Week 5 Assignment (100 Points)
The purpose of this week’s assignment is to provide an opportunity to update several documents needed to complete your internship activities.
In this week’s assignment, you will:
1. Participate in the optional web conference.
2. Participate in the discussion board
3. Update your vitae
4. Turn in your PISE and/or ETLISE
5. Update your Professional Development Plan
6. Update your Professional Goals Statement
7. Revise Internship Plan
Learning Outcomes
Candidates will:
· Understand the importance of having position and leadership goals.
· Identify progress and gaps in mastery of the national standards and/or state competencies.
Performance Outcomes
Candidates will be able to:
· Assess progress in leadership skill development.
· Update their on-going internship portfolio components
o Vitae
o PISE and/or ETLISE
o Professional Development Plan
o Professional Goals Statement
o Internship Plan
Assignment Due Date: All weekly assignment components are due by 11:59 p.m. on the seventh day of Week 5 unless the activity directions specify different instructions.
Use the following Rubric to guide your work on the Week 5 Assignment.
EDLD 5397Week 5
/ Accomplished/
Exceeds Standards / Proficient/
Standards / Needs Improvement/
Approaches Standard / Unacceptable/
Does Not Meet Standards
Part 1
Web Conference / The candidate participated in a Web conference or watched the recording of the conference and documented experience in the student e-Portfolio wiki/blog/Google site, and submitted the link to the instructional associate.
(1 Point) / The candidate did not participate in a web conference, did not document experience in the student wiki or blog, and did not submit the link to the instructional associate.
(0 Points)
Part 2A
Discussion Board
Prompt A / The candidate clearly addresses the discussion prompt with a minimum of one paragraph.
(9 points) / The candidate addresses each discussion prompt with one or two sentences .
(7 points) / The candidate very minimally addresses the discussion prompt .(5 points) / The candidate does not address the discussion prompt.
(0 points)
Part 2B
Discussion Board
Prompt B / The candidate clearly addresses the discussion prompt with a minimum of one paragraph for both parts.
(10 points) / The candidate addresses the discussion prompt with one or two sentences.
(8 points) / The candidate very minimally addresses the discussion prompt.
(5 points) / The candidate does not address the discussion prompt.
(0 points)
Part 3
Updated Vitae / The candidate completes an updated Vitae.
(15 points) / The candidate does not complete and updated Vitae.
(0 points)
Part 4
Principal/Mentor Internship Supervisor Evaluation ( PISE) and/or the ETLISE / The candidate completes the PISE and/or the ETLISE
(10 points)
/ The candidate does not complete the P.I.S.E.
(0 points)
Part 5
Updated Professional
Growth Plan / The candidate completes an updated Professional Growth Plan.
(20 points) / The candidate does not complete an updated Professional Growth Plan.
(0 points)
Part 6
Updated Position and Professional Goal Statements / The candidate completes updated Position and Professional Goal Statements.
(15 points) / The candidate does not complete updated Position and Professional Goal Statements.
(0 points)
Part 7
Internship Plan / The candidate completes an updated Internship Plan.
(20 points) / The candidate does not complete an updated Internship Plan.
(0 points)
Week 5 Assignment, Part 1: Web Conference (1 point)
Due Week 5
During this class, you have the opportunity to participate in weekly web conferences. At the beginning of your course, the professor(s) will provide a list of scheduled web conferences and the URL to access the sessions.
You do not need to download or purchase additional software to participate in the conferences. However, a headset with microphone and web camera is preferred equipment. For further details, see the information sent to you by the professor(s) and/or Instructional Associate via email, discussion board, Virtual Office Hours, and/or announcements.
Directions: After reflecting on the attended web conference or listening to the recording of the conference, post insights gained from the discussion.
Week 5 Assignment, Part 2A and 2B: Discussion Board (19 points)
Due Week 5
Directions: In the Discussion Board, address each discussion prompt by writing one paragraph in response to part A, and one paragraph in response to part B.
Initial response is due 4th day by 11:59 p.m. Respond to at least one colleague by 7th day @ 11:59 p.m.
Discussion Board Posting:
Part 2A) Identify professional, state organizations that have helped you in your internship.
Give a brief explanation. Remember to exclude personal or special names and titles.
Part 2B) In working with parent groups, what has been your greatest surprise?
Remember to exclude personal or special names and titles.
Week 5 Assignment, Part 3: Updated Vitae (15 points)
Due Week 5
Directions: Complete an updated vitae and include the content at the end of this assignment document beneath the title for the assignment. Feel free to utilize as much space as needed. Please also upload the Vitae to your TK20 account as an artifact.
Week 5 Assignment, Part 4: Principal Internship Supervisor/Mentor Evaluation (PISE) and/or Educational Technology Leadership Internship Supervisor/Mentor Evaluation (ETLISE) (10 points)
Due Week 5
In Week 2, you were asked to submit a completed Principal Internship Site-Supervisor/Mentor Evaluation (PISE) and/or the Educational Technology Leadership Internship Supervisor Evaluation (ETLISE). The purpose was to obtain feedback regarding your current progress in meeting the standards in your internship program campus activities. The candidates in the Educational Administration program (at a minimum) were to review and address the competencies within the PISE. Those individuals in the Educational Technology Leadership degree (at a minimum) should have completed the ETLISE.
It was up to you to decide how best to complete the form(s) based upon where you are in your program and whether your site supervisor/mentor was available for dialogue and feedback. You may have met with your supervisor/mentor about the content in the document(s) or you may have felt it was more fitting to meet with a colleague or someone you have worked closely with during your internship to gain feedback regarding the Competencies and/or the Technology Facilitator Standards. Another option was to complete the form as a self-assessment. Whatever direction you elected to gain feedback, use the evaluation results as a tool to assess your current internship plan implementation status and to reflect upon your current growth in meeting the program’s standards.
Directions: Reflect upon the results of your PISE and/or your ETLISE.
1) Share areas of strength and areas needing further study and practice.
2) How do you plan to continue to improve your leadership skills?
Write a reflection in the space provided. Then upload the results of your PISE/ETLISE as an artifact into TK20 along with your reflection.
Week 5 Assignment, Part 5: Updated Professional Development Plan (20 points)
Due Week 5
1. Complete an updated Professional Development Plan and include the content at the end of this assignment document beneath the title for the assignment. Feel free to utilize as much space as needed.
2. Under each goal, include specific information (you may not have all the specifics now) about who will serve as mentor, books to read, training sessions to attend, committees to serve on, as well as simply a focus on a skill or knowledge area while at work. Include the dates, or estimated timelines, you plan to work on each goal and anticipated completion date. Also include an evaluative statement that will signal completion of goal. For example, one goal could be to learn how to develop a master schedule. Your evaluative statement would be that I have developed a workable master schedule.
3. Upload an updated Professional Development Plan to TK20.
Week 5 Assignment, Part 6: Updated Position and Professional Goal Statements (15 points)
Due Week 5
Directions: Complete updated position and professional goal statements by using the following information and writing your content in the workspace provided:
Career Position and Leadership Goals Statement (1/2 to 1 page minimum):
• Position Goal - Write a brief paragraph describing the career position(s) you would like to pursue. Include positions that may lead to your ultimate career position. For example, you may desire to move up by holding positions such as grade-level or department chair, site council member, assistant principal, principal, and ultimately, superintendent. Include a brief rationale for why you believe it important to move through these positions.
• Leadership Goal – Write one or more paragraphs describing why you want to lead. This goal addresses the purpose or motivation for leading versus obtaining a specific position. You should consider the following in developing this:
1. What do I hope to accomplish as a leader?
2. What educational needs underlie my motivation to lead?
3. What personal needs underlie my motivation to lead?
4. How will my accomplishments prepare me to lead school improvement?
Use the workspace below to write your updated position and professional goal statements.
Then upload the content as an artifact in TK20.
Workspace for Position and Professional Goal Statements
Week 5 Assignment, Part 7: Updated Internship Plan (20 points)
Due Week 5
Directions: Complete an updated Internship Plan. Place a copy of the updated plan at the end of this assignment document. Then place an updated Internship Plan as an artifact in TK20.
Add the specified Week 5 assignment documents in this area. Be sure you save a copy of each as you will need the content for your last course.
I. Part 3: Updated Vitae
I updated my Vitea by adding several committee positions that I hold this school year
Teaching Certificate 4th thru 8th Science, Texas 2003 - present
Gifted and Talented Certified 2007 - 2011
I also added the professional development training classes that I attended this summer
Gizmo for Math and Science: Kicking It Up a Notch, Explore Learning Gizmos, Krimmel Intermediate,
Spring, TX (November 2011) 1 hour
Capturing Kids’ Hearts, EXCEL Teaching Model, Klein Admin. Building, Spring, TX (July 2011)
18 hours
GT: Nature and Needs of the Gifted Learner, Insitute for Applied Creativity,Texas A&M Univ., Klein
Collins High School, Spring, TX (June 2011) 6 hours
GT: Social and Emotional Needs of the Gifted, Tomball ISD, Tomball Intermediate, Tomball, TX
(June 2011) 6 hours
GT: Identification and Assessment of Gifted Students, Clear Creek ISD, Fort Bend ISD Admin. Annex,
Sugar Land, TX (June 2011)
Science Academy TEKS and TALL training, Region 4, Vista High School, Houston, TX (June 2010)
18 hours
EDLD 5397 Internship for Supervision Kristin Bryan ET 8032
2. Part 5: Updated Professional Development Plan
Kristin Bryan
Professional Development Plan
Goal #1 Objective: Continue as a member of the Campus Site Base Committee Work toward improvement in the school through this committee to advance the learning of all students through the use of technology. Then represent Krimmel Intermediate as a representative at the district Site Base Committee for the 2012 – 2013 school year.
Timeline: Fall and Spring, 2011-2012 and subsequent years thereafter. District representative 2012 – 2013 and subsequent years thereafter.
Evaluative Statement: Attend the meetings and document the disposition of committee actions.
Goal #2 Objective: Move from Technology Liaison into a position of technology specialist for the campus. I will attend technology training classes through my distinct as well as online courses through TCEA as well as finish my masters program to prepare me for this leadership position.
Timeline: Finish Masters August 2012. Move to Technology position Fall of 2012.
Evaluative Statement: I will work with teachers and other staff members at my campus to gain experience as the technology leader and work closely with my principals for insight and evaluation.
Goal #3 Objective: Move to a position as trainer for an independent company who creates educational software for schools. I want to travel from school to school in different districts around Houston to train teachers how to use technology tools in their classrooms. I want to promote the advancement of technology in education to prepare our students for their future.
Timeline: Begin Summer 2013.
Evaluative Statement: Stay inform on the advancement of technology through professional organizations.
3. Part 7: Updated Internship Plan
All Up Dates made in Red on Dec. 15, 2011
Internship Plan: Field-based Experience Activity (Internship Plan Template)_____Kristin Bryan______19______March 22, 2011______
Name of Intern Cohort Group Date
The Field-based Experience component of the Internship Plan is a brief, but specific document indicating your overall approach to the Internship program. The Internship is organized around eight ISTE Technology Facilitator Standards, the 33 Performance Indicators and the 78 Performance Tasks. Using this document, you will identify the field-based activities you will approach and indicate which of the eight ISTE Technology Facilitation standards and 33 Performance Indicators were addressed in each activity. You will provide a brief description of each activity, resource person, and a completion date for each activity. This activity should be completed with and approved by your site mentor.
You are to plan at least one activity in each of the 33 Performance Indicators found in the text. If an activity is applicable to more than one performance indicator it must be identified under all applicable tasks.
Use this chart to develop your Internship Plan for Part 1 of your Week 5 EDLD 5306 assignment. When you open this file, immediately save it as “yourname_Draft Internship Plan,” and work on this saved file as you revise and update your plan.
Brief Activity Summary / Resource Person / Projected Date of Completion
Standard I. Technology Operations and Concepts / TF- I.A / Assist teachers in the ongoing development of knowledge, skills, and understanding of technology systems, resources, and services that are aligned with district and state technology plans.I will be the science department TL-2 for the 2011 - 2012 school year. / Stephanie Langner / June, 2012
TF – I. B / Model appropriate strategies essential to continued growth and development of the understanding of technology operations and concepts. I will model technology strategies in professional development classes. I will present a “100 Model Classroom” lesson on Jan. 11, 2012. / Stephanie Langner