Inclined Plane

Student Activity Sheet #5Name ______

Use the directions below to build a cardboard car.

Inclined Plane Student Activity Sheet #5

Inclined Plane Student Activity Sheet #5

Use the directions below to build an inclined plane.

Inclined Plane Student Activity Sheet #5

Inclined Plane

Student Activity Sheet #5Name ______

What is a spring scale?

A spring scale is a tool that can help us weigh things and measure force. We will not be using our spring scale to measure weight. We will be using our spring scale to measure force.

How do I read a spring scale?

Look at the numbers on the spring scale. Turn to the number scale with an “N” at the top. This scale is used to measure Newtons (N). Newtons is a measurement of force. You will learn more about Newtons in your science classes as you get older. For now, we will use the Newton scale to measure the amount of force needed to lift or pull a load.

Hold the scale by the handle at the top. An object is placed on the hook at the bottom of the scale. The spring is pulled downward. The plunger at the bottom of the spring will then move down the scale. The higher the number on the scale the more force it takes to lift or move the object on the hook.

Inclined Plane

Student Activity Sheet #______Name ______

Look at the pictures of the spring scales below. Practice reading the amount of force shown on each scale. Write the correct number on the line under each scale. For #6, draw an arrow to show 7 Newtons.

Inclined Plane

Student Activity Sheet #5Name ______

Inclined Plane Investigation

Question:How does the height of the ramp change the amount of force needed to pull the load up the ramp?


  • Hook the spring scale to your car. On the chart below, record how much force it takes to lift the car (load) straight up.
  • Adjust the ramp to a height of 10 cm (Measure from the top of the wood base to the top of the ramp.).
  • Place your car (load) on the ramp and pull it up the ramp.
  • Record the amount of force it takes to move the load up the inclined plane on the chart below.
  • Choose at least two more ramp heights with your team. (One of the heights should be above 10 cm.)
  • Discuss the results with your team. Be prepared to share your team’s results with the class.
  1. What do you change in this investigation (variable)? ______




  1. What stays the same in your investigation (constant)? ______




Inclined Plane Student Activity Sheet #5

  1. Results:

Force needed to lift the load (car) straight up / ______N
Inclined Plane Height
(Measure from base to top of ramp.) / 10 cm
Force (N) to pull the load up the slope / ______N
Distance load was moved
(Measure the length of the ramp.)
  1. Using graph paper from your teacher, graph the results of the investigation. Your graph should show the ramp height and amount of force (Newtons) it took to move the load up the ramp.

Inclined Plane Student Activity Sheet #5

  1. Write a conclusionfor the investigation. The conclusion should include:
  • What change did you make in your investigation?
  • What were the results of your investigation?
  • Do you see a pattern in your data?
  • How do you explain your results?



















