INDEMINITY BOND (Valued Rs. 100/- )

The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd.


RE : VESSEL /VOYAGE :______B/L NO.______

CONTAINER NO/S. : ______

(Please attach additional sheet for more containers)

Dear Sir,

Whereas we intend to take the above container/s by road from ICD, Tughlakabad / CWC, Patparganj / ACTL, Faridabad / GDL, Gurgaon / ICD, Dadri / ICD, Loni / ICD, MBD______to our premises at ______. We undertake to bear the entire costs of transportation and handling charges for the said container/s from the time of lifting from ICD premises. In this connection, all formalities with Customs/CONCOR etc will be our responsibility and all costs thereof will be borne by us.

We further undertake to deliver the container/s you as above within (3) days from the date of lifting of containers from ICD premises. We also undertake to ensure utmost care for the safe transit, handling and redelivery of container/s and will settle such amount on demand as may be assessed by your surveyors deputed by you for any damage to the container/s while in our custody.

We undertake to pay a sum of Rs. 3,00,000/- per TEU and Rs. 6,00,000/ per FEU that included the value of the containers and customs levy to you on demand in case we fail to return the container/s within the requested time limit or due a total loss of container/s.

We further undertake to pay container detention charges as per your tariff for delay in returning of container/s. The empty container/s will be returned to you at ICD, Tughlakabad / CWC,Patparganj / ACTL, Faridabad / GDL, Gurgaon / ICD, Dadri / ICD,MBD______and necessary receipt will be obtained and forwarded to you immediately.

We will obtain signed EIR from your surveyor M/s CONCEPT MARINE SERVICES PVT.LTD. when taken out from ICD for factory de-stuffing and also when brought back container/s after de-stuffing.

We undertake to clear all outstanding charges prior to submission of receipt at your office for cancellation of this bond/guarantee.

Thanking you,




Date :


1)  Security Amount- @ Rs. 10,000/- (20’) and 20,000/- per (40’) container for Local Delhi & NCR destuffing & Rs.25000 per container out of Delhi & NCR thru pay order favoring “CONTAINER MOVEMENT (BOMBAY) TRANSPORT PVT. LTD” payable at New Delhi. Party making the security payment must furnish their name, full address and PAN no on their letter head.

2)  (a) Please affix rubber stamp on all pages of the Indemnity Bond with signature of authorized signatory. Signature should be attested / approved by the concerned bank properly on the Indemnity Bond itself. Signature verification on separate sheet will not be accepted.

Draft format for letter to be provided by the consignee/forwarder ( whoever making payment of Security Deposit) in their letterhead for factory de-stuff containers.


The Manager-Import

Container Movement (Bombay) Transport P Ltd Date: ______


New Delhi

Sub- Deposit of Security amount towards container/s to be taken for factory de-stuffing

Dear Sir,

Please find enclosed herewith CASH/ DD No……… dt………..…drawn on…………...Bank, favouring Container Movement (Bombay) Transport Pvt. Ltd. amounting to Rs …………………………………… Rupees………………………………..……………………only) towards security deposit against import loaded containers arrived at ICD/CFS……………..…. ( location) as per following details and to be taken by us for factory de-stuffing.

Reference Security Recd. No.
Vessel Voyage
Consignee Name:
B/l No.
Container No.s/ Size

* We would like to advise you that the balance amount of security deposit after adjusting charges on account of Detention, Damage or any other applicable charges, if there is any, is to be refunded to us by Cheque on submission of claim to you in writing.

* We would like to advise you that we intend to roll-over the above security deposit amount as it is i.e, till it remains unadjusted with Detention , Damage or any other applicable charges, for our future import consignments for which separate intimation will be given to you in writing by us at the time of every such shipments. In case of any adjustment with this amount, unadjusted amount is to be refunded to us by Cheque on submission of claim to you in writing.

Please note the PAN of our company is ------

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully

For ------Signature of FDS issuing Authority with Seal

·  Delete whichever is not applicable.




Please be informed that with effect from 14th Novemeber 2009, “ CONTAINER MAINTENANCE CHARGE” (@ Rs. 700/- per 20’ GP Container and Rs. 1400/-per 40’GP/HC container will be collected on all containerized cargo imported into Indian Ports including ICDs. These charges will be applicable only for “Factory De-stuffed containers”.

Service tax as Applicable (10.3%) on above charges.

Pls pay above charges in favor of” The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd.” Payable at Delhi.

This container Maintenance Charges will cover all damages upto Rs. 7500/-per Container irrespective size of the Box Containers. Damages exceeding Rs. 7500/-per container will be charges on actual basis. Consignees are requested to note that this “ Container Maintenance Charges” will cover all cargo except metal scrap and cargo carried in special containers such as Flat/OPEN TOP/REFFER etc., which will continue to be charged on actual repairing cost basis.

The Container Washing charges as per prevalent practice will continue to be collected in addition to this “ Container Maintenance Charges”

Issued by :

Container Movement (Bombay) Transport Pvt. Ltd.

As Agent for

The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd.

Shipping House, 245, Madame Cama Road,

Narimanj Point, Mumbai-400021