Dear Colleague
In-year admissions 2017/18 - Key Information Form
In September 2016 we introduced some changes to the procedure for dealing with primary in-year admissions. The purpose of the change in procedure is to enable improved information sharing between headteachers prior to a start date being agreed by the new school. The aim was and remains to improve the transition process for families and schools.
The original request for improved information sharing came via primary JDP heads. colleagues reported that in many cases children arrived at their new school with a range of needs which had not been identified in advance, via the application form.
Admissions application forms are designed in accordance with the requirements of the school admissions code and associated admissions law. This means that in advance of the offer of a school place, we can only request the information required to determine the allocation of a place according to the published admissions criteria. Much of the additional information required by schools cannot be requested via the application form as it is not directly relevant to determining the offer of a school place.
The additional information can only be requested once the offer of a school place has been made. Parents will be advised that a start date cannot be agreed until the new school has all of the information needed to ensure a smooth transition for their child. Parents will also be advised that unless a child has moved into the local area and is without a school place or there are some exceptional reasons for the transfer between schools the agreed start date will be at the beginning of the next term or half-term.
The Key Information Form (KIF) is to be completed electronically by the current school and sent by them via email directly to the new school. The original changes to the procedure were endorsed by JDP colleagues and the KIF designed in consultation with your JDP colleagues.
Following feedback from JDP and the Admissions Team (BST) it was evident that the overall understanding of procedures were not clearly understood either by schools or the Admissions Team. In order for the procedures to operate smoothly it was agreed that we would re- launch the process for September 2017.
It is essential that all schools act swiftly in submitting the KIF to the new school. This process will be prompted by receipt of a copy of the in-year allocation letter.
Copies of all the documentation, including a brief procedure note,is attached for you ready for the start of the new school year in September.
In the meantime should you have any queries please contact William Burchill.
Yours sincerely
William Burchill, Admissions Manager