Research Careers I (May)Want To Do



  1. In blank word document, open your header, type (all on the same line):

your first last name block grade today’s date

3. Copy and paste Everything BELOW the line onto your word document

2. Save your document in YOUR FOLDER (H drive) as: What I to do research.doc

4. Go onto, career center, CFNC Bridges Planning Tools, choices planner and take the cluster finder survey

5. Find and research two (2) jobs that you want (or may want) to do. Then answer the following questions for each job you researched:

My top three (3) job clusters are:

Job #:1

What career cluster does this job falls under:

Job title:

What is this job’s pathway:

What do people in this job do (a brief description)

Name the top twointerest traits that fit for this career:

Name the top twoWork Value traits that fit for this career:

Name the top two Aptitude traits that fit for this career:

Name the top threebasic skills that fit for this career:

Name the top twohigh level skills that are required for this career:

What education and/or Training is required:

Is there any additional or on-going education/training recommended or required to keep this job:


  • Average Annual Wage:
  • Entry Annual Wage:
  • Experienced Annual Wage:
  • Entry Hourly Wage:
  • Experienced Hourly Wage:
  • Average Hourly Wage:

What is North Carolina's Employment and Outlook:

What is National Employment and Outlook:

What do you like the most about this job/career:

What do you least like about this career:

Job #: 2

What career cluster does this job falls under:

Job title:

what is this job’s pathway:

What do people in this job do (a brief description)

Name the top two interest traits that fit for this career:

Name the top twoWork Value traits that fit for this career:

Name the top two Aptitude traits that fit for this career:

Name the top threebasic skills that fit for this career:

Name the top twohigh level skills that are required for this career:

What education and/or Training is required:

Is there any additional or on-going education/training recommended or required to keep this job:


  • Average Annual Wage:
  • Entry Annual Wage:
  • Experienced Annual Wage:
  • Entry Hourly Wage:
  • Experienced Hourly Wage:
  • Average Hourly Wage:

What is North Carolina's Employment and Outlook:

What is National Employment and Outlook:

What do you like the most about this job/career:

What do you least like about this career: