In the upper left a rider ascends a hill to a walled town while in the middle right a town lies on a lake and sheep graze on a knoll. One of the women holds a container of roses while the other holds an oil lamp. The woman on the left is dressed in a fine white silk dress and wears gloves while the woman on the right is draped with a red sheet and a white cloth lies over her genitals. Between them a cupid reaches into a sarcophagus. FTP, identify this 1515 painting by Titian that represents different levels of Neo-Platonic love. Sacred and Profane Love

Son of a Quaker weaver, he was originally interested in meteorology, where he was the first to determine the mechanism of rainfall, and first proposed the dew point. His most famous work, however, was in chemistry, where he discovered the law credited to Charles’, and his proof that the atmosphere was of constant composition to 15,000 feet resulted in the law named for him. FTP, name this scientist, who also first proposed the atomic theory of matter.

A: John _Dalton_

In 1997, Intel announced 2-bit flash memory, while IBM announced a change to copper from aluminum circuits for its chip designs. On the other hand, in February 2000, an engineer at Intel stated that chip engineers hadn't found ways around microprocessor design barriers for chips sets to be manufactured after this year. Both of these revelations have altered the estimates made by a co-founder of Intel in a speech made in 1965. FTP, what is this law that states that microprocessor speed will double every 18 months?

Answer: Moore’s Law

The influence of Precionists like Charles Sheeler and Charles Demuth was quite evident, though her style by that time could hardly be called imitative. Early in her career she produced the “specials” series of paintings, but she is now best known for work produced in a new locale after the death of her husband, the owner of Gallery 291. This New Mexico landscape would inspire FTP, what American painter of "Black Iris" and "Cow's Skull, Red, White and Blue."

Answer: Georgia O’Keeffe

The Franco-German War brought financial ruin to his wealthy parents causing him to leave London and settle in France for good. Although he first exhibited as a pupil of Corot, it was at Gleyre’s studio that he met Monet and Renoir with whom his work is now primarily associated. His famed landscapes include The Canal of Loing at Moret, The Snow atLouveciennes, and The Flood at Port Marly. FTP identify this founding member of the Impressionists.

Alfred Sisley

A recipient of the MacArthur "genius grant" in 1981, he was the subject of a sexual harassment complaint as a visiting professor at Harvard the following year. Linked with another controversy, he penned the adaptation of "The Capeman," Paul Simon’s $11 million Broadway musical about a convicted Puerto Rican killer. "In a Green Night," "The Star-Apple Kingdom," and "Omeros" are among the poetic works of, FTP, this 1992 Nobel Prize-winning West Indian author of "Dream on Monkey Mountain."

Answer: Derek Walcott

HIST It was interrupted for ten years by a war and the opposition of Paul III, only a year after it had moved to Bologna. Pius IV resurrected it, and it confirmed the Real Presence in Both Elements and that the Mass is a true sacrifice. By its close in 1564, bishops were satisfied that they had refuted Zwingli and Luther at, for 10 points, what 19th Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church?

answer: The Council of _Trent_

It authorized 80-day federal injunctions when a strike threatened to imperil national health or safety and required unions to give 60 days' advance notification of a strike. A response to fear of communist infiltration of unions, it required union officers to deny under oath any Communist Affiliations. Identify this 1947 act that outlawed closed shops and reduced many of the powers of unions. Taft-Hartley Act or Labor-Management Relations Act

He lost a leg in battle, which was preserved at the Smithsonian, and he went to visit it ever week. The first man defended with the insanity plea, he had fatally shot the nephew of Francis Scott Key. FTP, identify this union general who commanded the 3rd corps at Gettysburg and who moved his men into a namesake salient that occupied the Peach Orchard but left the Round Top’s undefended. Daniel Sickles

He traveled with Bismark and Kaiser Wilhelm to Russia and witnessed the coronation of Alexander II as well as helping to draw up a pact with the Russians that if either were attacked the other would respond with 200,000 troops. Succeeded by Erich von Falkenhayn his down fall was caused when he modified his predecessor General Schlieffin’s plan for the invasion of France causing it to fail. FTP identify this German general much more successful against German at the battle of Sedan. Helmuth Johannes Ludwig, Graf von Moltke

Nasme the following the following from the siege of Fort Donelson FTSNOP.

(5) This was the union commander at Fort Donelson, it was here that he earned a famous nickname by telling the commander that “No terms accept unconditional surrender can be accepted.” Ulysses Simpson Grant

(10) Taking advantage of a hole in Grant’s line along the Cumberland River the first two commanders of the fort escaped, escorted by this cavalry officer and his command. Nathan Bedford Forrest

(15) This man was second in command and handed his command over to Buckner. He is the namesake of a fort famously captured by Forrest. Johnson Pillow

Name the following about a third party movement in American history FTPE.

(10) This coalition of primarily Midwestern farmers after the Civil War was committed to fighting monopolistic grain transport practices. Grangers or Patrons of Husbandry

(10) This employing of the Department of Agriculture made a tour of the south and was so overwhelmed by the farmers’ plight that he founded the Grangers. Oliver Hudson Kelley

(10) The most important of the “Granger Cases” in this decision the Supreme Court said that state power to regulate extends to private industries that affect the public interest. Munn vs. Illinois


Identify the following pieces of international politicking involving Napoleon FTPE.

(10) This treaty with Austria recognized France’s ownership of Belgium and much of the conquered parts of Italy. Treaty of Campo Formio

(10) Napoleon consolidated his Italian gains into this puppet state that contained Modena, Ferrara, Bologna, Lombardy, and old Venetian territories. Cisalpine Republic

(10) This treaty forced Prussia to give up all its territory west of the Elbe and most if its land in Poland to France and Russia. Russia lost the Ionian Islands but gained Sweden, Finland and Turkey. Treaty of Tilsit


Identify the following about the 2nd Bank of the United States FTSNOP.

(5) The strongest attacks on the bank were led by this president who made Taney Secretary of the Treasury to withdraw Federal deposits from the bank. Andrew Jackson

(5) This opponent of Jackson in the 1832 election was one of the great champions of the Bank. Henry Clay

(10) This Philadelphian was the first effective director of the Bank, he regulated the money supply and the actions of state banks, and general stabilized finances. Nicholas Biddle

(10) This member of the “kitchen cabinet,” treasury auditor and later Postmaster General, made himself rich with the telegraph, he provided the Jacksonians with their watch phrase: “The world is governed too much.” Amos Kendall

As a member of the Supreme Economic Council of Milan, he authored a report which influenced France in its adoption of the metric system. Earlier, his essay “Elements of Public Economy” anticipated the ideas of Smith and Malthus. Still earlier, his most famous work caused reforms of the death penalty throughout Europe. FTP, identify this social philosopher who provided a critique of the penal system in “Crime and Punishments”.

Answer: Cesare Beccaria

He theorized that external objects have emanations, or eidola, which make sensations and thoughts possible. He also posited that the Void has as much corporeal being as living matter, and may have written “The Little World System.” Though espousing a Stoic asceticism, he is best known for the theories of his teacher. FTP, identify this “laughing philosopher”, who like Leucippus, believed in atoms.

Answer: Democritus

This philosopher’s lasting influence is evidenced by Heidegger, who wrote his dissertation on him. His most famous early work is the “Ordinatio”, or Opus “Oxoniense”, a commentary on Lombard’s Sentences. Due to siding with the Pope Boniface VIII in a quarrel between him and Philip the Fair, he was exiled from France, where he prepared his most famous work, “Questions Quodlibetales.” FTP, name this philosopher, known as “Doctor Subtilis.”

Duns Scotus

One of his lesser known feats is the isolation of arsenic. In his “Physica”, he sought to make accessible all the great works of natural science, in particular Aristotle. Doctrinally, he argued against Averroes’ doctrine of the double truth, positing instead a unity between faith and reason. Sent by the Pope to Cologne, he established the first Dominican house of studies in Germany. FTP, identify this Church doctor and teacher of Aquinas.

Answer: Albertus Magnus

To avoid censors in his writing, this author used the term “philosophy of praxis” to denote historical materialism. Earlier, in 1919 he broke from his country’s Socialist Party and founded the newspaper “The New Order.” After leading a walkout from a conference at Livorno, he traveled to the Soviet Union. Upon return, he was arrested by the Fascists. During this time he wrote and conceived of a form of domination that is all encompassing. FTP, identify this author who coined the term “hegemony” in “The Prison Notebooks.”

Answer: Antonio Gramsci

In his spare time, this man won the U.S. Open doubles tennis championships. This man gained world fame when Louis Brandeis used some of his theories in opposing a railroad rate dispute. His fame traveled to Russia, where Zamayatin’s dystopia in “We” cites him as their prophet. After being hired at Bethlehem Iron he developed a number of inventions, notably a faster metal cutter, he ran a consulting business out of his Philadelphia home. FTP, identify this man, whose work at Midvale Steel Company led to the science of production.

Answer: Frederick Taylor

He stopped writing for three years after the initial critical failure of his best-remembered play, which was damned for stretching Aristotelian unities. He briefly returned to lead his country's theatre with such plays as "Cinna" before retiring. In 1659 he emerged once again only to find that tastes has shifted in favor of his more plain-spoken rival Jean Racine. For 10 points, identify this French classicist playwright of "Le Cid."

answer: Pierre _Corneille_

. Lodestone contains oxygen ions and iron ions in two states 2+ and 3+. In the crystal structure the iron(III) ions have there magnetic moments in opposite directions, however the iron(II) ions have there moments positively aligned creating an external magnetism. FTP, this describes what type of magnetic material, that consists of partially canceling magnetic moments.

Ferrimagnetism (do not accept or prompt on ferromagnetism)

11. When these are enlarged due to infection and subsequent swelling, the patient becomes a mouth-breather and develops a characteristic blank stare. Infection also can lead to blockage of the Eustachian tubes and thus middle-ear infections. They are covered with ciliated epithelial cells that propel mucus down to the pharynx proper. This, FTP, describes what lymphatic mass attached to the nasal-pharynx.

Adenoids (also accept PHARYNGEAL TONSILS, but not tonsils)

13. First obtained in 1771 by treating indigo with nitric acird, its name comes from the Greek for bitter because of the taste of its yellow aqueous solution. However you would not want to eat it because it is very explosive when heated or shocked, and is a much stronger acid than plain phenol. FTP this describes what organic compound otherwise know as 2,4,6-trinitrophenol.

Picric Acid

14. Taking place on the stromal surface of the thylakoid membranes, first carbon dioxide is fixed to RuBP making an unstable, six carbon intermediate. This unstable molecule turns into two PGA molecules and then is phosphorylated and reduced into PGAL. Then some of the PGAL is used to produce glucose and the rest is turned back into RuBP. FTP this describes what light-independent reaction cycle.

Calvin-Benson Cycle

Most of his works such as An Elementary Treatise on Determinants and A Syllabus of Plane Algebraic Geometry are instructional in nature. In Phantasmagoria and Other Poems his verses were collected and in 1883 they were republished as Rhyme? and Reason? Which contained the famous nonsense poem The Hunting of the Snark. FTP identify this mathematician and author of two tales about a young girls decent into a wonderland.

Lewis Carroll or Charles Dodgson

A student of law at the University of Leipzig, he later turned to composing and became the leader of the Leipzig Opera. The composer of 44 Passions, he served as kapelleister to Count Promnitz at Sorau and concertmaster at Eisenach where he met JS Bach and became CPE Bach’s godfather. FTP, identify this composer of 40 operas, as well as a great deal of church and chamber music now remembered mainly for being more popular than Bach in their time. Georg Philipp Telemann

Inspired by the decoration on a Greek vase, this is a suite of three slow and solemn dance pieces. The first and third dances of it were orchestrated by Debussy. FTP, identify this piano suite whose name is derived from an ancient Spartan festival where naked youths celebrated the gods by dancing and singing, the most famous work by Satie. Gymnopedies