
Verizon Inc.


1350 Welsh Rd.

North Wales, PA 19454

215-591-6310 (Office)

215-591-6101 (Fax)

October 12, 2011

CentennialSchool District

Mr. William Gretton

433 Centennial Road

Warminster, PA18974

Re: Relocation of Verizon RDP – CentennialSchool District – Job 4A31936

Mr. Gretton,

This is in response to your request for Verizon - PA, Inc. to relocate the existing demarcation point from the old Centennial District high school to the new school immediately adjacent. Per our conversation, Verizon considers this a billable request. We have designed a job to relocate this cable and demarcation point by using an existing 4” conduit that will be exclusively dedicated to Verizon for this use. The estimated cost of this work is $29,883. In addition it will be necessary for Verizon to seek and be granted a new Right of Way Easement before proceeding. This document will be negotiated separately with you by our Right of Way Department.

Please be advised that Verizon Policy requires that you return this signed agreement, along with full advance payment, before your work will be scheduled. As circumstances warrant during the performance of the work request, an additional advance payment will be required prior to job completion when a revised estimate and/or accumulated charges indicate the final bill will exceed the above estimate by more than 20%. This would include instances where you change the scope of the work or your actions impact our ability to perform the work within the bounds of the original estimate.

Upon job completion, you will be issued either a refund for any overpayment or an invoice, if the final actual costs exceed the advance payments received. Any unapplied portion of advance payments will be refunded to you within sixty days of the final bill or cancellation of the job.

If you agree to these terms, please sign below and forward this signed letter of agreement and a check for $29,883 made payable to Verizon - PA, Inc., noted with job number 4A31936. This check should be mailed to my attention at the address listed above.

Verizon shall not be responsible to the extent its performance is delayed or prevented due to causes beyond its control, including but not limited to acts of God or the public enemy, terrorism, civil commotion, embargo, acts of government, any law, order, ordinance, regulation, or requirement of any government, fires, explosions, weather, quarantine, strikes, labor disputes, lockouts, and other causes beyond the reasonable control of Verizon

Upon receipt of your signed agreement and advance payment, your work order will be released to our Construction Department for scheduling. Please be aware that our Construction Department may require 60-90 days for completion once they have an authorized work order. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding these terms, please do not hesitate to contact me on 215-591-6310.

Please be advised that the price quoted herein is valid for sixty days from the date of this letter and is ONLY an estimate. As stated earlier, you will be billed the actual cost when the work is completed. If we do not receive this signed agreement and your advance payment within this sixty-day period, we will assume that you do not want the work to be undertaken and the project will be cancelled.


Samuel J. Capizzi

Verizon – Signature


Verizon – Title

I agree to the terms of this agreement:


Print Name & Title:
Billing Address:
Telephone #:
