My Myth
(In the style of a Native American Myth)
For this assignment, you have two options: you may write an original myth explaining the creation of something from our modern world, OR you may come up with your own story of how the world was created. Your stories must be original. Be creative and have fun with this. Don’t think about how things were actually created; think about what anthropomorphic and/or supernatural forces/actions could explain how either your modern phenomenon came to be or how your version of the world came to be. Your story can be about something big or small. You may include a human hero on a quest or anthropomorphized characters. Use your story to either explain how something was created or explain why it works or tell a lesson/moral.
To help get you started, here are some ideas:
Modern Creation Story Ideas:
- Why does microwave popcorn always have some un-popped kernels at the bottom of the bag?
- How Siri guided your hero on his/her quest.
- How Pokémon is taking over the world.
- Does a tree really make a noise when it falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it?
- Explain why you can hear a buzzing or ringing in your ears when it is completely silent around you.
- Explain Bieber Fever/Boy Band Craze.
- Why was the first Lazy Boy created?
- ETC!!!
Think about the things in life around you that make you think “Why does this do that?/What makes this work/happen?” Look at your world and think about how something came to be or what would happen if something in our world was broken/disrupted/improved with everyone or given to only some people. Think about what it would men to our society or what it would reveal?
World Creation Ideas:
- Who created the world?
- Why was the world created?
- What was the world made from?
- Did people or land come first?
- Why do some land forms look the way they do (ie. Mountains, rivers, blue ocean)?
- Why did a world need to be created?
- ETC!!!
Think about creation stories you have heard. What made them unique? How did it explain the world? Who was involved? What was involved?
Remember to keep Native American Mythology characteristics in your story!
Some Characteristics of Native American Mythology
- Because Native American Myths come from an Oral Tradition, they would often include refrains and repetition
- One purpose of Native American mythology was to explain the world as they knew it.
- Anthropomorphism: Animals or objects (like landforms) are given human characteristics, abilities, personalities, etc. (This is similar to personification!)
- Belief in a supernatural power (The Creator/Great Chief/Great Spirit).
- Teach a moral or lesson.
- Sometimes the stories would feature a hero on a quest to accomplish a specific goal.
- They may include an explanation of the universe/natural world that came about as a result of bending and or breaking the rules.
- Crossovers between sacred and natural.
Grading Rubric
Myth includes several (three or more) characteristics of Native American Mythology (see above). / Yes+5 / No
0 / More than Three Characteristics (+ 3 points for any over three—extra credit!)
Myth describes and explains something from our modern world or is an original creation story. Myth is creative. / Yes—creative!
+5 / Yes—somewhat creative.
+3 / No—no originality
Myth is typed, neatly presented, and turned in. / Yes
+5 / Messy/hand-written
+3 / No
Usage and mechanics (writing is free from distracting errors of grammar, has complete sentences, is organized, and uses correct punctuation). / Yes
(no deductions) / Moderate
(-1 point for each error) / Many distracting errors
(-1 point for each error)