MARCH 2015
A member of the Raleigh Mission Community
RECTOR: / Reverend Anne Charlton (444276)ASSISTANT CURATE: / Reverend Annita Denny (512735)
CHURCHWARDENS: / Ms Anne Radcliffe (568059)
Mr John Archibald (567332)
RMC PARISH ADMINISTRATOR: / Mrs Fran Mills (443397)
office open Mon 1-3pm; Fri 10am-2pm
8.00 am / Holy Communion / BCP / East Budleigh
10.00 am / Holy Communion / CW / Otterton
10.00 am / All Age Service / East Budleigh
10.00 am / Holy Communion / CW / East Budleigh
10.00 am / Mothering Sunday Service / East Budleigh
10.00 am / Mothering Sunday Service / Otterton
2.30 pm / Holy Communion (Vicarage) / East Budleigh
10.00 am / Morning Prayer / Otterton
10.00 am / Holy Communion / CW / East Budleigh
SUNDAY 29th MARCH – Palm Sunday
10.00 am / Palm Sunday Service / Otterton
10.00 am / Palm Sunday Service / East Budleigh
7.00 pm / RMC Service with foot washing / Otterton
FRIDAY 3rd APRIL – Good Friday
10.00 am / Walk of Witness starting at Lime Kiln car park
10.45 am / Ecumenical Service – Methodist Church, Budleigh Salterton
2.00 pm / Cross of Christ / East Budleigh
SUNDAY 5th APRIL – Easter Day
6.00 am tbc / Sunrise Service – Budleigh beach, in front of the Longboat Café
9.30 am / Holy Communion / CW / East Budleigh
11.15 am / Holy Communion / CW / Otterton
Morning Prayer will be said Tuesday, 9.30am East Budleigh, and Thursday, 9.30am, Otterton,
The next MEETING will be held on TUESDAY 17th MARCH at 2.30pm in the Church. The theme is ‘Devon Life’. We need more people to come and help with this important and enjoyable event, not just flower arrangers but help with refreshments, stewarding etc. Sally Hackney will be organising the sale of second hand books, so please contact her if you have any to give (tel 567399). We hope to have a plant stall too. Any offers of help will be much appreciated. Any enquiries to Jane Smith (568184) or Margaret Davy (568017).
View from the Youth Minister
The Lent season is upon us as we approach Palm Sunday and the end of the month. In school, the children will be considering the meaning of Easter and the powerful symbolism of the cross during their Collective Worship – though many are also looking forward to the break from lessons too! Some will be following the 40 Acts of Lent challenge – 40 days of giving back, doing good and living generously (see Lent can be a preparation for a lifetime of big-heartedness that reflects God’s amazing generosity as well as daily reflections. The Messy Church this month (Thursday 19th) will also focus on Easter.
I am frequently challenged by the perceptive questions children and young people can ask, given the opportunity. They often have a simplicity and clarity that, as adults, we often miss. Jesus said to his disciples that anyone who becomes as humble as a little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.
The last six months have been something of a whirlwind for Andrea and myself following our move to Devon but we have no doubt that God has been leading us. We have experienced a warm welcome with much kindness and patience as we begin to make many new friends. There are so many opportunities to see God working in our community and our prayer is that as we reflect during this time of Lent, we notice and are mindful of what He is doing and can look forward to celebrating the joy of that first Easter morning.
James McAdam
Church, Schools and Families Co-ordinator
Have you recently arrived in the village, or perhaps find yourself with some time to spare?
We are currently seeking help for the Treasurer with the church finances, and also seeking two Deputy Wardens who might be willing to help support our two existing Wardens. If anyone is interested in these posts, could they please contact Revd Anne Charlton on 444276 for more information.
The Winter Warmer Supper raised £422 for Church funds. Thank you to all who so kindly donated food and raffle prizes, and to all the helpers and those who came along to support a most enjoyable event.
SPACE (St Michael’s Parish and Community Endeavour)
On Tuesday 24th March, from 10am – 12noon, Jane Bennett is holding a coffee morning for SPACE at Uphayes at the top of Hayes Lane. There is parking at the house, but it is limited, and the steep drive is not for faint hearted drivers! So please walk if you are able and admire the daffodils in the orchard on the way up the hill. £2 for coffee and cake.
SPACE Concert (25th April): Preparations are under way with the first rehearsal planned for Friday 20th March at 7.30pm at the Barnhuis (David Pankhurst), Bell Street. Acts are still urgently required – also back and front stage helpers. If you would like to help, please contact Brian Le Masurier on 568619.
Ladram Music Night in aid of Otterton ChurchFor those who have not yet bought tickets for the spectacular night of music kindly hosted by Ladram Bay on Saturday 28th February, these will be available on the door. The event, which will feature top UK tribute band FX Tributes, performing a variety of hits to suit all tastes from Queen to Showaddywaddy and a disco from Bay FM’s DJ Dale, will open at 7.30pm. A raffle will be held on the night with a great selection of prizes, including a Fortnum and Mason hamper, Meal and Days Out Vouchers. Tickets £12.50 from the Village Shop or on the door.
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Contact: Christine Channon, 12 Cricket Field Court, Budleigh Salterton EX9 6JB, tel 442927,
Contact: Ray Bloxham, Raleigh Ward member, 14 Best Park, Cranbrook, Exeter EX5 7AG, tel 01404 515246 –
· Despite the constant reminders to dog owners to act responsibly regarding their pets’ excrement, Behind Hayes continues to be a dog toilet. Street Scene have been active in that area but still many bags have been thrown into hedges or left alongside the road. Thanks to Briony Sharp, most have now been removed. It is not her job!
· The Parish Council, in an effort to improve various aspects within the village, has 5 projects underway: (i) the Jubilee Playground is having a new fence on the northern boundary; (ii) the safety surfaces under the swings etc are going to be replaced**; (iii) the fence opposite The Old Station is being cleared of vegetation; (iv) a new fence between the path to Bicton and the flood relief bridge to match the other new section will be constructed; and (v) an application for funds from EDDC has been submitted.
· One of many bus routes threatened by financial constraints, the 157 into the village, will be robustly opposed by the Parish Council.
· The Parish Council has added strong support to the Parochial Church Council’s application for substantial funds from the Heritage Lottery Fund to repair the roof of the church.
· **The Playground will be closed from Monday 13th April until Monday 20th April for essential repairs.
D G Ottley, Clerk to the Parish Council – Tel 567701, email
The Barn, Ottery Street, Otterton EX9 7HW
THE RALEIGH FEDERATION – from Carron Saunders, Headteacher
It seems incredible to think that the school year is at mid-point already! Currently, all the children are deeply involved in this term’s topic “Heritage: Who am I?” At different levels appropriate to their age, the children have been studying the immediate and local area. In particular, the Year 6 children have been interviewing members of the Otterton community in their local history research and the Year 4/5 children are visiting Exeter Cathedral and the Mosque to learn more about and compare the places of worship.
Amongst all this, we have of course also been very busily working on extending the children’s language, literacy, numeracy, IT, science, creative and physical skills. This happens through after-school clubs, as well as in class time and the children currently have the opportunity to do as extra-curricular activities football, golf, running, craft, origami, choir etc. To see more about all the activities going on in school, please visit our website
OCESA (Otterton Church of England School Association)
Please join us for our annual Mad Hatters Parade with stalls and refreshments. Gather at 10am on The Green on Saturday 21st March, to watch the children parade in their decorated Easter hats.
Our customer numbers are steadily increasing and we are delighted to be supplying The Old Vicarage with their newspapers. Our range of products is also increasing – have you tried our delicious new range of cakes and cookies? Sales during the first 2 months of trading were in line with the Shop’s business plan and are holding up strongly in the first couple of weeks of the new financial year which began on 1st February. Our VOLUNTEERS are rapidly gaining in skills and confidence, but WE NEED MORE so that we can cover holidays and possibly increase opening hours once the clocks change and visitor numbers increase.
We carried out our first stock-take at the end of January, and we are extremely grateful to John Graham, both for his assistance with this and for the many hours of work he has contributed, especially managing the finances and early IT problems in our first months of trading.
Now we need some ‘new blood’ on the management committee, to help build on our promising start. If you would like to know more, please contact John Edmonds (568955). New committee members will be elected at our AGM on 2nd May.
The Village Hall is to repeat its successful Quiz and Supper Evening on Saturday 21st March at 7.30pm. Enjoy a ploughman’s style supper and a quiz by Otterton’s popular quizmaster Peter Whatley who will test teams on a variety of topics. Teams of four are invited to sign up for the quiz which will raise money for the Hall’s new roof fund. Tickets a bargain at £5 to include your supper! Bring your own drink. To book tickets call 567574 or email
FREE TO A GOOD HOME: Kimball Swinger Organ – The Entertainer Mark II. Also, John Broadwood upright piano. Both in need of some attention. If interested, please contact Andrew Sharp on 567661.
Our Spring Show takes place on 14th March at 2pm in the Village Hall. Entrance is 50p, children free. Refreshments including homemade cakes available at a small charge. Prizes will be awarded at 4.30pm. To take part in the Show, pick up an entry form from Hair@No57 or The Kings Arms. Alternatively, you can download a form or enter online at Please get your completed entry forms to Suzanne Smith at Cheriton, Behind Hayes, Otterton EX9 7JQ, phone 568871 or email by 12th March. It is free to enter and you don’t need to be a member.
Our next talk, by Phil Mclean, “On the subject of Moles” is on March 17th at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Entrance is £3 for non members. Phil is a member of The Guild of British Molecatchers and one of Devon’s traditional humane mole catchers. He will talk about the life of a mole and the best and kindest way of dealing with them.
For more information on the Club, go to or contact Ro Smith on 568871 or email
I am pleased to report that we have had no crimes reported since the last Parish News. I will be holding a Police Surgery at the Community Shop on 2nd March between 11am – 11.45am. This is an opportunity for residents to come along and speak to Police and raise any Policing concerns or issues. You can also sign up to our community messaging service on the spot if you would like to join!
Emergency 999; General Enquiries number 101;
Do you want to try a bit of exercise to music and some toning floorwork? Come to Otterton Village Hall on Mondays, 6.30pm – 7.30pm. Please bring a mat for floorwork. Contact 562995 for more information.
SALEM CHAPEL, East Budleigh
Saturday 28th March – Saturday 4th April: Art and Craft Exhibition, 2-5pm daily. If anyone has anything they would like to display or sell, please contact Kathy (445236) or Gwyneth (567688).
Little Otters Pre-School
On 6th February the children at Little Otters Pre-school in East Budleigh concluded their superhero week by supporting the British Heart Foundation in their ‘Wear it Red Day’. During the week the children had learnt about superhero activities that were good for the heart, and how a balanced diet not only tastes good but does the heart good – so important for your superhero skills. To raise some money for the BHF the children also made a red cake which they raffled to the parents using red hearts, which they had cut out as raffle tickets. The cake was won by Amanda ‘Pots’ Cooper Smith, mother of past and present Little Otters Rory, Monty and Humphrey. Little Otters is open on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in termtime for full or half day sessions with an additional lunch club available. From the summer term, we will be extending our provision to include rising three year olds (children who have their third birthday in that term). For more information or to book a taster session, please speak to Michelle or Fran on 445825.