that information, what do these wires need to be made of? How do you know?

4. Match the circuit symbol with the part: battery, light bulb, switch, wire.

5. Would the circuit shown in #4 be open or closed? ______

Schematic diagram using symbols of a series and parallel circuit

Use the schematic diagram above and create a series and parallel circuit using wire, light bulbs, and a battery, and a switch. After your create your series and parallel circuit, please draw them here:

Venn diagram - Series Circuit vs. Parallel Circuit

Make an electromagnet using wire and a nail. After you create your electromagnet, draw their model here:

Force and Motion Notes

Big Ideas: In order for things to ______they need a ______to act upon them. The more ______an object has the more forces that are acting upon it.

  • What is position? The ______of an object.
  • What is motion? A ______of position.
  • What is force? A ______or ______that can change the way something moves.
  • What is friction? A force that ______down moving things.
  • What is gravity? A force that ______objects together.
  • What is inertia? A property of matter that keeps it in ______or ______until something acts on it.

Quick Check: Do you know your definitions?

  • A push or a pull is called a ______.
  • This force slows down or stops objects in motion: ______.
  • This force allows a basketball from Andy’s hands to come back down after shooting it: ______.

Short Response: Write at least 5 sentences to answer the questions in the prompt.

Many different items in your home use electric power. Write about where you think that electricity comes from.
How do you think it travels to your home and then to your appliances?
Talk about how electricity flows to a bulb in a table lamp. Why is a switch useful? What has been done to parts of a lamp to make things safer while using electricity? / ______

Draw an open and closed circuit:

Open Circuit / Closed circuit

Circle the lights that would be on in each circuit: