Chadwick End Parish Council
Councillors are summoned to ameeting of the Parish Council of Chadwick End convened by the Clerk and Councillors, which will be held at the Village Hall, Warwick Road, Chadwick End on Thursday 13th September 2018 commencing at 6.30pm to transact the business shown on the Agenda below.
18/53Apologies and Acceptance of Apologies
18/54 Declarations of Interest
18/55Chairman to close meeting for public session - this will be limited to 15 mins (3 minutes per speaker).
18/56Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held 26th July 2018 and matters arising
18/11.3 Cllr Davies, obtain additional quote for painting the hall interior
18/44.1 Cllr Horsfield, update on photos to Lions Club
18/44.3 Cllr Horsfield, update on post cinema evening litter pick
18/47 Cllr Horsfield, update on changes within SMBC neighbourhood team
18/49 Cllr Horsfield, update on replacement village sign on Oldwich Lane West
Cllr Walsh, updates on ideas to highlight entrance gate
18/51 Cllr Horsfield, update on request for Red Ensign from Seafarers UK
18/57Planning Applications
To consider a response to the following planning applications:
NONE RECEIVEDUpdate on previous applications
PL/2018/02128/PPFL / The Willows, Netherwood Lane, / ApprovedPL/2018/02128/PPFL / The Willows, Netherwood Lane, / Awaiting decision
PL/2018/01829/PPFL / Location: Park Corner, Chadwick Lane, Chadwick End, Solihull / Awaiting decision
PL/2018/01843/PNCUDW / Location: Dutch Barn and Portal Barn, Heronsbrook Farm, Warwick Road, Knowle / Prior approval not required
PL/2017/03417/MINFDW / Wayside, Oldwich Lane West, Chadwick End / Approved
PL/2018/00439/VAR / Arbour Tree Bungalow, Arbour Tree Lane, Chadwick End / Approved
18/58Social Activities
Outdoor cinema – 1st September 2018
To update on outcome of the first outdoor cinema event held in the parish.
Chadwick End Coffee morning and Fish & Chip van advertising
To update on the additional advertising for these two regular events.
Strictly Night Demonstration and Ballroom Dancing lessons
To update on the planning for this event
Consider events for Christmas 2018
18/59Village Hall and Playing Fields
To provide an update on Village Hall bookings.
Update on the removal of the storage heaters
Update on progress getting quotes to paint the interior of the hall.
Discuss what preparations are required for winter.
Hedge cutting and weed removal on perimeter of the playing field
Discuss request from Jane Daniels, 5 Wheelers Close, to cut back overhanging branches from a tree located in the playground
18/60Parish Clerk / RFO
Provide an update on progress with the recruitment of a new Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer.
Update on take-off information requested and the noise monitoring request
18/62 Changes within the SMBC Neighbourhood Team
Update on recent personnel changes.
18/63Village Entrance Gate replacement
To update on the replacement of village sign on Oldwich Lane West with entrance gate.
18/64Consider precept for 2019/2020
18/65Finance and Governance Report
To note the most recent financial reports and statement of account for the Parish Council.
To approve the following cheques and payments:
Pay / Details / Chq No / VAT / TOTAL £Shirley Davies / Admin Work – Hall Bookings Apr-Aug 2018 / 196 / - / 50.00
Water Plus / Water Supply/Drainage / DD / - / 120.41
Fortress / Waste Mgt 1/8/18 – 31/8/18 Inv no 436078 / DD / 9.36 / 56.16
Fairways / Ground maintenance & empty dog bins 1/8/18 / 197 / 50.92 / 305.50
Fairways / Ground Maintenance & empty dog bins 1/9/18 / 199 / 50.92 / 305.50
R Horsfield / reimbursement for drinks Cinema Evening / 202 / - / 206.59
L Cartwright / salary and office expenses Jul/Aug 2018 / 198 / - / 431.84
Eon / Electricity to 6 July 2018 / DD / 0.91 / 19.07
R Horsfield / reimbursement DVD for Cinema Evening / 203 / - / 10.05
R Shrimpton / Refund – Booking Fee paid twice / 201 / 105
Fairways / Additional Grass Collection 31/8/18 / 200 / 24.00 / 144.00
M Walsh / Reimbursement Solar Lights/Plastic Glasses Cinema Evening / 204 / 32.79
M Walsh / Reimbursement WWrist Bands Cinema Evening / 205 / 23.99 / 154.32
Fortress / Waste Management 1/9/18 – 30/9/18 Inv 439366 / DD / 9.36 / 56.16
None received
Rob Horsfield
Chair, Chadwick End Parish Council
The next Council meeting will be held on Thursday 11 th October 2018 at 6.30pm.