Chapter 12 Lesson 1 Quiz: Medieval Christianity

Chapter 12 Lesson 1 Quiz: Medieval Christianity

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Chapter 12 Lesson 1 Quiz: Medieval Christianity

Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / sacraments
b. / Inquisition
c. / Papal States
d. / relics
e. / lay investiture
1.____ territories in central Italy controlled by the pope
2.____ appointment of church officials by secular rulers
3.____ Christian rites
4.____ Holy Office to deal with heretics
5.____ objects connected with saints
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
6.The most difficult shrine for most Christians to make a pilgrimage to was in
a. / Rome.
b. / Jerusalem.
c. / Worms.
d. / Santiago de Compostela.
7.The Cistercian order was founded by monks who wanted to
a. / stay in their monasteries.
b. / follow a strict, spiritual life.
c. / have an easier life than in the harsh Benedictine order.
d. / unite the Franciscan and Dominican orders.
8.The order most strongly associated with the court called the Inquisition was
a. / the Dominicans.
b. / the Benedictines.
c. / the Cistercians.
d. / the Franciscans.
9.Convents provided a freedom and support that was unusual for the time for women who
a. / wanted to live alone.
b. / were intellectuals.
c. / expected to marry.
d. / owned shops.
10.The interdict was an effective political weapon for Pope Innocent III because
a. / it forced people to remain married.
b. / it prevented priests from giving anyone the sacrament.
c. / it proved how powerful the pope was.
d. / people affected by the interdict would put pressure on their rulers to agree to the Church’s demands.
Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If it is false, change the identified word(s) to make the statement true.
11.____ The idea for the Crusades was born when the Byzantine emperor, Alexius I Comnenus, asked for help fighting the Ottoman Turks.
12.____ Richard the Lionhearted worked out a compromise with Saladin that allowed Christians to visit Jerusalem.
13.____ Powerful Venetian merchants supported the attack on Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade because it helped weaken their business rival, the Byzantine Empire.
14.____ As leader of one of the last Crusades, King Louis IX of France defeated the sultan of Egypt.
15.____ The Crusades made it possible for European kings to create stronger central governments because the crusaders brought back riches from the East.
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
16.As the First Crusade began, Pope Urban II promised the people that
a. / the sins of anyone killed on the Crusade would instantly be forgiven.
b. / those who fought well would be given a title.
c. / all crusaders would be well paid.
d. / no one who participated in the Crusade would be killed.
17.Why did the crusader kingdoms depend on Italian port cities like Venice and Pisa for supplies?
a. / They preferred the foods and other goods from those cities.
b. / The cities could send supplies by ship, avoiding the Muslim-controlled lands surrounding the crusader kingdoms.
c. / The prices were lowest in those cities.
d. / Pope Urban II decreed that they should buy from those cities.
18.The city that both Muslims and Christians most wanted to control was
a. / Venice.
b. / Constantinople.
c. / Marseilles.
d. / Jerusalem.
19.The Muslim leader whose rise to power in the late twelfth century sparked the Third Crusade was named
a. / Saladin.
b. / Alexius I Comnenus.
c. / Barbarossa.
d. / Baybars.
20.Which of the following was a result of the Crusades?
a. / the breakdown of feudalism
b. / the rise of the Byzantine Empire
c. / the expulsion of the Muslims from the Holy Land
d. / improved relations with the Jews
Enter the appropriate word(s) to complete the statement.
21.The word _____ is derived from the Latin word for “corporation.”
22.The language of everyday speech is known as the _____.
23.The _____ architectural style is characterized by soaring ribbed vaults and pointed arches.
24.The author of Summa Theologica, _____, is known for his efforts to reconcile Aristotle’s writings with Christian ideas.
25.In Geoffrey Chaucer’s well-known work, _____, a group of travelers on a pilgrimage entertain one another with stories.
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
26.An example of the vernacular literature of the Middle Ages is
a. / the Proslogion by Anselm of Canterbury.
b. / Aristotle’s Summa Theologica.
c. / Roger Bacon’s Opus Majus.
d. / The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer.
27.Which architectural style is associated with long, round-arched stone roofs supported by massive pillars and walls?
a. / Romanesque
b. / Gothic
c. / vernacular
d. / basilica
28.Heroic epic poems usually described
a. / the lives of saints.
b. / Aristotle’s works.
c. / battles and political contests.
d. / love for a lady.
29.The main goal of scholasticism was to
a. / study religion and God.
b. / try to reconcile Christian teachings and the works of ancient philosophers.
c. / reform all the sciences.
d. / determine what is inherently good or evil.
30.Saint Thomas Aquinas would disagree that
a. / both reason and faith can reveal truths.
b. / using pure reason can reveal a truth about the physical world.
c. / it is important to cite opposing opinions along with one’s own.
d. / truths can conflict with one another.
Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If it is false, change the identified word(s) to make the statement true.
31.____ King Louis XI, who did much to increase France’s power after the Hundred Years’ War, was often called the Spider.
32.____ During the Great Schism, as many as four men claimed to be the pope at the same time.
33.____ The Hundred Years’ War got its name because the war lasted for exactly a century.
34.____ Just before the Black Plague began, Europe experienced a famine, which weakened the population and probably made people more vulnerable to disease.
35.____ Ferdinand and Isabella made Catholicism the religion of Spain by driving out the Jews and the Muslims.
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
36.Which of the following was a consequence of the plague?
a. / more rent income for landlords
b. / strengthening of the institution of serfdom
c. / increase in the number of workers
d. / higher wages for laborers
37.The king who engineered the election of a Frenchman, Clement V, as pope was
a. / Gregory IX
b. / Philip IV
c. / Henry V
d. / Louis XI
38.How did the nature of warfare change during the Hundred Years’ War?
a. / Peasant foot soldiers won the main battles.
b. / The knights were finally able to show their fighting abilities.
c. / The cavalry was used for the first time.
d. / The crossbow became the weapon of choice.
39.The conflicts between nobles in England who sought to control the monarchy are known as the
a. / Wars of the Magnolias.
b. / Hundred Years’ War.
c. / War of England.
d. / Wars of the Roses.
40.In the late Middle Ages, which country pursued a policy of religious conformity?
a. / England
b. / France
c. / the Holy Roman Empire
d. / Spain
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