Record of Well-being Meeting

(To be completed by the manager conducting the well-being meeting, in discussion with the employee. All sections must be completed and the record should be kept on the employee’s personal file and taken to sickness reviews with HR. A copy must be provided to the employee immediately after the meeting).

Details of meeting
Date / time of meeting / Name of person conducting meeting
Name of employee / Job title of person conducting meeting
Job title of employee / Name of any others present at meeting
Details of absence
First date of absence
Reason for absence (as documented on medical certification)
Well-being update
How is the employee at present? (Document any progress, including improvements/deterioration)
What specialist input/advice is the employee receiving? (eg: GP/consultant/surgeon – outcome of any recent or upcoming appointments)
Does the employee plan to return to work in the foreseeable future? If so, when? If no, what is preventing a return to work at present?
Medical certification
Has the employee kept all med certs up to date? Are they aware of this expectation and the impact of non-compliance on pay? / When does the current med cert expire?
Is the employee intending to return to work on expiry of the current med cert?
Occupational Health input
Has Occupational Health input been sought? (If so, please document the outcome / advice provided regarding adjustments/phased return to work/redeployment etc. If not, please discuss this with the employee, and automatically refer if the absence exceeds 3 months. Seek HR advice where redeployment is suggested/requested)
Is it possible to accommodate any advice/adjustments set out by Occupational Health? (please document discussion regarding this, and involve HR with any concerns)
With adjustments etc in place, could this facilitate a return to work? (Including phased return to work)
If a return to work is possible in the near future (ie: a return to work date within the next 2-3 weeks can be identified)
Date of planned return to work
Plans for any agreed phased return to work (if at employee’s request and not supported by Occ Health then annual leave/time owing necessary to make up any reduced hours)
If a return to work is not possible in the near future (eg: no return to work can be foreseen within approximately the next month)
Is the employee on a clear programme of treatment? (If so, approximate timeframe for recovery, if known)
If absence has exceeded4 months with no return to work identified in the near future, please document any discussion that has taken place regarding capability moving forward.
Any other notes / comments / concerns?

This is an accurate record of the discussion that has taken place at this wellbeing meeting: Signed: ………………………………………………….(Employee) Signed:……………………………………………………..(manager completing wellbeing)

Date:…………………………………………………………………….. Date:…………………………………………………………