Independent English I-IV

Instructor / Amy Perez / Phone / 817-237-3314
Office / Room L242 / E-mail /
(Preferred contact method)

Independent English (Local Credit) Descriptions

Independent English’s focus is on grammar, language, and literary analysis. These skills are studied through reading comprehension exercises, developing literary and academic vocabulary. Academic writing assignments are aligned with each level’s curriculum. Assignments are often individualized, but I expect my students to execute assignments using their best efforts and actively looking for ways to improve their academic skill sets.

Textbooks and Novels

Textbook: Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) – Levels U-ZNovels: LLI Independent Readers


Grades are based on the accumulation of points. Points are based on:

Completion of assignments in an effective and timely manner.

The campus and district grading policy.

Grades are weighted as 60% major assignments (tests, projects, essays) and 40% combined minor assignments (daily, homework, quizzes)

Late Work:We will adhere to the EMS Grading Guidelines. (day 1=-15 pts, day 2= -30 pts, day 3= -40 points)

Retakes: Retakes will only be given after remediation and scheduled with the teacher. No retakes will be given after 5 school days.

Extra Credit: Extra Credit does not exist.

Classroom Rules

Be on time.Turn work in on time. Check the classroom website / board for assignments.

Be polite.Papers will be typed in MLA format.Computer/printers are not excuses for late work.

Be prepared.Ask when you do not understand. Attend tutorials when you need help.


Students must supply their own:Students may wish to donate:

PencilsPencils / Pens/ Markers/colors, map pencils

PensColored construction paper

Multi-subject spiralnotebookadditional boxes of tissue

A personal flash drive or an online share driveRulers

A box of tissue for the classroom. Stickers

Mission Statements

Eagle Mountain – Saginaw Mission Statement:
The mission of Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent School District isto foster aculture of excellencethat instills apassionfor alifetime ofcontinuous achievementinevery student.

Ms. Perez’s classroom mission statement:

The Three D’s to succeed: Desire, Discipline, and Dedication.


Authorized use of a student’s personal internet devices is acceptable with my permission. Unauthorized use means that the student does not have my permission to use the device. I will confiscate it and may send it to the Assistant Principals’ office, where it can be collected after school.

BOS English Department Cell Phone Policy: Cell phones may be used between classes and during lunches. Electronic devices may be used with teacher permission. Teachers will collect electronic devices prior to any quiz or test. If a student is found with an electronic device while testing, the test will be invalidated. The student may come to tutorials to take an alternate assessment. The maximum score for the test is 70%. Teachers reserve the right to collect cell phones during instructional time, or confiscating the electronic device and turning it into the office.
I will begin the year utilizing Canvas to post announcements and assignments. I will notify students on/how to log into the system.
Please complete the below requested information and return it to class.
PARENT OR GUARDIAN: I have read the syllabus and acknowledge the definition and consequences of plagiarism that can be administered to the student.
PRINT NAME:______DATE:______
Student Honor Pledge (Policies are located on my website.)
I have read the information on “Plagiarism Procedure and Policy” in the Student Code of Conduct and I will do all work on my own and will abide by the standards set forth by the district. I understand that any violation with regards to cheating, plagiarism, or any other form of academic dishonesty is unacceptable and a punishable offense.
Student nameStudent signatureDate